网络与分布式系统用形式化技术 - FORTE 2006/会议录Elie Najm,Jean-Francois Pradat-Peyre,Véronique Viguié Donzeau-Gouge 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, FORTE 2006, held in Paris, France, in September 2006.The 26 revised full papers and 4 short papers presented together with 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 177 submissions. The papers focus on the construction of middleware and services using formalised and verified approaches, and address - in addition to the classical protocol specification, verification and testing problems - the issues of composition of protocol functions and of algorithms for distributed systems. The papers are organized in topical sections on services, middleware, composition and synthesis, logics, symbolic verification/slicing, unified modeling languages, petri nets, parameterized verification, real time, and testing.
多种服务IP网络的服务质量Marco Ajmone Marsan 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Quality of Service in Multiservice IP Networks, QoS-IP 2001, held in Rome, Italy, in January 2001. The 26 revised full papers presented together with two invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on connection admission control, statistical bounds, novel architectures for QoS provisioning, QoS for multicast traffic, source modeling, IP telephony, router and switch algorithms, multicast routing, differentiated services, and QoS in wireless networks.
网时代信息管理进展Xiaofeng Meng 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2002 held in Beijing, China in August 2002.The 40 papers presented together with two system demonstrations were carefully reviewed and selected from 169 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on XML; spatio-temporal databases; data mining and learning; XML and web; workflows and e-services; bio informatics, views, and OLAP; clustering and high-dimensional data; web search; optimization and updates; and transactions and multimedia.
十兆、百兆、千兆以太网络及其组网方案江卫强 编暂缺简介...
计算机网络系统方法(美)彼得林,(美)截维 著本书是计算机网络方面的经典畅销教科书,凝聚了两位*网络专家几十年的理论研究、实践经验和大量手资料,自出版以来已经成为网络课程主流教材,被哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、卡内基一梅隆大学、康奈尔大学、普林斯顿大学、威斯康星大学、普度大学、得克萨斯大学、芝加哥大学等众多名校采用。第4版秉承了前3版的特点,通过丰富的、基于实例的指导,来帮助读者理解计算机网络及其构件。全书的重点在于“为什么这样设计网络”——不仅详细叙述当今网络系统的组成,而且还阐述关键技术和协议如何在实际应用中发挥作用,从而解决具体的问题。本书与传统网络教材*的不同在于,不是按照OSI层次机械地介绍计算机网络,而是采用“系统方法”,将网络看成是交互式的复杂系统。每章开头都给出一些启发式的问题。引导学生或专业人员用新学到的知识来解决实际问题;同时,在每章的后还会补充一些新的工具和资源,帮助读者巩固和加深所学知识,全面理解复杂网络及其应用的工作原理和工作方式。
局域网组建与维护武马群 主编本书系统全面地讲述了计算机网络的基础知识、局域网的组网技术、网络互联技术、Windows 2000 Server、Linux操作系统的安装、网络参数的设置和网络服务器配置的方法,还讨论了网络管理、维护和安全问题。本书每章之前有学习目标,每章结束有小结和习题,书后还附有实训实验。本书层次清晰,基本概念准确,内容丰富,注重理论与实践的结合,适合作为中等职业学校学生学习计算机网络组建及维护的教材,也可作为广大计算机爱好者的自学用书和各类短训班的培训教材。
局域网组建与维护袁连海,董文 编著本书详细介绍了Windows 2000 Server下局域网的基础知识和操作方法,使学生了解局域网的基本概念和组建方法,具备局域网组建和维护的能力。 全书共13章,内容主要包括计算机网络基础、局域网基本概念、网络规划和设计、网络布线、Windows 2000 Server的安装和配置、网络客户机的安装和配置、Windows 2000 应用服务器的安装和配置、Windows 网络应用、邮件服务器配置和使用、网络安全基础以及常见问题和维护技巧等。在每章的后均设有习题,使学生能够巩固本章所学知识。 本书适合作中等职业学校“局域网组建与维护”课程的教材,也可作为局域网络初学者的自学参考书。