计算逻辑.逻辑程序设计及其它 第1卷暂缺作者This volume spans the whole field of computational logic seen from the point of view of logic programming. The topics addressed range from issues concerning the development of programming languages in logic and the application of computational logic to real-life problems, to philosophical studies of the field at the other end of the spectrum. The articles presented cover the contributions of computational logic to databases and artificial intelligence with particular emphasis on automated reasoning, reasoning about actions and change, natural languages, and learning.Together with its companion volume, LNAI 2408, this book commemorates the 60th birthday of Bob Kowalski as one of the founders of and contributors to computational logic.
计算机应用电工技术王公儒 主编全教材共分为四个部分,部分为单元一和二,与中学知识衔接,重点介绍了电工技术,第二部分为单元三计算机中的电工技术,重点介绍了计算机中的电工技术, 第三部分为单元四到八,重点介绍了计算机应用电工技术。 第四部分为单元九和十,单元九介绍了计算机网络机房关键电工技术和计算机系统中容易发生的电工电气危险和安全用电与紧急救护知识。
组合模式匹配Amihood Amir 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2001, held in Jerusalem, Israel, in July 2001.The 21 revised papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. The papers are devoted to current theoretical and algorithmic issues of searching and matching strings and more complicated patterns such as trees, regular expressions, graphs, point sets, and arrays as well as to advanced applications of CPM in areas such as the Internet, computational biology, multimedia systems, information retrieval, data compression, coding, computer vision, and pattern recognition.
组合模式匹配Alberto Apostolico 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2002, held in Fukuoka, Japan, in July 2002.The 21 revised full papers presented together with two invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers are devoted to current theoretical and computational aspects of searching and matching strings and more complicated patterns such as trees, regular expressions, graphs, point sets, and arrays. Among the application fields are the World Wide Web, computational biology, computer vision, multimedia, information retrieval, data compression, and pattern recognition.
Web3.0时代徐俊互联网的每一次迭代都会给人类的生产和生活带来重大影响,也会催生新的增长点。Web 3.0作为下一代互联网,是各界关注的焦点,前沿企业已抢先布局Web 3.0,以适应新时代的技术变革。本书从探索Web 3.0世界、Web 3.0基础框架剖析和Web 3.0场景生态梳理3个方面入手,讲解了Web 3.0的相关概念、理念、支撑技术与演进趋势,着重介绍了区块链、NFT、DAO和元宇宙等技术与应用,并阐述了Web 3.0与消费、金融、文体娱旅展、教育、社交及品牌营销等相结合所催生的新业态、新型“商家-用户”关系和虚拟数字资产增值需求。本书内容翔实,通过厘清概念、剖析案例,帮助读者了解Web 3.0的发展趋势,让读者意识到创新思维是实现数字化发展的密钥,从而笃定地去探索数字未来的绚丽图景。
计算机数学基础李连富 主编本教材是作者在多年教学改革和教学研究的基础上,总结以前主编、参编教材的经验教训,结合CDIO教学改革的探索与实践而编写的。内容包括一元微积分基础、线性代数基础、概率论与数理统计基础和离散数学基础。本教材主要针对以培养应用型人才为目的的IT类院校开设的计算机数学基础课程编写,也可作为其他类或文史类学生相应课程的教材或教学参考书。教材注重强化基本概念、基本理论和基本计算;注重应用数学知识解决实际问题能力的培养;注重数学思想方法和数学思维的训练;注重自学能力的培养与提高。教材编写经过一体化设计,以CDIO教学理念为指导,以CDIO教学模式和教学方法为指引,注重能力培养,强调以项目为导向,强化“做中学”的理念。