朗道理论物理学教程 第5卷[俄] L.D.朗道,E.M.栗弗席兹 著《朗道理论物理学教程 第 5 卷:统计物理学 第 1 册 (第 3 版)》是以吉布斯方程理论为基础来讨论大量单个粒子构成的物体的性质和行为所遵循的统计规律性,本书对统计物理与热力学一起展开了讨论。本书主要内容包括:统计物理学的基本原理、热力学量、吉布斯分布、理想气体、费米分布和玻色分布、凝聚体、非理想气体和相平衡、溶液、化学反应、高密度物质的性质、涨落、晶体的对称性、二级相变与临界现象和表面。本套教程附有大量的例题和习题,是大学物理系师生和理论物理学工作者必备的重要参考书。
量子力学基本概念的发展黄永义 著本书以近代著名的几位物理学家的原始文献为依据精心编写而成,着力阐述量子力学基本概念的形成和发展。这些基本概念包括Planck量子论、Einstein光量子、Bohr氢原子理论、de Broglie物质波、Heisenberg矩阵力学、Dirac量子泊松括号、Schr dinger波动力学、Born波函数统计解释、Heisenberg不确定关系、Pauli不相容原理、量子力学哥本哈根解释、EinsteinPodolskyRosen佯谬和量子纠缠。附录介绍了主要物理学家的科学贡献和原始性创新的思维方式。本书是中国大学慕课“量子力学基础”的教材,可作为(综合、理工、师范类)高等院校量子力学、近代物理学和原子物理学课程的补充资料,也可作为相关科研和教学人员的参考用书。
朗道理论物理学教程 第7卷[俄] L.D.朗道,E.M.栗弗席兹 著《朗道理论物理学教程 第 7 卷:弹性力学 (第 3 版)》本书系统的介绍了弹性理论的基本概念和研究方法。本书从弹性理论的基本方程入手,介绍了杆和板的平衡理论、弹性波、位错,还介绍了固体的热传导和黏性和液晶力学相关内容。本套教程附有大量的例题和习题,是大学物理系师生和理论物理学工作者必备的重要参考书。
计算流体力学和传热学[美] R.H.普莱彻,[美] J.C. ... 著Another 15 years have gone by since the second edition of this text appeared.During this period,the rate of development in algorithms has slowed compared to any earlier period,but the increase in computational power has been astounding and shows no sign of slowing.Desktop computers can outperform the supercomputers of the early 1990s.The rate ofimprovement of computing power is such that a problem that required a year of computing time to solve 10 years ago can now be solved overnight.The increase in computing power has enabled engineers to solve more complete equa-tions and complex geometries for aerodynamic flows,i.e.,use less physical modeling and fewer approximations.It has also motivated efforts to compute more complex physical phenomena such as turbulence and multiphase fiows.Another clear trend is the increasing use of commercial software for computational fiuid dynamics (CFD) applications.In the early days,CFD was mostly a do-it-yourself enterprise.It is more likely now that a CFD code is thought of as representing a large investment,and companies do not launch into writ-ing a new one without considerable thought.lt is more likely that CFD engineers will become involved in modifying or extending an existing code than in writing a new code from scratch. However,even making modifications to CFD codes requires knowledge of algorithms,general numerical strategies,and programming skills.The text promotes programming skills by explaining algorithm details and including homework problems that require programming.Even those engineers that will utilize com-mercial codes and be responsible for interpreting the results will be better prepared as a result of the knowledge and insight gained from developing codes themselves.It is very important for engineers to know the limitations of codes and to recognize when the results are not plausible.This will not change in the future.The experience gained by writing and debugging codes will contribute toward the matu-rity needed to wisely use and interpret results from CFD codes.It is essential that courses evolve as technology advances and new knowledge comes forth.However,not every new twist will have a permanent impact on the discipline,Fads die out,and some numerical approaches will become obsolete as computing power relentlessly advances.The authors have included a number of new developments in this edition while preserving the funda-mental elements of the discipline covered in earlier editions.A number ofideas and algorithms that are now less frequently utilized due to advances in computer hardware or numerical algorithms are retained so that students and instructors can gain a historical perspective of the discipline.Such material can be utilized at the discretion of the instructor.Thirty-four new homework problems have been added bringing the total number of homework problems to 376.We have retained the two-part,ten-chapter format of the text.Additions and clarifications have been made in all chapters.Part I,consisting of Chapters 1 through 4,deals with the basic concepts and fundamentals of the finite-difference and finite-volume methods.The historical perspective in Chapter 1 has been expanded.The sections on the finite-volume method in Chapter 3 have been revised and expanded.The conjugate gradient and generalized minimal residual (GMRES) meth-ods are now discussed in the section on Laplace's equation in Chapter 4.Part II,consisting of Chapters 5 through 10,covers applications to the equations of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.The governing equations are presented in Chapter 5.The equations for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)flows and the quasi-one-dimensional form of the Euler equations are now included.Turbulencemodeling has been updated.The coverage of large-eddy simulation (LES) has been expanded anddetached eddy simulation (DES) has been introduced.In Chapter 8,the material on the parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) equations has been expanded to include methods for handling flow fields withsignificant upstream influences,including large streamwise separated regions.A number of updates and additions are found in Chapter 9.Coverage of Runge-Kutta schemes,residual smoothing,and the lower-upper symmetric Gauss-Seidel (LU-SGS) scheme have been expanded.Some recent vari-ations in time-accurate implicit schemes are also included.
