后现代科学(美)大卫·格里芬(David Ray Griffin)编;马季方译作者大卫·雷·格里芬是美国克莱蒙特神学院和克莱蒙特研究生院宗教哲学教授,现任位于圣巴巴拉的“后现代研究中心”主任和“过程研究中心”执行主任。著有《上帝、权力与罪恶》和《过程神学》(与小约翰·B·科布合著)。编有《后现代科学》、《后现代精神》、《物理学和时间的终极意义》等。本书试图证明,顽固自然主义不但拒绝介入生活意义的讨论,同时,它对科学本身也是不合适的。书中关于灵活自然主义的讨论,我希望中国思想界的各部门,包括哲学、宗教、思想家、诗人以及科学家都能予以重视。尽管它只是一种自然主义,但它是一种广泛意义上的自然主义其中,自由、价值和客观实在性、神在世界中的作用(通过它的作用,价值才得以在我们生活中产生影响)、生?桌硪约岸苑盒睦硌В绯泄凼泳酢⑿牧楦杏σ约爸泄κΦ耐馄⒎诺任侍獾难芯浚踔了篮笊侍獾鹊龋颊加幸幌亍?
随机微分方程(挪)Bernt φksendal著暂缺简介...
最优和平衡( )Jean-Pierre Aubin著As in ordinary language, metaphors may be used in mathematics to explain agiven phenomenon by associating it with another which is (or is considered tobe) more familiar. It is this sense of familiarity, whether individual or collective,innate or acquired by education, which enables one to convince oneself that onehas understood the phenomenon in question. Contrary to popular opinion, mathematics is not simply a richer or moreprecise language. Mathematical reasoning is a separate faculty possessed by allhuman brains, just like the ability to compose or listen to music, to paint orlook at paintings, to believe in and follow cultural or moral codes, etc. But it is impossible (and dangerous) to compare these various facultieswithin a hierarchical framework; in particular, one cannot speak of thesuperiority of the language of mathematics. Naturally, the construction of mathematical metaphors requires theautonomous development of the discipline to provide theories which may besubstituted for or associated with the phenomena to be explained. This is thedomain of pure mathematics. The construction- of the mathematical corpusobeys its own logic, like that of literature, music or art. In all these domains,an aesthetic satisfaction is at once the objective of the creative activity and asignal which enables one to recognise successful works. (Likewise, in all thesedomains, fashionable phenomena - reflecting social consensus - are used todevelop aesthetic criteria).本书为英文版。
我的探险生涯(瑞典)斯文·赫定(Sven Hedin)著;李宛蓉译暂缺简介...