你的指导Robert Hargrove 著Coaching has proven to be one of the most power and effective ways for leaders to develop and improve their performance. Yet working one-on-one with a coach is not always possible. If you want the experience of masterful coaching, Your Coach (In a Book) provides a time-efficient and affordable solution. Based on the authors’ highly successful Masterful Coaching approach, Your Coach (In a Book) is designed to help you master your trickiest leadership, business, and career challenges. Throughout, master-level coaches Robert Hargrove and Michel Renaud engage the reader in a “coaching conversation” about your most important goals, pivotal decisions, bothersome issues, and dilemmas. Your Coach (In A Book) simulates the experience of working with a personal coach. drawing on thousands of hours of coaching conversations. It gives you the insights you need to set aspirational goals, master the corporate chessboard, and create new openings for action where you are stuck or ineffective.
CEO 實戰智慧陈志辉 等编者本書收錄了其中八位嘉賓的演講内容,他們分別是張永霖、蘇兆明、范鴻齡、ToddMarin、柯清輝、蘇澤光、胡文新、王懷超(排名不分先後),他們的智慧不僅對參與的學員有幫助,通過是次出版,更可以傳給社會其他有興趣的人士,令整個社會受益。在此,我們誠意感謝每一位參與EMBA論壇的講者,他們為本書提供了豐富的卓見及智慧。我們也要感謝校友幫忙擔任主持人,及感謝發問同學及主持的精彩提問。
没有权威的影响Allan R. Cohen 著In organizations today, getting work done requires political and collaborative skills. That’s why the first edition of this book has been widely adopted as a guide for consultants, project leaders, staff experts, and anyone else who does not have direct authority but who is nevertheless accountable for results. In this revised edition, leadership gurus Allan Cohen and David Bradford explain how to get cooperation from those over whom you have no official authority by offering them help in the form of the “currencies” they value. This classic work, now revised and updated, gives you powerful techniques for cutting through interpersonal and interdepartmental barriers, and motivating people to lend you their support, time, and resources.
讀水滸 論領袖张建雄 编著《水浒传》梁山泊108好汉的故事,虽纯属虚构,但个中人物不少真有其人,虚虚实实,用来研究中小企业的兴亡,研究企业人才的选拔和调配,看企业组织中的领袖质素,以古视今,仍然有可以借镜之处。全书约90篇短文,分7部分,把《水浒传》108条梁山好汉落草为寇的故事,透过现代企业管理的思维,反映企业管理种种成败因素,特别对领袖的角色、企业合并的命运有独到的分析。
可信的领导Bill George 著In the wake of continuing corporate scandals there have been few, if any, CEOs that have stepped forward as models of "doing things right"—except the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, Bill George. George has become the unofficial spokesperson for responsible leadership—in business, the media, and academia. In Authentic Leadership Bill George makes the case that we do need new leaders, not just new laws, to bring us out of the current corporate crisis. He persuasively demonstrates that authentic leaders of mission-driven companies will create far greater shareholder value than financially oriented companies. During George's twelve-year leadership at Medtronic, the company's market capitalization soared from $1.1 billion to $460 billion, averaging 35% per year. George candidly recounts many of the toughest challenges he encountered : from ethical dilemmas and battles with the FDA to his own development as a leader. He shows how to develop the five essential dimensions of authentic leaders—purpose, values, heart, relationships, and self-discipline. Authentic Leadership offers inspiring lessons to all who want to lead with heart and with compassion for those they serve. Bill George helps readers answer vital questions such as: What should I do when my personal values conflict with company business values? How do I make trade-offs between the needs of my customers, my employees, and my company's shareholders? Do I really want to devote my talents to business? Authentic Leadership provides a tested guide for character-based leaders and all those who have a stake in the integrity and success of our corporations.
易经的领导智慧閔建蜀 著在中国传统文化典籍中,《易经》*挑战性,因为它不是以知识作为讨论对象,而是以智能作为思维的中心。知识会受到时空的限制,智慧却具有永恒的性质;知识是智能的基础,智能却是知识的升华。《易经》在中国传统文化中的地位能得以长期保持,理由便在于此。现代的组织,无论是政府组织,社会组织或工商组织,都必然有一领导者或领导班子。领导者的能力有高低之分,其中的分野不单源于其专业知识,还得视其有无领导的智慧,能否在掌握时空的条件下,采取适当的行动以促进组织的稳定发展。本书首先详细解释了《易经》的基本概念(太极,阴阳,五行)及其在管理学上的应用,然后剖析整体、乾坤、中道几个重要观念。对《易经》的核心思想──刚柔相济观,则逐卦分析其在六十四卦中的意义,并阐述《易经》中倡议如和合、凝聚、进展、退避等观念的卦象和爻辞,总结出一种具《易经》智能的领导模式,使《易经》的智慧能得到充分的发挥。本书实为组织领导者一本不可多得的开拓思维空间的参考书。
决斗死亡Patrick M. Lencioni 著Casey McDaniel had never been so nervous in his life. In just ten minutes, The Meeting, as it would forever be known, would begin.Casey had every reason to believe that his performance over the next two hours would determine the fate of his career, his financial future, and the company he had built from scratch. “How could my life have unraveled so quickly?” he wondered. In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings.And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary. Casey McDaniel, the founder and CEO of Yip Software, is in the midst of a problem he created, but one he doesn’t know how to solve.And he doesn’t know where or who to turn to for advice.His staff can’t help him; they’re as dumbfounded as he is by their tortuous meetings. Then an unlikely advisor, Will Peterson, enters Casey’s world.When he proposes an unconventional, even radical, approach to solving the meeting problem, Casey is just desperate enough to listen. As in his other books, Lencioni provides a framework for his groundbreaking model, and makes it applicable to the real world.Death by Meeting is nothing short of a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion.
CCL领导指南Martin Wilcox 著The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) is the world’s premier institution devoted exclusively to leadership research and education. For more than three decades, CCL has worked with hundreds of thousands of executives to create practical models, tools, and publications for the development of effective leaders and organizations. This important collection of articles is drawn from CCL’s long-running periodical Leadership in Action. The guide examines the skills that you need to successfully give and receive feedback, make use of coaching, work with difference, deal with change, achieve work-life balance, and address the larger issue of expanding the leadership capacity of your organization. It offers suggestions and ideas on topics such as Creating a leadership pipeline Developing teams Redefining accountability Leading transition Keeping your executive career on track Selecting successful executives Developing and retaining emerging leaders Understanding the black experience in corporate AmericaThis is an indispensable resource from the most prestigious organization in the field.