计算流体力学基础与多相流模拟应用陈彩霞,夏梓洪 著《计算流体力学基础与多相流模拟应用》包含多相流模拟从理论到实践的广泛基础知识。第1章深入浅出地介绍计算流体力学基础;第2章阐述多相流基本原理及其煤化工应用;第3章介绍比较成熟的多相流数值模拟方法;第4、5章分别介绍圆球绕流和气泡上升两个经典的多相流模拟案例,指导初学者使用CFD软件,分析简单的多相流问题;第6~8章结合能源与动力工程专业特点,介绍气液鼓泡塔两相流、气流床煤气化和射流流化床煤气化三个模拟案例,让读者了解多相流模拟技术的**进展。
物理学思考题分析与解答周雨青 编本书是马文蔚等改编的《物理学》(第七版)的配套参考书,其中包括全部思考问题解答、知识点概要和解题感悟。全书以简洁的语言、普通物理的形式阐明物理问题,对使用《物理学》(第七版)和其他大学物理教材的读者有辅助作用。本书章节顺序与主教材一致,每章分概念及规律、思考及解答、解题感悟三个部分。全书紧扣主教材,联系教学实际,注重实用性。 本书适用于物理教学讨论课,亦可供社会读者了解物理知识。
金属与合金的相变 第3版芬]D.A.波特,[英] K.E.伊斯特林,[荷] M.Y.谢里夫 著The fundamental theories of phase transformations in metals and alloys remain largely unchanged, so the third edition is essentially an expanded version of the second edition with additional material covering some of the more important application developments of the last 17 years. A section addressing the computation of phase diagrams has been added to Chapter 1 and recent developments in metallic glasses have been treated in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 contains most new material: the Scheil method of calculating a CCT diagram from a TTT diagram is now given; the treatment of the nucleation and growth of polygonal ferrite and bainite has been expanded to include new theories, while new case studies cover copper precipitation hardening of very low-carbon bainitic steel and very fine carbide-free bainite were added. In Chapter 6, a more detailed treatment of stress-assisted and strain-induced martensite is included to provide a theoretical background to transformation-induced plasticity(TRIP)steels.
传热与流体流动的数值计算[美] 苏哈斯·V.帕坦卡 著To illustrate the application of the material,problems are given at the end of some chapters. Most of the problems can be solved by using a pocket calculator,although some of them should be programmed for a digital computer.The problems are not meant for testing the student reader,but are included primarily for extending and enriching the learning process. They suggest alternative techniques and present additional material. At times,in my attempt to give a hint for the problem solution,I almost disclose the full answer. In such cases,arriving at the correct answer is not the main objective;the reader should focus on the message that the problem is designed to convey.This book carries the description of the numerical method to a point where the reader could begin to write a computer program. Indeed,the reader should be able to construct computer programs that generate the kind of results presented in the final chapter of the book. A range of computer programs of varying generality can be designed depending upon the nature of the problems to be solved. Many readers might have found it helpful if a representative computer program were included in tlus book. I did consider the possibility. However,the task of providing a reasonably general computer program,its detailed description,and several examples of its use seemed so formidable that it would have considerably delayed the publication of this book. For the time being,I have included a section on the preparation and testing of a computer program(Section 7.4),where many useful procedures and practices gathered through experience are described.
大学物理基础教程习题分析居家奇,王凤超,金妍 著本书是与吴文娟、孔晋芳教授主编的《大学物理基础教程——中本贯通版》配套的习题分析,并适当补充了部分扩展内容的习题。在编写中,作者贯彻重分析、简解答的指导思想,力求通过对题目的分析,使学生在解题之前,对相关的物理规律有进一步的认识;通过解题方法和技巧的介绍和运用,拓宽学生的解题思路;通过讨论计算结果来进一步明确物理意义。而对于解题过程,本书则尽可能做到简明扼要。本书适合作为《大学物理基础教程——中本贯通版》的教学和学习参考书,也可供理工科各专业师生和社会读者参考使用。