北京市北护城河和亮马河水环境治理工程环境影响评价与管理李振海、赵蓉、祝秋梅、魏淑琴、刘畅等Tonghui River,Liangshui River, Qinghe River, Bahe River, flows through it and more than 30 large branch riversinterflow with the total drainage area of 1,255km2. The current water system of the city zone is composedof the southern and north water half-loops, which connect with 26 lakes. Many rivers and lakes wereexcavated manually in different historical stages. Moreover, the diversion canals of the Yongding Riverand the Miyun Reservoir were built after the founding of the People's Republic of China.Presently, the existing river and lake water system of the city zone is confronted with many problems, forexample, the insufficient flood-carrying capacity, the hidden danger of flood; the obviously increased rateof surface runoff with the progress of urbanization; the lack of water source;the high degree of pollution,the increasingly deteriorating riverside environment; the disordered construction during the "CulturalRevolution" period did great damage to the water system and it has not yet recovered from it.Beijing is the capital of China and national political, economic, cultural center, and also a centuries-oldcivilized ancient capital. The upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Game makes it advance toward aninternational metropolitan and its special position and development prospect bring up higher requirementof the environment. In the light of the present situation and the future development requirement, thecomprehensive treatment of the city water system is put on the top of our agenda.In 1997, with the support of Beijing Municipal People's Government, China Academy of Urban Planningand Design prepared the "Plan for Comprehensive Control of Beijing City-Zone River and Lake WaterSystem", in which the work task between 1998 and 2010 was put forward. The objective of waterenvironmental control is: to turn the water system within the first and second ring road into garden landscape watercourse, and make the water clean and flow merrily; to enhance the flood control capability of the city zone and practically implement the projects of the "water conservation of the west, water drainage of the east, flood diversion of the south and north"; to develop the sewage intercepting project of the water system within the limit of the first and second ring road and make the quality of water meet standard (GHZB 1-1999). "Two rings", i.e. south waterlocked system and north waterlocked system, are the two water systems passing through the city zone. The southern one is composed of the Kunming Lake, the Kunyu section of the diversion canal of Miyun Reservoir, Yuyuan Pon, Bayi Lake, the lower reaches of the diversion canal of ~ongding River, the south city moat and the upper reaches of Tonghui River, etc.; the northern one is composed of the Changhe River, the North Moat, Liangma River, Shuidui Lake (in Chaoyang Park), Honglingjin Lake (in Honglingjin Park) and Erdao Gou.
最新农药残留限量标准手册潘灿平本书介绍了我国主要登记《农药合理使用准则》中183种农药在20种作物上的377项科学合理使用标准,收录、整理了以国家最新标准GB 2763一 2005《食品中农药最大残留限量》为依据的我国农药残留限量标准,并采取按农作物品种分类的方式列出了欧盟、CODEX、美国、阿根廷、德国、日本、韩国、墨西哥、英国、新西兰等15个国家和地区共计187种主要农作物的农药残留限量标准要求。全书以表格形式编排,方便读者查询,书后还附有农作物及农药名称中英文对照。本书可供食品安全管理、农药生产和使用、农产品进出口及生产、农药检验与质量监督等领域以及相关的教学、科研和管理部门参考使用。
构建我国环境会计体系的研究张英 著当前,在经济发展过程中,种种环境问题日益突出。实行循环经济进而迈向和谐社会,是今后经济社会发展的必然趋势,因此,处理好经济社会发展与环境保护之间的关系,是亟需解决的问题。我国环境会计体系的构建,将对此起到重要的强化和促进作用。本书从大会计学科角度出发,将宏观环境会计、微观环境会计、环境管理会计与环境审计作为一个相互联系的系统进行研究,从而探讨建立一个有助于社会实现可持续性发展的大会计信息系统的必要性和可能性。
2005环境保护文件选编国家环境保护总局办公厅 编本书是环境保护文件的选编集,主要包括:国务院、全国人大有关环境保护文件、国家环境保护总局与有关部委联合发文、国家环境保护总局令、国家环境保护总局公告、环保内部情况通报、综合办公(宣教)类、政策法规类、人事工作类、科技标准类、环境检察类等内容。
海岸带生态系统服务价值评估彭本荣,洪华生 著海岸带地区人们的生存和发展依赖于海岸带生态系统所提供的各种产品和服务。但是,随着人类对生态系统产品和服务需求的日益增加,人类活动却在导致海岸带生态系统提供产品和服务的能力持续降低。研究海岸带生态系统服务及其价值评估方法,并将价值评估的信息纳入到海岸带管理决策之中,对海岸带地区的可持续发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本书综合应用环境科学、环境经济学、资源经济学以及生态学等学科的知识和技术方法,理论研究与实证分析相结合,系统研究了海岸带生态系统、生态系统服务及其服务价值评估方法,并且对生态系统服务价值的评估在海岸带管理中的应用进行了分析和探讨。本书可作为高等院校海洋管理、环境管理、海岸带综合管理、环境资源经济学以及海洋经济学学等相关专业研究生的选修教材,还可以供从事海洋管理,环境与资源经济学以及环境保护的科技工作者和管理者参考。