物理化学濮良忠主编高等医药院校教材 供医学检验、药学类专业用。该书包括化学热力学、溶液与平衡理论(相平衡和化学平衡)、化学动力学、电化学、表面现象与胶体化学五大部分,共十一章,各章后都配有思考题和练习题。
有机化学机理导论(英)Petet Sykes著A classic textbook on mechanistic organic chemistry which is characterised particularly by its clarity, careful choice of examples and its general approach that is designed to lead to a ready understanding of the subject matter. This guidebook is aimed clearly at the needs of the student, with a thorough understanding of, and provision for, the potential conceptual difficulties he or she is likely to encounter.
物理化学导论( )Mark Ladd著The third edition of this book has been completely revised. It is intended for first- and second-year undergraduates in chemistry, and for undergraduates in other science and engineering subjects which require an understanding of chemistry.The author gives more attention to the solid and liquid states than is found in most other books on physical chemistry, and introduces topics such as computer simulation and quasicrystals, Each chapter concludes with a set of problems designed to lead the reader to familiarity with the subject and its application in new situations. Computer programs designed to assist the reader are downloadable from the Worldwide Web (www. cup. cam.ac.uk). Detailed solutions to the problems are available on the same internet, while brief answers are contained within the book itself. Stereoviews are presented for three-dimensional structures and instructions for viewing them are provided. The book assumes only pre-degree mathematics, and special mathematical and other topics are contained in appendices.This modern text on physical chemistry will be of interest to undergraduate students in chemistry and also to students in other areas of science and engineering requiring a familiarity with the subject.
高中化学实验手册彭运锋,阎晓明 编暂缺简介...