项目型组织知识转移马腾 著知识是项目型组织持续发展的关键资源,其有效地识别、保存、转移不但有助于项目的成功,更有利于项目型组织的长远发展。本书综合运用复杂系统、关键成功因素、认知图、 粒计算等多学科理论与方法,在知识转移动机和组织情境视角下,以项目型组织为研究对象, 识别知识转移过程的关键成功因素和作用机理,提出通过知识转移动机和组织情境促进项目型组织知识转移的思路和方法。研究对克服传统社会科学研究方法的局限性 ,探索项目型组织知识转移系统复杂性,解决由于项目临时性导致的知识转移在“效率和质量 ”之间的悖论问题,提升项目型组织管理水平和绩效具有理论和现实价值。
阿米巴团队激励胡八一 著阿米巴团队激励主要解决组织的驱动力问题。在良好的激励机制中,管理者应找准员工的真正需求,并将满足员工需求的措施与组织目标的实现有效结合起来。阿米巴激励机制通过多种激励手段让员工为自己工作,使企业与员工之间由雇用关系变为合作关系,释放组织活力。阅读本书,可以解决以下问题:?如何设计阿米巴激励分配方案??如何设计巴长和员工的薪酬??如何测算阿米巴收益与奖金总额??阿米巴股权激励方法是什么??如何培养阿米巴核心人才??如何选择合伙人??阿米巴合伙制的操作步骤是什么?
虚拟团队中的知识分享与知识隐藏郝琦虚拟团队可以不受时空限制将组织内的知识工作者连接在一起,不仅实现了组织知识资源的均匀分布,同时还能有降低新冠疫情等重大公共卫生事件对组织运作造成的负面影响。然而,有研究指出由于成员之间未能实现充分的知识分享,接近一半的虚拟团队终以失败告终(Zakaria et al., 2004)。因此,发现促进和阻碍虚拟团队成员知识分享行为的影响因素、探索知识分享行为对虚拟团队绩效的作用机制是一个值得研究的问题。本书首先分析了虚拟环境与传统环境中知识分享(隐藏)行为的差异,然后从社会交换理论、计划行为理论、资源保存理论和个体—环境匹配理论四个理论视角出发,构建了六个虚拟团队下的知识分享(隐藏)行为影响因素理论模型,并分别进行了实证研究,后本研究分析了虚拟团队有效性的内涵,从团队层面和个体层面构建了知识分享(隐藏)行为对虚拟团队有效性的作用机制理论模型,并进行了实证检验。本书的研究成果在一定程度上拓展了现有文献对虚拟团队和知识分享(隐藏)行为的相关研究,提供了一系列有价值的实证研究结果。同时,本书的成果也为虚拟团队的管理者如何有效管理虚拟团队、促进团队成员的知识分享以及提升团队成员和团队整体绩效提供了有益的实践启示。
公司财务政策与研制管理John B. Guerard, Jr 著Completely updated and expanded, this edition examines the relationship between managing research development (R&D) and sustaining sound financial policy. Through extensive fieldwork and consulting, the author demonstrates how to balance and manage R&D efforts, capital investment, and new debt financing decisions. He also offers a framework for understanding the interdependence between these elements and tools that include financial modeling techniques for determining resource allocation. 作者简介:JOHN B. GUERARD JR. is a faculty member at Rutgers University and a financial consultant to several financial institutions and money managers, including serving on the Virtual Research team of GlobeFlex Capital Management, Inc. Guerard has served on the faculty of the University of Virginia and Lehigh University, as well as in research departments at Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, Daiwa Securities Trust Company, and Vantage Global Advisors, Inc. While serving as director of quantitative research at Vantage Global Advisors, Inc, Guerard was awarded the first Mosokowitz Prize for research in socially responsible investing. He has published several articles in the International Journal of Forecasting, Management Science, Research in Finance, the Journal of Forecasting, the Journal of Investing, and the Financial Analysts Journal. Guerard is a coauthor of several textbooks, including the Handbook of Financial Modeling, and Quantitative Corporate Finance. He serves as an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Forecasting and the Journal of Investing and as an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate School of Management at Rutgers University and the Executive Master's in Technology Management (EMTM) at the University of Pennsylvania.
