《新当代中文》练习册 1吴中伟,陈钰《新当代中文》是一套以成年汉语学习者为主要读者对象的汉语教材,共四个级别,每个级别包括课本、练习册、配套的教师手册、阅读材料、习题集、写字本以及多媒体教学资源,一、二级还有汉字本。教材旨在培养学习者汉语听说读写译的语言综合运用能力和一定的汉语交际能力,其语言难度符合《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(GF0025-2021)。本套教材的前身《当代中文》自出版以来一直受到海内外广大师生的欢迎。为更好地满足广大师生的需求,且更符合语言和时代的发展,作者对教材进行了重新编写,使其更加充实、实用。该套教材体现生活气息和时代特色,关注中外文化对比,同时重视世界文化共通性;.将音节、汉字、词汇、语法教学有机结合,既可保证打好语音基础和汉字基础,又能满足学生的交际需求,保障了汉语教学的实用性和可延续性,使新时期的汉语国际教育更富活力、更具有科学性和规范性。本书为第1册《练习册》。 New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and translating of the language, as well as their communicative competence. The difficulty level of the series is in line with the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (GF0025-2021). This series is adapted from Contemporary Chinese, which has been well received by teachers and students worldwide since its publication. To better meet users' needs and keep up with the development trends in both the language and the era, the authors have recompiled the series so that its content could be enriched to serve more practical purposes. As a reflection of both modern life and features of the time, New Contemporary Chinese not only considers the comparison between Chinese and foreign cultures, but also stresses the shared values among cultures in the world. By integrating teachings of syllables, characters, vocabulary and grammar, the series not only helps lay a sound foundation for the students' phonetic and character skills, but also enables them to communicate in Chinese. It makes Chinese teaching and learning more practical and a continuing process, which offers more vitality, scientific practice and methods, and guidelines for international Chinese language education for the new era.This is Exercise Book Volume 1.
酷 中国文化“酷·中国文化”丛书编写组 编“酷?中国文化”这套书以海外Z世代读者为主要对象,通过一篇篇文化小品文展现出中华文化的多元之美,以及古老的中华文化在当代中国迸发出的崭新活力。全书图文并茂,而且扫描每篇文章中的二维码还可以观看短视频,感受视听图文双重精彩。内文配有英文翻译,文章末尾还对文化知识点进行了浅显生动的解释,以帮助读者理解中华文化的精髓。
《新当代中文》课本 1吴中伟,陈钰《新当代中文》是一套以成年汉语学习者为主要读者对象的汉语教材,共四个级别,每个级别包括课本、练习册、配套的教师手册、阅读材料、习题集、写字本以及多媒体教学资源,一、二级还有汉字本。教材旨在培养学习者汉语听说读写译的语言综合运用能力和一定的汉语交际能力,其语言难度符合《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(GF0025-2021)。本套教材的前身《当代中文》自出版以来一直受到海内外广大师生的欢迎。为更好地满足广大师生的需求,且更符合语言和时代的发展,作者对教材进行了重新编写,使其更加充实、实用。该套教材体现生活气息和时代特色,关注中外文化对比,同时重视世界文化共通性;.将音节、汉字、词汇、语法教学有机结合,既可保证打好语音基础和汉字基础,又能满足学生的交际需求,保障了汉语教学的实用性和可延续性,使新时期的汉语国际教育更富活力、更具有科学性和规范性。本书为第1册《课本》。 New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and translating of the language, as well as their communicative competence. The difficulty level of the series is in line with the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (GF0025-2021). This series is adapted from Contemporary Chinese, which has been well received by teachers and students worldwide since its publication. To better meet users' needs and keep up with the development trends in both the language and the era, the authors have recompiled the series so that its content could be enriched to serve more practical purposes. As a reflection of both modern life and features of the time, New Contemporary Chinese not only considers the comparison between Chinese and foreign cultures, but also stresses the shared values among cultures in the world. By integrating teachings of syllables, characters, vocabulary and grammar, the series not only helps lay a sound foundation for the students' phonetic and character skills, but also enables them to communicate in Chinese. It makes Chinese teaching and learning more practical and a continuing process, which offers more vitality, scientific practice and methods, and guidelines for international Chinese language education for the new era.This is Textbook Volume 1.
