电脑三维艺术形象Peter Weishar 著The computer-generated image (CGI) is one of the most astounding developments in the rapidly evolving field of digital technology. It allows for the creation of make-believe worlds and characters that are so realistic they fool the eye and the mind. Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, and feature-length 3D animations like Toy Story and Ice Age-films that have left audiences speechless, forever altering our expectations of what a movie can represent-owe their distinctive details, or even their entire creation, to computer-generated imaging. This spectacularly illustrated volume is the first book to consider CGI, from big-screen effects to full-length animated films, from games to fine art, as the art form of the 21st century. Focusing on 3D art only, the most exciting area of the field, the book features CGI's leading creators in film, television, games, and fine art, showcasing approximately 250 examples of their astonishing work in glorious reproductions. Author Peter Weishar, a professor and computer artist who is at the forefront of the field, brings both technical and aesthetic viewpoints to bear in this groundbreaking celebration of a major new art form. AUTHOR BIO: Peter Weishar is professor and dean of the School of Film and Digital Media, Savannah College of Art and Design. He is also an accomplished computer artist and animator and author of Abrams' Blue Sky: The Art of Computer Animation. Phil Tippett is a movie director and a visual effects supervisor who specializes in creature design and character animation. He has earned two Oscars and two Emmys.
3ds MaxTM8 宝典Kelly L. Murdock 著Spark your creativity with the world's most popular animation software and the detailed instruction in this power-packed book from an industry expert. If you're new to 3ds Max, jump right in with a Quick Start program that will have you modeling and rendering a complete image your first day. Experienced users, discover exciting new Max 8 features such as a new module for hair and fur, a new cloth system, and much more. This comprehensive book covers every feature, and it's loaded with professional techniques and full color examples to inspire you. 作者简介:Kelly L. Murdock has been authoring computer books for many years now and still gets immense enjoyment from the completed work. His book credits include various Web, graphics, and multimedia titles, including five previous editions of this book, 3ds Max 8 Bible. Other major accomplishments include Master VISUALLY HTML and XHTML, JavaScript Visual Blueprint, gmax Bible, Adobe Atmosphere Bible, Maya 6 and 7 Revealed, LightWave 3D 8 Revealed, Poser 6 Revealed, and co-authoring duties on two editions of the Illustrator Bible (for versions 9 and 10) and two editions of the Adobe Creative Suite Bible. With a background in engineering and computer graphics, Kelly has been all over the 3D industry and still finds it fascinating. He’s used high-level CAD workstations for product design and analysis, completed several large-scale visualization projects, created 3D models for feature films, worked as a freelance 3D artist, and even done some 3D programming. Kelly’s been using 3D Studio since version 3 for DOS. In his spare time, Kelly enjoys the outdoors while rock climbing, mountain biking, or skiing. He works at the design company he co-founded with his brother Chris: Logical Paradox Design.
3ds max 5三维动画基础教程詹翔,王海英 编著3ds max是功能强大的三维设计软件,它在三维动画制作、影视广告设计与制作、动态仿真等各个领域都有非常广泛的应用。 本书以三维动画制作为主线,全面介绍了3ds max 5的二维、三维建模过程及编辑修改方法、放样物体的制作及编辑修改方法、材质的制作和应用、灯光和相机特效的作用方法和粒子效果的应用、动画控制器的使用方法及视频后处理等内容。书中全部操作实例都有详尽的操作步骤,重点在于培养学生的实际操作能力。在每章的后均设有练习题,使学生能够巩固并检验本章所学知识。 本书适合作中等职业学校“三维动画”课程的教材,也可作为3ds max初学者的自学参考书。