首席财政官的角色多元化Cedric Read aft"I believe our finance skills enable us to be great integrators. We are the bridge that connects the organization of today with the vision for tomorrow." STEVE DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, DOWNSTREAM BUSINESS SERVICES, EXXONMOBIL CORPORATION From complexity to simplicity - that's where the CFOs of today's world-class companies are headed. Propelled by globalization and new technology, and recent accounting scandals the CFO's role is shifting dramatically, from that of numbers interpreter to business integrator. What demands will CFOs face now - and in the future? Mastering enterprise-wide integration tools Extracting ROI from technology investments Streamlining finance processes still further Improving analytics and decision support Managing outsourcing and external alliances Ensuring rigorous reporting and transparency The CFO as Business Integrator addresses all these challenges - and more. It offers timely, practical advice and solutions for reshaping your finance function to exploit real-time information sharing, sophisticated decision support, and true globalization. The book features CFO interviews, original research, case studies, and action plans for creating proactive, value-adding finance initiatives. 作者简介:Cedric Read currently acts as a strategic advisor to SAP on the impact of eBusiness and technology on the finance function. He also works with Atos KPMG, providing consultancy services to CFOs in leading companies ranging from Shell and BP to Diageo and GlaxoSmithKline. Cedric Read served as a management consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) for close to 25 years. In his position as Global Leader of PwC's Financial Management Consultancy, he wrote two books, CFO: Architect of the Corporation's Future and eCFO: Sustaining Value in the New Corporation.
财政工程的有限差方法Daniel J. Duffy 著The world of quantitative finance (QF) is one of the fastest growing areas of research and its practical applications to derivatives pricing problem. Since the discovery of the famous Black-Scholes equation in the 1970's we have seen a surge in the number of models for a wide range of products such as plain and exotic options, interest rate derivatives, real options and many others. Gone are the days when it was possible to price these derivatives analytically. For most problems we must resort to some kind of approximate method.
从财报看企业包红霏,贾婷婷 著《从财报看企业》以上市企业为案例,全书共 8 章,前 4 章为第一个模块——“读懂财报”,属于入门基础篇:让读者在了解财报分析背景的基础上,了解财报的结构。并阐述了水平分析法、垂直分析法以及财务比率分析法,向读者解释如何读懂和理解财报。后 4 章为第二个模块——“看透企业经营”,属于深化应用篇,主要剖析如何解读和掌握企业的经营状况:首先梳理企业经营活动和报表数据的关系,在此基础上深入讲解如何诊断企业财务状况,衡量企业的绩效水平以及现金管理状况,剖析企业所处的发展阶段。在第二个模块中解释了财报数据是如何反映企业的经营状况以及影响企业的投资决策的。本书通过深入讲解案例,让财务工作者以及企业管理层快速学会读懂财报,从而进行有效决策。
行政事业单位财务管理实用法规应用指南许太谊政策导读→解读财务法规和制度的出台背景、内容、特点、执行要求等,帮助读者正确理解、准确应用法规制度→分类梳理了8大方面的法规、规章、规则、制度、指南、办法等,方便读者快速查阅、培训学习 ★★财务法规工具书全新升级版★★本版新增、替换更新相关法规近三分之一■财务规章■会计法规■预算管理法规■资金管理规章■资产管理规章■政府采购法规■审计和内控法规■津补贴、工会经费、党费等相关规章
学者型高管对企业财务行为影响研究汤晓冬 著近年来,在我国相关政策的引导下,科研人员到企业任职或兼职的人数(不含独立董事)日益增长,担任高管的科研人员被称为“学者型高管”。在此背景下,学者型高管成为了研究的热点与重点问题,其对企业财务行为的影响是-一个主要的研究方向。《学者型高管对企业财务行为的影响研究》以“高阶梯队理论”等为理论基础,对学者型高管的相关研究成果进行述评。在此基础上,以产品市场为研究切入点,实证研究了学者型高管对企业投资、融资和经营行为的影响,涵盖了创新绩效、商业信用和会计信息披露等维度,对相应的影响机制进行检验,并考察了上述研究问题在不同内外部环境下可能存在的异质性。通过本文的研究,旨在深入了解学者型高管在企业实体经营方面能够发挥的作用,为政府完善科研人员下海的鼓励政策、企业聘用科研人员的决策提供经验借鉴。
财务管理双语名词与解析徐金姝,杜英本书是一部财务管理双语词典,根据国际原版教材结合实务进行编写。它涵盖了财务管理环境和目标、营运资本管理、投资决策、融资决策以及风险管理方面的内容。 本书对国际常用的财务管理词汇采用英语和汉语两种方式进行诠释,并对难以理解的词汇附以解析,以便读者能够深入理解和掌握财务管理的精髓,是一部通俗易懂,针对性和实用性较强的原版教材自学辅助用书。适合ACCA考证同学使用,也适合国际会计专业的在校学生、从事国际化业务的企事业单位人员和参加其他涉及财务管理的国际资格证书考试人员等使用和参考。