当代美国15巨富(美)肖恩·霍利(Shawn Holley)等著暂缺简介...
西藏城市居民刘洪记、次仁央宗Using a sampling survey method, the Urban Investigation Team conducted a four-month (June-October) house-to-house survey in 1995 of 45 families with the 10th group under the Lhugu Neighborhood Committee in Lhasa. This activity received the help and support of related departments, such as the Lhasa Municipal Committee of the communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Chengguan District Committee, Barkor Street Subdistrict Office and Lhugu Neighborhood Commitee.本书为英文版。
西藏农民平措占堆 著;魏祖红、吴贤哲 译Despite living at a high altitude averaging 4,000 meters and amid an extremely harsh environment of bitter cold and extreme dryness, Tibetans have managed to survive for centuries on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the "Roof of the World". More than that, they have created a brilliant culture to the world's amazement.本书为英文版。
西藏牧民扎呷、卢梅Over the years,people have been obsessed with a particular feeling of mystery towards the northern Tibetan Plateau.They are fascinated by this vast land of "peak of the peaks and origin of the great rivers"situated in the hinterland of Asia.Following the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951,especially since the implementation of the reform and opening policies in 1978,great changes have taken place across this land.
劫后余生毛荣贵,(美)[R.阿当]Rosemary Adang编著人生处处有陷阱。本书20篇短文讲述了当代西方社会“劫难”。读后你会在精神上获得多方面的享受,会欣赏到文风各异的篇章,会提高英语阅读水平。全书分碧海无情、“火”口余生、洪水似虎、“天”灾“地”祸、生死旅途、儿童历险等六个篇章。每个篇章的各个单篇文章在正文之间有导读;正文的难字均作注释;正文后特设三项内容;HeadachSentences(难句解疑,包括译文及注解);UsefulWords&Phrases(从正文中选取并作点评演示);StructuralIssues(主要对文中出现的最具实用性的句型作举一反三的解析)。
如何欣赏绘画(英)[A.赖特]Andrew Wright著;徐强注How to Enjoy Painting is one in a series of five books.There are five chapters,each dealing with a different aspect of art and paintings;there are several different sections in each chapter.I hope you will find it all intererting,even entertaining,and that your reading of English will improve as enjoyment of paintings.★Indicates that there is a question you should think about on your own.★★Indicates that if you are reading the book with another person you should talk about this particular question with him or her.You may be reading the book while studying English in a class, with a teacher, or you may be reading it at home in the evenings, or on a train, or anywhere else-it doesn't matter!What I do hope is that you enioy reading about art. and paintings-in English!