3ds max 6.0实用教程卢正明,赵艳霞,霍建华 编本书通过大量的应用实例全面讲解利用3D STUDIO MAX进行立体设计与制作的创意、方法及技巧。全书共分为三个部分:部分讲解利用3D STUDIO MAX二维造型设计商标的应用实例,通过对这个实例的解析,讲解二维造型的制作方法和技巧;第二部分通过对一个综合实例“洗涤用品”系列包装设计的解析,讲解3D STUDIO MAX多种三维绘图方法的组合应用及材质、灯光和摄像机的使用方法;第三部分通过对三维动画实例“西部手机”广告动画的解析,讲解3D STUDIO MAX 在实际应用中的立体动画制作方法及创意思路。通过对本书的学习可以较快地提高读者对3D STUDIO MAX的综合应用能力和创作技巧水平。全书将基本功能和设计技巧结合在一起,通过丰富的实例进行讲解,提供一种很有针对性、易学易用的学习方法,其内容丰富翔实,有很强的实用性和可操作性,是一本适合初、中级用户入门和提高的教材,对高级用户也有一定的参考价值。本书可作为中等职业学校和各类大、中专院校电脑美术设计或电脑广告设计课程的教材,也可作为各种电脑美术设计短期培训的教学用书,以及供广大电脑美术设计爱好者自学或参考使用。
网页制作小专家教育部考试中心 编少儿NIT是在全国计算机应用技术证书考试的基础上,学习和借鉴了国外少儿学习电脑的先进经验,由国内计算机专家、计算机教育家、教育心理学家,针对5-16岁少年儿童认知能力和心理特点研究设计而成。它以适应为特色,不仅要适应少年儿童,更要适应少年儿童中不同年龄段的认知能力和心理特点。针对不同年龄的认知能力和心理特征,采用模块化结构,每个模块设二至三个级别,适合5-16岁的少儿学习,并按模块的不同级别编写了相应的系列教材;它以“第二课堂”为基地,将“课堂”和“第二课堂”有机结合,把“课堂”所学的内容,通过少儿喜闻乐见的形式贯穿在少儿NIT的教学内容之中,以“第二课堂”巩固、补充和促进“课堂”的教育;它以培养为核心“建构主义学习理论”为指导,以创设情境、协作学习、自主学习、任务驱动、效果评价为方式,激发少儿学习、使用计算机的兴趣,光为他们进一步学习打下良好的基础;以考试促学习,将学习与考试有机地结合,考试分为作品设计和上机考试,试题深入浅出、循序渐进、轻松活泼、饶有兴趣,目的在于使学生及家长随时掌握学习的进度和效果,调动他们的学习热情和兴趣,增加他们 荣誉感和成就感;它以素质教育为宗旨,在培养少儿的计算机操作能力和利用计算机进行思维能力的同时,突出知识的自我拓展能力、知识的检索能力以及创新能力的培养,发现和发挥学员的个性、积极性、主动性、创造性、以适应21世纪信息化社会的需要。
网站设计模板与皮肤120例Michael Utvich 著Build a high-profile Web presence in an hour! A high-quality Web site for your business or organization is easily within your grasp using the cutting-edge templates in this practical book. It's all here: 40 professionally designed templates on a CD, plus80 variations:120 designs in all created just for this book:and the step-by-step instructions you need to choose one and customize it using your own content. Use WordPad or any basic text editor on your PC or Mac:that's all you need. The templates also work with any Web application such as Dreamweaver(r)or FrontPage(r). From simple one-pagers to complex business Web sites to killer blog pages, this book gets you live in one hour, without knowing HTML, JavaScript, or programming. Select the right template for your Web presence:business, professional services, e-commerce, retail, blog site, and more. ·Learn the basics of obtaining a URL, hosting a site, and going live. ·Add your own content quickly and easily. ·Go live right away with a free month of hosting from nexcess.net (with one-year contract). ·Add your own design elements with a free trial copy of Photoshop(r) Elements on CD. ·On the CD-ROM you'll find the working Web files for 120 Web templates, some including a Flash movie component. The CD also includes Photoshop Elements tryout version. ·System Requirements: Please see the CD-ROM appendix for details and complete system requirements.
网页设计与制作实践孙道贺、周建锋、张蕊、史英杰、杨欣《网页设计与制作实践》从实际应用出发,以实用案例为主线,围绕创建与优化网页,深入浅出地讲解了网页设计方面的相关技术及应用,介绍了使用HTML、CSS、Dreamweaver CC、Firefox浏览器等工具编码、创建、管理及调试网页的方法与技术。全书共分8章,内容包括网页设计基础、网页设计语言、CSS基础、JavaScript基础及HTML5的新增标签、案例汇编、大学生就业信息网和网站部署方法。本书适合高等院校计算机科学与技术、电子商务及相关专业的学生学习使用,也可作为网页设计与制作初学者和广大网页设计人员的参考用书。
电子化服务技术Alejandro Buchmann 著The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available.The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. The type of material published traditionally includes.—proceedings (published in time for the respective conference)—post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)—research monographs(which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.).
网页制作基础FrontPage 2002王君学 编著FrontPage是Office家族的成员之一,是微软公司推出的功能强大的网页设计软件,它在网页设计领域有着非常广泛的应用。本书以站点创建和网页制作为主线,全面介绍了FrontPage 2002的使用方法,主要包括网页制作基础、站点的规划和创建、网页文本和图片的处理、表格和框架的应用、表单的应用、网页外观控制、HTML和JavaScript以及站点的发布、管理与维护等内容。书中全部操作实例都有详尽的操作步骤,重点在于培养学生的实际操作能力。在每章的后均设有练习题,使学生能够巩固并检验本章所学知识。本书适合作中等职业学校"网页制作"课程的教材,也可作为网页制作初学者的自学参考书。
网页制作张骏,方其桂 等编著网页制作是*举办的“全国中小学电脑制作活动”中的参赛项目之一,本书以实例为主,对流行的网页制作软件FrontPage和Dreamweaver进行了详细的讲解。全书共分两篇:FrontPage篇和Dreamweaver篇。FrontPage篇共分9章:第1章 网页制作入门;第2章使用表格设置网页布局;第3章 创建超链接与悬信按钮;第4章 用导航栏与共享边框组织网页;第5章 用主题和样式表美化网页;第6章 使用框架调整网页布局;第7章动态效果与多媒体;第8章 网上收集信息;第9章 站点的发布与管理。Dreamweaver篇共分5章:第10章 轻松上手做网页;第11章 使用表格布局网页;第12章 用图层与样式美化网页;第13章 制作有动态效果的交互网页;第14章 使用框架和表单。 全书图文并茂,理论与实践相结合,并针对相关实例进行由浅入深的说明,所举实例生动、活泼,既贴近中小学生的生活实际,又富有启发性。本书供参加电脑制作活动的中小学生、学生家长和指导教师使用,也可以作为广大中小学生的课外读物,或中小学信息技术课程的辅导材料。