计算科学 - ICCS 2006 /会议录 第II部分Vassil N. Alexandrov 等著The four-volume set LNCS 3991-3994 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2006, held in Reading, UK, in May 2006.The main conference and its 32 topical workshops attracted over 1400 submissions. The 98 revised full papers and 29 revised poster papers of the main track presented together with 500 accepted workshop papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the four volumes.The papers span the whole range of computational science, with focus on the following major themes: tackling grand challenges problems; modelling and simulations of complex systems; scalable algorithms and tools and environments for computational science. Of particular interest were the following major recent developments in novel methods and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced numerical methods, and novel application areas where the above novel models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, finance, and others.
随机化与近似技术Jose D.P. Rolim 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, RANDOM 2002, held in Cambridge, MA, USA in September 2002.The 21 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. Among the topics addressed are coding, geometric computations, graph colorings, random hypergraphs, graph computations, lattice computations, proof systems, probabilistic algorithms, derandomization, constraint satisfaction, and web graphs analysis.
证明与程序的类型Paul Callaghan 等著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the International Workshop of the TYPES Working Group, TYPES 2000, held in Durham, UK in December 2000.The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected during two rounds of refereeing and revision. All current issues on type theory and type systems and their applications to programming, systems design, and proof theory are addressed.
格值Domain理论马娜娜格值Domain理论作为Domain理论的一个重要分支,有较大的理论研究价值和较好的应用前景,可为并发式语言提供量化模型。目前,该理论已有一些有价值的研究成果, 对相关结构语义学的研究不但可以推动该领域的发展,而且可以为程序设计语言指称语义学的发展提供坚实的数学基础,同时由于与其他学科交叉、 渗透,使得它的研究内容更加丰富, 研究意义更大。 本书综合运用Domain理论、范畴论、模糊集理论和模糊拓扑学等相关知识,系统地研究了格值Domain理论及其范畴性质。本书的主要内容是作者近几年来研究工作的总结,同时也兼顾国际上此领域中的研究成果。 全书共七章,具体内容包括: 格值预连续偏序集的范畴性质, 格值偏序集范畴的满子范畴, 代数格值domain范畴的等价范畴,格值有界完备domain的乘积范畴和格值ZL紧完备偏序集的范畴性质等理论。
实例推理进展Susan Craw 著This book constitutes the refereed preceedings of the 6th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ECCBR 2002, held in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK in September 2002The 31 revised full research papers and 14 revised application papers presented togehter with 2 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. All current issues in case-based reasoning, ranging from foundational and methodological issues to advanced applications in various fields are addressed.
计算社会科学导论吕鹏 范晓光 主编 陈忱 计湘婷 李轩涯 副主编本书精心选择了回归分析、机器学习、聚类分析、神经网络分析、自然语言处理、计算机视觉、社会网络分析、ABM等内容。通过飞桨平台提供多种开发工具和预训练模型,以及详细的帮助文档和课程,让广大师生快速有效地开展学习和研究。本书是一本开源的、不断更新的、“适文化”的教材,可作为人文社科类学生学习计算社会科学的入门教材,目的是让他们了解计算社会科学主要的研究议题、研究方法、源起和发展,从而开启他们的学习与探索之旅。本书也可以供计算社会科学相关专业学生和研究者来了解“社会科学家们到底在做什么?”,有助于计算社会科学相关专业学习人员提高人文素养。
电子商务数据分析与应用隋东旭《电子商务数据分析与应用:微课 思政版》着眼于电子商务数据分析岗位的主要工作内容,将理论与实践相结合,以训促学,分别对电子商务数据分析概述、市场数据、竞争数据、商品数据、流量数据与转化率、采购数据、销售数据、库存数据、客户与客服数据、数据可视化与报告做出具体阐述。在讲解知识时,提供多个微课视频、数据分析案例辅助读者深入理解相关电子商务数据分析的具体概念及方法,同时配以丰富的小贴士、知识链接、实训拓展等资源,旨在锻炼学习者的数据分析与应用能力,同时让学习者能够独立地根据电子商务运营中的数据分析结果解决在运营中出现的相关问题。 《电子商务数据分析与应用:微课 思政版》可作为高等院校、高职高专院校电子商务专业、移动电子商务专业、市场营销、统计等相关专业的教学用书,也可供欲从事电子商务网络数据分析相关工作的人士学习、参考。
Internet中的物理资源窦志国,韦群 编著本书对Internet中的物理资源进行了系统的介绍,重点介绍了美国和欧洲主要国家的物理网站和物理期刊以及国内的部分物理站点。利用本书介绍的物理站点,可以方便地进行文献检索、物理会议查询、物理数学相关资料的查询和世界各大学物理系的查询;可以方便快捷地了解当今世界各国的物理教学与科研的*进展及动态。书中对各个物理网站的特点和使用方法都一一作了详细的介绍,书后附有网站与机构及期刊杂志索引。本书的编排以实用为目的,可作为广大物理学工作者,物理系的师生科研教学以及联系出国留学使用的参考书。
算法工程与实验David M. Mount 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2002, held in San Francisico, CA, USA in January 2002.The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. Among the topics addressed are hewistics for algorithms, combinatorial optimization, searching, graph computation, network optimization, scheduling, computational geometry, sorting, and clustering algorithms.