世界数学奥林匹克经典张垚 著This book consists of three parts: fundamental knowledge, basic methods and typical problems. These three parts introduce the fundamental knowledge of solving combinatorial problems, the important solutions to combinatorial problems and some typical problems with often-used solutions in the high school mathematical competition respectively.In each chapter there are necessary examples and exercises with solutions. These examples and exercises are of the same level of difficulty as the China Mathematical League Competitions which are selected from mathematical competitions at home and abroad in recent years. Some test questions are created by the author himself and a few easy questions in China Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) and IMO are also included. In this book, the author pay attention to leading readers to explore, analyze and summarize the ideas and methods of solving combinatorial problems. The readers' mathematical concepts and abilities will be improved remarkably after acquiring knowledge from this book.
世界数学奥林匹克经典余红兵 著Number theory is an important research field in mathematics. In mathematical competition, problems of elementary number theoryoccur frequently. This kind of problems uses little knowledge and has lots of variations. They are flexible and diverse.In the book we introduce some basic concepts and methods in elementary number theory via problems in mathematics competition.We hope that readers read the book with paper and pencil, and try to solve them by themselves before they read the solutions of examples.Only in this way can they really appreciate the tricks of problem solving.
世界数学奥林匹克经典冯志刚 著Mathematical induction is an important method used to prove particular math statements and is widely applicable in different branches of mathematics, among which it is most frequently used in sequences.This book is rewritten on the basis of the book Methods and Techniques for Proving by Mathematical Induction , and is written with an understanding that sequences and mathematical induction overlap and share similar ideas in the realm of mathematics knowledge. Since there are a lot of theses and books related to this topic already, the author spent quite a lot of time reviewing and refining the contents in order to avoid regurgitating information. For example, this book refers to some of the most updated Math Olympiad problems from different countries, places emphasis on the methods and techniques for dealing with problems, and discusses the connotations and the essence of mathematical induction in different contexts.The author attempts to use some common characteristics of sequences and mathematical induction to fundamentally connect Math Olympiad problems to particular branches of mathematics. In doing so. the author hopes to reveal the beauty and joy involved with math exploration and at the same time, attempts to arouse readers' interest of learning math and invigorate their courage to challenge themselves with difficult problems.
高等数学习题集及解析曲风龙,孙丰云 著全书按照《高等数学》教学大纲的基本要求进行编写。本书为满足基础课教学的需要,以巩固学生的基础知识、强化数学的理解能力、提高数学的应用能力为目标,由烟台大学的一线教师组织编写。作者具有深厚的数学专业功底和丰富教学经验。本书内容包含极限与连续,导数与微分、中值定理、不定积分、定积分、定积分的应用等部分的习题及解答,并附有两套模拟试题。本书可作为高等院校非数学专业学生的习题册,也可作为学生自学的参考书。
概率论与数理统计学习辅导与习题全解何书元 著本书是“新时代大学数学系列教材”《概率论与数理统计》的配套参考书,由教材主编编写。本书按照主教材章节顺序,归纳了概率论与数理统计课程的主要知识点,主要内容包括教材各章的重要知识点、详细习题解答,并结合考研复习要点对历年考研题进行了分析。本书的习题解答注重体现数学思想,有助于读者加深对学科知识的理解。本书可作为高等学校非数学类专业本科生概率论与数理统计课程的参考书,可供考研复习使用,也可供对概率论与数理统计感兴趣的读者参考。
概率论与数理统计缪柏其,张伟平 编本书内容包括概率论的基本概念和方法, 数理统计的点估计、区间估计、参数和非参数假设检验以及线性回归等内容。本书的特点是突出统计思想, 对基本概念和方法都有如何理解、应用的阐述和例子,例子和习题大部分来自于实际生活,有助于读者把统计方法用于实际数据的处理和解读。每章后都有大量的习题供读者练习以巩固相关的概念,还提供了开阔读者视野的扩展阅读材料。重点概念和方法配备了视频讲解和在线模拟实验。本书可以作为理工科专业概率论与数理统计课程的教材, 也可以供金融工程、大数据、生物统计等业内工程技术人员和科学研究人员参考。
线性代数马晓艳,胡觉亮 著本书以学生熟悉的、背景丰富的解线性方程组讲起,围绕线性方程组的讨论,采用学生易于接受的方式,科学、系统地介绍了线性代数的行列式、线性方程组、矩阵、向量空间、矩阵的特征值和特征向量、二次型等内容。本书每节给出一些思考题,每章配有 A,B 两类难度不一样的习题,便于学生复习、巩固、提高之用。本书可作为普通高等学校,特别是以培养创新型应用型人才为目标的普通本科院校线性代数课程的教材,也可作为自学考试的参考用书。
高等数学李伟 著本书依据**的“工科类本科数学基础课程教学基本要求”编写而成。本书注重培养学生用“已知”认识、研究、解决“未知”的能力;注重给学生营造一个启发式、互动式学习的氛围与环境,使学生在“边框”提出的问题的启发、引导、驱动下边思考、边读书、边总结;内容力求简明、引出尽可能直观,注重避免新的概念、结论、方法“从天而降”。同时注意为青年教师实施启发式、互动式教学提供一定的借鉴。本版在第一版的基础上,增添了部分章节内容;对数学软件与数学建模的实例进行了修改,数学软件改为了Python语言;更加注重文化育人,对“历史的回顾”及“历史人物简介”部分做了修改;对“边框”做了修改;增添了注记,扩大学生知识面,并将知识点加以总结,方便学生掌握。本书分为上、下两册,下册内容包括向量代数与空间解析几何,多元函数微分学、重积分,曲线积分与曲面积分、无穷级数等。本书可供高等学校非数学类专业学生使用,也可供科技工作者学习参考。
睡梦中,学三角木棉 著面对数学课本中的三角函数,常会让人感到头昏眼花,成串的公式定理更是许多人产生困惑及排斥。你是不是经常会有这样一种感觉:总是被一群公式定理追着跑,却不知道为什么要跑?如果你有这种感觉,那么《睡梦中,学三角》就是为你而写的三角函数学习书。这本书中有两位主角:一位是爱打瞌睡的小平,他的数学老师叫作“老罩”(老是罩不住);另一位是大M,是小平在睡梦中遇见的“数学守护神”。作者藉由小平和大M的对谈,巧妙地将许多学习的过程以灵活的思维,解析三角函数的含义。交流中,告诉读者如何去学习,用贴近生活的实例来启发思考的途径,把每个章节的公式、应用问题观念串联。书中小平的错误也是许多人在学习过程中的盲点,可以说是最贴近学生的缩影。 为何要学?如何去学?学过之后如何应用?书中都有详细的阐述,不同于一般的教科书,它以幽默风趣的教学,带领读者领会数学的魅力,熟悉三角函数背后的运作逻辑,让对学习三角函数感觉挫折的学生,能够重拾信心,也帮助学生建立起归纳整理的学习能力,避免出现囫囵吞枣、拼命死背的情形,而导致学习流于形式。本书强调的一种思想是:数学不要死记硬背。告诉那些数学弱项的孩子,不要放弃数学,因为只要方法和方式正确,就能成为学习数学的武林高手。让你走出以背公式来应试的机械式学数学的沼泽,成为自由驾驭数学的主人。采用幽默的对话方式,带读者深入思考,深入浅出学习三角函数。你希望自己从看到公式就头大,一跃而成为一流的数学高手吗?阅读这本书,也许这个改变也会发生在你的身上。