网页设计与制作教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心 组织编写本书是全国中小学电脑制作活动的指导用书。书中介绍了目前常用的网页制作工具软件FrontPage 2000、Dreamweaver 3、Flash 5和超文本标记语言HTML,语言生动、活泼,贴近中小学生的生活,富有启发性。本书是适合广大中学生及小学高年级学生阅读的课外读物和网页制作基础教材,也可以作为中小学教师和广大网络爱好者制作网页的参考读物。
MySpace 傻瓜书Ryan Hupfer 著MySpace is the place to connect with friends online and this book helps you make the most of it. Here's how to customize your profile so it stands out in a crowd, create or join groups, send event invites, share photos, steer clear of bad guys, and even show off your talents or get your band discovered! Discover how to;Set up your account and profile;Add photos and music;Use MySpace safety tools;Find friends and keep in touch;Market your talent;Personalize your profile.
网站设计Julius Wiedemann 著Showcasing about 100 examples of work from the best digital agencies, this book describes the Web's best interactive sites, from new sites and blogs to commercial and public awareness sites.
图像与模式的计算机分析Wladyslaw Skarbek 著The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available.The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type of material published traditionally includes.—proceedings (published in time for the respective conference)—post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)—research monographs(which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.).
认知视觉系统LNCS-3948Henrik I. Christensen 著During the last decade of the twentieth century, computer vision made considerable progress towards the consolidation of its fundaments, in particular regarding the treatment of geometry for the evaluation of stereo image pairs and of multi-view image recordings. Scientists thus began to look at basic computer vision solutions - irrespective of the well-perceived need to perfection these further - as components which should be explored in a larger context. This volume is a post-event proceedings volume and contains selected papers based on the presentations given, and the lively discussions that ensued, during a seminar held in Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in October 2003. Co-sponsored by ECVision, the cognitive vision network of excellence, it was organized to further strengthen cooperation between research groups from different countries, and scientists active in related areas were invited from around the world. The 18 thoroughly revised papers presented are organized in topical sections on foundations of cognitive vision systems, recognition and categorization, learning and adaptation, representation and inference, control and systems integration, and conclusions.
计算机图形学潘云鹤 主编,童若锋 耿卫东 唐敏 童欣 副主编本书第3版是“十二五”普通高等教育本科规划教材。 本书根据计算机图形学近十余年的重要进展,对内容进行了较大篇幅的扩充,增加了“基于视觉及人工智能的三维重建”“虚拟现实与增强现实”“计算机动画与游戏”“三维运动的碰撞处理”等章节,并在第1章中增加了“计算机图形输入输出设备与系统”一节。同时扩充了真实感图形显示领域的大量新内容。本书加入了对于计算机图形学重要工具OpenGL的介绍,并与相关章节的原理与算法相对照,以增强教材的实用性。 本书可作为高等学校计算机、数字媒体、动画等相关专业的基础教材,也可供计算机图形学或相关领域的爱好者参考。
图形识别Wenyin Liu 著Keep connected to what's happening in the world of books by signing up for Amazon.com Books Delivers, our monthly sub*ion e-mail newsletters. Discover new releases in your favorite categories, popular pre-orders and bestsellers, exclusive author interviews and podcasts, special sales, and more.
生物辨识技术Massimo Tistarelli 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Biometric Authentication held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 2001 as a satellite event of ECCV 2002.The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed. The papers are organized in topical sections on face recognition, fingerprint recognition, psychology and biometrics, face detection and localization, gait and signature recognition, and classifiers for recognition.
网店美工彭敢本书以 Photoshop 软件为工具,通过 8 个项目全面、详细地介绍了网店设计与装修的基本方法和技巧。具体内容为:网店美工入门基础、网店图片设计、网店文字和图形应用、网上店铺装修、页面设计、主图、钻展图片和直通车图片的设计与制作、图片的切片与管理及装修服装店铺实例。本书实例丰富、内容翔实、操作方法简单易学,不仅适合作为电子商务专业大中专学生的教材,还可供感兴趣的读者及相关的专业人士参考。本书附有电子资料,包括书中所有实例的源文件及软件操作过程的录屏动画,另附赠了大量的实例素材供读者在学习中使用。
Photolmpact黄晓玲 著你拍过艺术照吗?看到拍的漂亮的、朦胧的艺术照,是不是很心动?但是价钱很贵吧,看到这本书的人,有福了!我要教你花一点点小钱,就可以拥有漂亮的艺术照。影像处理世界就像一个魔法世界,觉得自己不上照?没关系,它帮你变美;痘痘、黑斑太明显?不用涂遮瑕膏,它可以帮你掩饰;太胖了?不需要减肥,它可以帮你瘦身……Photolmpact就是一个这么神奇的软件。后后为了成为全世界美丽的女人,想利用Photolmpact破坏白雪公主的美貌,赶快跟着我把Photolmpact学会,好解救白雪公主。