计算机科学理论领域Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi 著This book presents the revised final versions of eight lectures given by leading researchers at the First Summer School on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science in Tehran, Iran, in July 2000.The lectures presented are devoted to quantum computation, approximation algorithms, self-testing/correction, algebraic modeling of data, the regularity lemma, multiple access communication and combinatorial designs, graph-theoretical methods in computer vision, and low-density parity-check codes.
系统工程白思俊 等系统工程作为一门方法论的科学,为人们提供了一套处理问题和解决问题的系统分析方法论。本书以系统工程方法论的思维和应用过程为主线,全面系统地讲述了系统工程的基本理论、方法和应用。本书共7章:系统与系统理论概述、系统工程及其方法论、系统分析、系统模型、系统评价、系统决策及系统工程综合应用案例。本书有别于其他系统工程书籍的特点是,其在章节编排和知识框架的组织上充分体现了系统整体思维的理念,整个目录结构完全体现了系统工程处理问题的基本思路和逻辑框架。本书所反映的系统工程知识体系更为全面,而且有大量案例,适宜教学与实践的结合,可作为管理类和经济类各专业高年级学生与研究生的教材,也可作为继续教育的教材。
计算机组成原理陈秀寓 主编本教材主要讲解计算机五大部件的结构和原理、指令系统和总线的相关内容,共分为8章。第1章是对整个计算机的概述;第2章和第3章是介绍关于运算器部分的内容,包括各种基本元运算的实现以及运算器的硬件结构等,这就解释了“什么是程序”(程序的本质)的问题;第4章到第7章都是讲解“程序如何执行”(程序的外在)的问题,包括程序的存储(存储系统)、程序的执行(指令系统)、程序的控制(中央处理器)以及程序和结果的输入与输出(人机交互系统);第8章简单介绍了计算机系统的总线连接。
计算机基础教程黄琴 程新丽 廖梦虎本教材的操作系统为Win 7版本,处理软件为Office 2010版本,是根据计算机证书考试要求编写。全书有以下特点:1、根据*一级考纲编写教材内容; 2、教材含有大量截图,可操作性强;3、每章节知识附相应实验;4、有课件和素材。
二维动画设计软件应用马?h桓本书从满足经济发展对高素质劳动者和技能型人才的需求出发,在课程结构、教学内容、教学方法等方面进行了新的探索与改革创新,以便学生 好地掌握课程内容,有利于学生理解理论知识和提高实际操作技能。本书以岗位工作过程来确定学习任务和目标,综合提升学生的专业能力、过程能力和岗位能力,以具体的工作任务 教学内容,并结合大量的动画案例,详细地讲解了二维动画知识和技能要点,让学生在完成动画案例的过程中,从实践的角度理解和掌握软件的操作技巧。
参数化与精确计算Hans L. Bodlaender,Michael A. Langston 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation, IWPEC 2006, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in September 2006 in the context of the combined conference ALGO 2006.The 23 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The topics addressed cover research in all aspects of parameterized and exact computation and complexity, including but not limited to new techniques for the design and analysis of parameterized and exact algorithms, parameterized complexity theory, relationships between parameterized complexity and traditional complexity, applications of parameterized and exact computation, implementation issues and high-performance computing.
计算机科学逻辑Julian Bradfield 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2002, held as the 11th Annual Conference of the EACSL in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, in September 2002.The 37 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on rewriting and constructive mathematics; fixpoints and recursion; linear and resource logics; semantics; temporal logics and games; probability, games, and fixpoints; complexity and proof complexity; ludics and linear logics, lambda-calculi; and resolution and proofs.
计算机科学中的图论概念Fedor V. Fomin 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2006, held in Bergen, Norway in June 2006.The 30 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited paper were carefully selected from 91 submissions. The papers address all aspects of graph-theoretic concepts in computer science such as structural graph theory, sequential, parallel, and distributed graph and network algorithms and their complexity, graph grammars and graph rewriting systems, graph-based modeling, graph-drawing and layout, diagram methods, and graph-theoretical applications in various fields.
建模与验证并行程序Franck Cassez 著Daily life relies more and more on safety critical systems, e.g. in areas such as power plant control, traffic management, flight control, and many more. MOVEP is a school devoted to the broad subject of modeling and verifying software and hardware systems.This volume contains tutorials and annotated bibliographies covering the main subjects addressed at MOVEP 2000. The four tutorials deal with Model Checking, Theorem Proving, Composition and Abstraction Techniques, and Timed Systems. Three research papers give detailed views of High-Level Message Sequence Charts, Industrial Applications of Model Checking, and the use of Formal Methods in Security. Finally, four annotated bibliographies give an overview of Infinite State Space Systems, Testing Transition Systems, Fault-Model-Driven Test Derivation, and Mobile Processes.