七色龙汉语分级阅读 第一级戴凯棋,许燕华,冯毅,李慧敏\
七色龙汉语分级阅读 第一级戴翠璇,冯毅,李慧敏,许燕华\
《朱子全书》及其传承潘文国 译;傅惠生著 注暂缺简介...
彩虹桥汉语分级读物 张良拜师叶婵娟暂缺简介...
汉语十日通 教师手册3 提高篇蒋荣 主编,孙小品 编《汉语十日通》是一套专为短期班零起点的外国学生编写的初级汉语综合教材。全系列分为入门篇、基础篇、提高篇、冲刺篇四部,各包括主教材、练习册、习字本和教师手册。主教材附插图光盘,用于制作PPT。同步配合以练习册、习字本、教师手册,教师可以根据短期班学生的实际水平灵活选用。
iSuper中文小博士汉语教学资源2 生命科学林宛芊,秦志宁暂缺简介...
太极汉语赵艳霞,刘东青,Mark Langweiler《太极汉语》从太极入手,是一本内容较为丰富的汉语教材。每课先介绍一两个跟太极相关的概念,解释其文化背景及其中汉字的读音和字形、字义演变,接着教授一些字词、日常会话和汉语背景知识,然后是太极练习和心得,外加游戏性质的汉语练习。整本书从太极的角度体现了汉语和中国文化的博大精深。 The structure and presentation of this book is simple, to be aimed to provide readers a a happy learning experience. Each lesson opens with an introduction to the main concept of Taiji. The appearance order of these Taiji concepts is arranged based on both their importance in Daoist philosophy and their level of complexity in Chinese language. It then will be followed by a brief examination of the historical development of its pictogram. In order to help readers effectively acquire the knowledge that is introduced in each lesson, each lesson will introduce some key concepts of Daoist philosophy that underpins the development of Taiji forms, plus some personal learning experience of Taiji Yangsheng exercises. Alongside above contents, essential Taiji Yangsheng skills and the whole set of Qingcheng Taiji Six forms including both standing style and moving style which is invented by Abbot Liu Suibin, the Head of the Qingcheng Martial Arts School, will be introduced. In the last half of each lesson we will offer exercises in daily Chinese to encourage students through learning language to grasp how these ideas have influenced the development of taijiquan.
彩虹桥汉语分级读物 狸猫换太子侯琨暂缺简介...
快乐学汉语Kesaint Blanc暂缺简介...