世界数学奥林匹克经典熊斌,[新加坡] 李秉彝 编The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), founded in 1959, is one of the most competitive and highly intellectual activities in the world for high school students.Even before IMO, there were already many countries which had mathematics competition. They were mainly the countries in Eastern Europe and in Asia. In addition to the popularization of mathematics and the convergence in educational systems among different countries, the success of mathematical competitions at the national level provided a foundation for the setting-up of IMO. The countries that asserted great influence are Hungary, the former Soviet Union and the United States. Here is a brief review of the IMO and mathematical competition in China.
世界数学奥林匹克经典熊斌,[新加坡] 李秉彝 编The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), founded in 1959, is one of the most competitive and highly intellectual activities in the world for high school students.Even before IMO, there were already many countries which had mathematics competition. They were mainly the countries in Eastern Europe and in Asia. In addition to the popularization of mathematics and the convergence in educational systems among different countries, the success of mathematical competitions at the national level provided a foundation for the setting-up of IMO. The countries that asserted great influence are Hungary, the former Soviet Union and the United States. Here is a brief review of the IMO and mathematical competition in China.
高等数学习题集亢莹利,王理凡 著本书是“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材《高等数学》(第三版)的配套习题集.本教材主要内容包括:函数、极限与连续,导数、微分及其应用,积分及其应用,微分方程,向量与空间解析几何,二元函数微积分,级数与拉普拉斯变换.各章安排与主教材一一对应,按照主教材的课时进展,每章安排数个练习,包括选择题、填空题、解答题等.题目针对性强,题型较多,并提供参考答案.本书是新形态一体化教材,配套的教学资源中给出了全部习题的解答过程,方便学生自主学习及教师备课,其中部分习题的详细题解以二维码形式在书中呈现.本书适合作为高等职业教育各专业数学课程的配套用书,也可作为广大数学学习者的自学参考用书.
高等数学亢莹利,王理凡 著本教材是“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材.本教材主要内容包括:函数、极限与连续,导数、微分及其应用,积分及其应用,微分方程,向量与空间解析几何,二元函数微积分,级数与拉普拉斯变换.本教材是新形态一体化教材,配套有同步的习题集与相关教学资源.教学资源包含PPT课件、实验录屏、教材练习和习题集参考答案等.其中部分资源以二维码形式在书中呈现.本教材教学课时数为94~122,适合作为高等职业教育各专业数学课程教学用书,也可作为广大数学学习者的自学参考用书.
经济统计类数学分析王伟刚,王海敏 编本册教材的主要内容包括向量代数与空间解析几何、多元函数微分法及其应用、多元函数积分学、无穷级数、微分方程与差分方程初步等,每一小节均配套有习题,每章配以复习题,并后附答案,既方便上课使用,也可供学生自学。本书针对本科学生的知识结构和学习所需编写,对准备从事相关专业及准备考研的学生都有较大帮助。
经济统计类数学分析王伟刚,王海敏 编本册教材的主要内容包括函数与极限、导数与微分、微分中值定理与导数的应用、不定积分、定积分及其应用等,每一小节均配套有习题,每章配以复习题,并后附答案,既方便上课使用,也可供学生自学。本书针对本科学生的知识结构和学习所需编写,对准备从事相关专业及准备考研的学生都有较大帮助。
世界数学奥林匹克经典熊斌,郑仲义 著In 1736, Euler founded Graph Theory by solving the Konigsberg seven-bridge problem. It has been more than two hundred years till now. Graph Theory is the core content of Discrete Mathematics, and Discrete Mathematics is the theoretical basis of Computer Science and Network Information Science. This book vulgarly introduces in an elementary way some basic knowledge and the primary methods in Graph Theory. Through some interesting mathematic problems and games the authors expand the knowledge of Middle School Students and improve their skills in analyzing problems and solving problems.
世界数学奥林匹克经典冷岗松 著《世界数学奥林匹克经典》由数学竞赛命题委员会主席和数学邀请赛命题委员会主席等专家共同编著。《世界数学奥林匹克经典》自出版后就深受广大使用者的好评。《世界数学奥林匹克经典》为英文版本。
世界数学奥林匹克经典单墫 著Probability theory is an important branch of mathematics, with wide applications in many fields. It is not only a required course for students of science and technology at universities, but also has entered into Chinese high school textbooks now.This little book will, in an interesting problem-solving way, explain what probability theory is: its concepts, methods and meanings; particularly, two important concepts-probability and mathematical expectation (briefly expectation)-are emphasized. It consists of 65 problems, appended by 107 exercises and their answers.As an extracurricular book providing supplement materials to and advanced knowledge beyond high school textbooks, its aim is to stimulate study interests of students and broaden their knowledge horizons. Some problems were given a little deeper treatment, which can be used as topics for explorative study; and they can also be skipped temporarily if a reader feels difficult to understand them at the beginning.It is presupposed that our readers possess a knowledge of permutations and combinations, and it would be better if they have already learned basic probability theory from their textbooks. However, in order to avoid repetition, we mention as little as possible the contents of textbooks.It is a random event that this little book reaches you. I do not know how much the probability that this event occurs is. However, it is my expectation that this book could reach you, which means that you have a special affinity with it.
世界数学奥林匹克经典苏勇,熊斌 著《世界数学奥林匹克经典》由数学竞赛命题委员会主席和数学邀请赛命题委员会主席等专家共同编著。《世界数学奥林匹克经典》自出版后就深受广大使用者的好评。《世界数学奥林匹克经典》为英文版本。