数据库与信息系统进展Yannis Manolopoulos 等著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2006, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in September 2006.The 29 high-quality papers were selected in a rigorous reviewing process out of 126 submissions. The papers address a wide range of hot research issues and are organized in topical sections on: XML databases and semantic web, materialized views, database modelling, web information systems and middleware, query processing and indexing, data mining and clustering, and modelling and design issues.
数据库与专家系统及应用Stephane Bressan 等著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2006, held in Krakow, Poland in September 2006.The 90 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 296 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on XML, data and information, datamining and data warehouses, database applications, WWW, bioinformatics, process automation and workflow, knowledge
数据库进展Eaglestone 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 2002, held in Sheffield, UK, in July 2002.The 10 revised full papers and 9 posters presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the volume. The book offers topical sections on query processing, data warehousing and data mining, quality and integrity, and web and distributed databases.
数据库应用技术周察金 主编本书是根据**颁布的中等职业学校计算机及应用专业数据库应用基础课程教学基本要求编写的教材,在编写时还参考了劳动和社会保障部全国计算机信息高新技术考试的数据库应用技术考试大纲。本书针对职业教育的特点,突出基础性、先进性、实用性和操作性,注重对学生创新能力、实践能力和自学能力的培养。本书以中文Visual FoxPro 6.0为蓝本,以初学数据库的学生为对象,介绍了关系数据库管理系统的基础知识和使用Visual FoxPro保存数据、维护数据、查询数据、统计数据、制作报表、制作表单的基本操作方法,介绍了使用结构化程序设计方法设计应用程序。全书各章配有习题和上机实习指导。本书适合三年制中等职业学校和五年制高等职业学校计算机及应用专业使用,也可作为其他相关专业教材,还可作为各类计算机培训的教学用书和计算机考试的辅导用书,或作为计算机爱好者的自学用书。
SQL 傻瓜书 SQL For DummiesAllen G. Taylor 著See how SQL interfaces with today's environmentsStart building and using relational databases with SQL's newest featuresThe database may be the twenty-first century filing cabinet, but building one is a little more complex than sliding drawers into a metal box. With this book to guide you through all the newest features of SQL, you'll soon be whipping up relational databases, using SQL with XML to power data-driven Web sites, and more!Discover how to* Use SQL in a client/server system* Build a multitable relational database* Construct nested and recursive queries* Set up database security* Use SQL within applications* Map SQL to XML
SQL Server2000数据库开发教程陈玉峰 编著本书从认识、了解、掌握中文版Microsoft SQL Server2000的基本知识和技能点的角度出发同时考虑了Microsoft SQL Server技术特点进行设计。全书分为10章,全面介绍了Microsoft SQL Server2000相关知识和技能。第1章Microsoft SQL Server简介与安装;第2章认识SQL Server开发环境;第3章创建数据库;第4章管理数据库与操作数据库中的数据;第5章数据库设计深入;第6章数据库高级操作与处理;第7章数据库性能管理;第8章数据备份与安全;第9章应用程序与数据库连接;第10章参考答案。为配合老师教学和学习及时复习,书中配有习题与指导,并在后列出选择题的参考答案,以供参考。
模式识别中的机器学习与数据挖掘Petra Perner 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, MLDM 2005, held in Leipzig, Germany, in July 2005.The 68 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on classification and model estimation, neural methods, subspace methods, basics and applications of clustering, feature grouping, discretization, selection and transformation, applications in medicine, time series and sequential pattern mining, mining images in computer vision, mining images and texture, mining motion from sequence, speech analysis, aspects of data mining, text mining, and as a special track: industrial applications of data mining.
Access实用教程陈佳玉 主编本书主要介绍Access系统的基础知识和基本技能,是按照“项目/任务驱动”的理念进行编写的。讲述过程中紧密围绕一个典型项目实例——“班级学生管理系统”,逐步进行系统的介绍,从数据库、表的设计到用户登录,再到报表的输出、项目的集成,各环节真正做到了环环相扣、紧密相连,将Access系统和基础知识和基本技能有机地结合在一起,进而使读者能够独立地开发和设计出界面合理、功能适用、模块丰富的数据库应用系统。本书还结合教材中的具体内容,有针对性地安排了一些习题和电子教案,因而本书不仅适合各类中专、职高、技校相关专业作为教材使用,也可作为大专院校学生进行项目开发、毕业设计的参考书,还适合作为数据库设计爱好者的自学用书或参考书。
算法设计与数学实验薛维明 编著暂缺简介...
程序构造数学中的代数与余代数方法Roland Backhouse 著Program construction is about turning specifications of computer software into implementations. Recent research aimed at improving the process of program construction exploits insights from abstract algebraic tools such as lattice theory, fixpoint calculus, universal algebra, category theory, and allegory theory.This textbook-like tutorial presents, besides an introduction, eight coherently written chapters by leading authorities on ordered sets and complete lattices, algebras and coalgebras, Galois connections and fixed point calculus, calculating functional programs, algebra of program termination, exercises in coalgebraic specification, algebraic methods for optimization problems, and temporal algebra.