CEO策略智慧陈志辉,谢冠东 编暂缺简介...
危机领导力[美]约翰·麦克斯韦尔(John C. Maxwell )著这是一个充满不确定性的时代,优秀的领导者必须知道在艰难时期如何领导团队,如何穿越困境,如何驾驭危机。领导者,顾名思义,是走在最前面的人。他们负责开辟疆土,其他人紧随其后。优秀的领导者不仅要带领他人走出困境,还要冲锋在前。在危机时刻,领导者是未知世界的开拓者,是穿越珠峰团队的教练,更是困境转折的催化剂。麦克斯韦尔认为,领导者需要自我领导,鼓起勇气,承担责任;需要主动变革,清除发展障碍,提高履约能力;需要团结团队,肯定他们,传递信心;需要以身作则,树立榜样,赢得信任;需要直面挑战,承担风险,找到对策;需要双向沟通,听取建议,分享喜悦;需要勇敢决策,顶住压力,从善如流。这本书是作者约翰·麦克斯韦尔的领导力思想精华。他帮助领导者认清现实,培养大局观,制定计划,做出正确的选择,加强团队合作,树立勇气和信心。这本书是团队在艰难挑战下生存甚至发展壮大的终极指南。
Pfeiffer年鉴2007 咨询Elaine Biech 著The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting is a ready-made toolkit of ideas, methods, techniques, and models that assist and support your work as an organizational consultant. The materials provide highly accessible means of interacting with a diverse variety of systems and processes—from collaborative work systems and executive coaching to strategic planning and organization development. The book is divided into four sections: Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs); Editor's Choice; Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys; and Articles and Discussion Resources. ELAs are the mainstay of the Annual and cover a broad range of consulting topics. The activities are presented as complete and ready-to-use designs for working with groups: facilitator instructions and all necessary handouts and participant materials are included. The instrument section introduces proven survey and assessment tools for gathering and sharing organizational performance data. The articles section presents the best current thinking about workplace performance and organizational development. Use these for your own professional enrichment or as resources for working with others. The materials can be freely reproduced for use in the normal course of a consultancy assignment. Year after year, the Consulting edition of the Pfeiffer Annual has provided thousands of trainers, consultants, facilitators, and managers with up-to-date information and tools to help make organizations more effective. So find out how other practitioners are improving organizations day by day: delve into the indispensable 2007 Pfeiffer Annual. You will understand why it is the best and most reliable source for practical, professional, performance-boosting tools. 作者简介:Elaine Biech is the author of more than a dozen articles and books, including The Business of Consulting, Marketing and Selling Your Consulting Services, and The Consultant's Quick Start Guide, all published by Pfeiffer. She is also the author of Training for Dummies. Biech is president and managing principal of ebb associates inc and consults, as well as design and delivers training programs, to a diverse range of industries including health care institutions, insurance, banking, shipbuilding, manufacturing, government, and nonprofit organizations.
吕氏春秋的领导智慧陈伟光 著廿一世纪是一个竞争激烈与遽变创新的年代。作为今天的领导人,都会具备应有的修养及魅力,以带领机构达致政通人和,令业务长足发展。中国典籍中,以《吕氏春秋》所载的故事*今日的行政人员参考。《吕氏春秋》是战国末期秦国宰相吕不韦的门客所编着的集子,内容兼有儒、道、墨、名、法、兵,农各家的言论,涉及政治、经济、军事、教育、礼俗、卫生、音乐、道德修养等,是一部论述国家统一事业与管治方略的巨著。本书朝着「古智今用」的方向,摘取《吕氏春秋》个别事件作为案例,分析及讨论事件的发展始末,藉以显示有关人物的价值取向、待人处事的智慧,并拼对西方领导管理学者的理论与现代营商高手的做法作古今对照,评论及归结出一些领导管理的原则与艺术,让读者认知、思考,再而转化作实际应用。
多面领导Bob Kaplan, Rob Kaiser 著In this groundbreaking new book, Bob Kaplan and Rob Kaiser introduce an innovative approach to identifying and correcting lopsidedness in leaders. You will discover how to make optimal use of your strengths and avoid getting trapped in a one-dimensional mindset that results in too much of a good thing. Based on twenty years of research and extensive work with senior leaders, The Versatile Leader is packed with illustrative cases and practical applications. The book is equally useful for self-improvement and for coaching other managers.
冲突协调领导者手册Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan 著Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward.
领导人特质James C.Sarros 等著The authors of The Character of Leadership have found out. The genesis of the book was a joint survey conducted by Monash University and the Australian Institute of Management in which over 200 Australian managers and business leaders related what character traits and virtues they possessed. From these responses, the authors highlighted the 15 character attributes regarded as the most important, including respectfulness, fairness, compassion, spiritual respect, humility, courage, passion, wisdom, selflessness, integrity and honesty. The authors then performed in-depth interviews with 55 executives from around Australia,asking for their views on each of the character traits. The insight and wisdom of these great leaders is shared throughout the book.
校长学力曹杰 著全球化背景下,教育变革浪潮席卷全球,教师被视为教育变革成功的关键。日益复杂的变革是对教师的挑战,也是对校长的挑战,促进教师专业成长成为校长的关键领导职责之一。本书从领导力和教师学习的视角出发,提出校长“领导力”概念,关注以教师学习为中心、促进教师专业成长的领导力。全书在阐述系统理论的基础上,通过量化与质化相结合的方法,探究了中国教育情境中校长领导力的结构、领导效能及其影响因素,围绕领导力,从理论和实践两个层面剖析了校长如何引领教师专业成长。本书语言流畅,逻辑合理,结构完整,案例翔实,对于相关研究者和广大读者具有良好的阅读和参考价值。