《新当代中文》课本 2吴中伟,陈钰《新当代中文》是一套以成年汉语学习者为主要读者对象的汉语教材,共四个级别,每个级别包括课本、练习册、配套的教师手册、阅读材料、习题集、写字本以及多媒体教学资源,一、二级还有汉字本。教材旨在培养学习者汉语听说读写译的语言综合运用能力和一定的汉语交际能力,其语言难度符合《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(GF0025-2021)。本套教材的前身《当代中文》自出版以来一直受到海内外广大师生的欢迎。为更好地满足广大师生的需求,且更符合语言和时代的发展,作者对教材进行了重新编写,使其更加充实、实用。该套教材体现生活气息和时代特色,关注中外文化对比,同时重视世界文化共通性;.将音节、汉字、词汇、语法教学有机结合,既可保证打好语音基础和汉字基础,又能满足学生的交际需求,保障了汉语教学的实用性和可延续性,使新时期的汉语国际教育更富活力、更具有科学性和规范性。本书为第2册《课本》。 New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and translating of the language, as well as their communicative competence. The difficulty level of the series is in line with the Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (GF0025-2021). This series is adapted from Contemporary Chinese, which has been well received by teachers and students worldwide since its publication. To better meet users' needs and keep up with the development trends in both the language and the era, the authors have recompiled the series so that its content could be enriched to serve more practical purposes. As a reflection of both modern life and features of the time, New Contemporary Chinese not only considers the comparison between Chinese and foreign cultures, but also stresses the shared values among cultures in the world. By integrating teachings of syllables, characters, vocabulary and grammar, the series not only helps lay a sound foundation for the students' phonetic and character skills, but also enables them to communicate in Chinese. It makes Chinese teaching and learning more practical and a continuing process, which offers more vitality, scientific practice and methods, and guidelines for international Chinese language education for the new era.This is Textbook Volume 2.
中国文化概况毛海莹,刘恒武《中国文化概况》系列分为中英两个版本,是为来华留学生而编写的一套立体化教材,也适合国外汉语学习者及对中国文化有浓厚兴趣的人士阅读。本书为《中国文化概况》(英文版),教材精选了相关中国文化知识,涉及衣、食、住、行等与中国老百姓生活息息相关的主题,主题内容具有代表性、民族性和趣味性,从而激发来华留学生热爱中国文化、体验中国文化的热情,更好地解决实际生活中的文化问题。教材共16章,内容分为生活文化篇、社会习俗篇、文化遗产篇、体育休闲篇、民族艺术篇、思想文化篇等六大篇章。 本教材体例清晰,由Lead-in Questions、正文、Cultural Intercourse、Cultural Tours、Free Talk Questions、Further Reading(and Viewing)几部分组成。除了介绍相关文化知识的正文部分外,Lead-in Questions主要是通过提问引发学生对相关文化点的思考和兴趣;Cultural Intercourse就是介绍在汉语中涉及到该章相应文化知识的俚语和表达方式,让学生体会文化对语言的塑造和影响,帮助学生减少跨文化交际中带来的文化障碍;Cultural Tours是将该章文化内容与中国文化遗产或旅游资源相结合,让留学生能体会到“读万卷书 行万里路”的乐趣;Free Talk Questions就是教师引导学生展开对该章文化内容的讨论,以加深对文化的理解与认同;Further Reading(and Viewing)则提供学生课外阅读的文本资料与视频资源,以进一步拓展课外知识。课后的这几部分环环相扣,层层递进,有内在联系与逻辑性。