Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard MatricesYang Yi XianThis is the first book on higher-dimensional hadamard matrices and their application in telecommunictions and information security .It is divided into three parts according to the dimensional walsh and Hadamard matrices .Fast algorithms,updated constructions,existence results,and their generalised forms are presented. The second part deals with the lower-dimenstional cases,e.g.3-,4-,and 6- dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices and transforms.One of the aims of this part is to simplify moving smoothly from 2-dimensional cases to the general higher-dimensional cases.This part concentrates on the 3-dimensional Hadamard and Walsh matrices.Constructions based upon direct multiplication,and upon recursive methods,perfect binary arrays are also introduced.Another important topic is the existence and construction of 3-dimensional Hadamard matrices of orders 4k and 4k +2 respectively,and a group of transforms based on 2-,3-,4-and 6-dimensional walsh-Hadamard matrices and their corresponding fast algorithms.The third part is the key part,which investigates the N-dimensional Hadamard matrices of order 2,which have been proved equivalent to the well known H-Boolean functions and the perfect binary arrays of order 2.This equivalence motivates a group of perfect results about the enumeration of higher-dimensional Hadamard matrices of order 2. Applications of these matrices to feed forward networking ,stream cipher,Bent functions and error correction cods are presented in turn.after introducing the definitions of the regular,proper,improper,and generalised higher-dimensional Hadamard matrices ,many theorems about the existence and constructions are presented.Perfect binary arrays,generalised perfect arrays,and the orthogonal desgns are also used to construct new higher-dimensional Hadamard matrices.The many open problems in the study of the theory of higher-dimensional Hadamard matrices which are also listed in the book will encourage further research.Audience This volume will appeal to researchers and graduate students whose work involves signal processing,coding,information security and applied discrete mathematics.
模式识别进展-ICAPR 2001Sameer Singh 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2001, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March 2001.The 40 revised full papers presented together with three invited papers and two tutorial presentations were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The book is organized in topical sections on neural networks and computational intelligence, character recognition and document analysis, feature selection and analysis, pattern recognition and classification, image and signal processing applications, and image feature analysis and retrieval.
应用并行计算本社 编This book constitutes the carefully refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, PARA'98, held in Umea, Sweden, in June 1998.The 75 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers address a variety of topics in large scale scientific and industrial-strength computing, in particular high-performance computing and networking; tools, languages, and environments for parallel processing; scientific visualization and virtual reality; and future directions in high-performance computing and communication.
高等代数专题研究学习指导书冯泰,周永胜,张清利 编按照高等代数专题研究多种媒体教材一体化设计方案的要求,本指导书每章分重难点解析、典型例题、自测题、自测题解答和教材习题解答五部分.高等代数专题研究是初等数学的理论基础,本课程涉及:什么是数,数的运算与映射的关系,不等式理论,多项式理论、因式分解,多项式根的求法与根的估计,初等排列组合的原理与应用,容斥原理和抽屉原理方面的知识等,知识面较广,内容较多.为了使学生能够顺利地学习相关的内容,在重难点解析部分对某些概念或定理、公式等作了较多的解释,并列举了大量例题印证或说明;自测题包括单项选择题、填空题、解答计算题和证明题,学生自己学完各章后,进行一次自我认识;教材中的部分习题有一定难度,在教材习题解答中给出稍细解答,一般题目只给答案.本课程的总体要求以该课程教学大纲为准,为此将《广播电视大学“本科开放教育”高等代数专题研究教学大纲》附上,供参考.教材中第六章“伽罗华理论”,教材和教学大纲中均加了“*”号,因时间关系,本书略去.教材中第四章“数论初步”,超出本课程的教学大纲,不做教学要求.
寄情科学饶忠华主编本书是中国科普佳作百年选中的《寄情科学》,书中共分“文豪放言”、“寻幽探胜”、“生命物语”、“品味人生”、“绿色风情”、“科学之美”六部分,收录了我国著名的文字家茅盾、王蒙、黄宗英等人所作科普文章。 本书内容丰富,文笔生动流畅,融科学性、知识性及可读性于一体,非常值得一读。
数学旅行家(美)卡尔文·C.克劳森(Calvin C.Clauson)著;袁向东,袁钧译这是一本关于数的书,但本书并不仅仅讲述正经八百的数学。数学确实要研究数,同时,数的应用跟人类的经验与感受交织在一起,以致谈论数的方方面面将深入触及大量人类本性中非常神秘的东西,本书确实包含数学的内容,但也涉及人类学、生物学、心理学、解剖学、历史学和哲学。
形状生成理论Michael Leyton 著In this book, the author develops a generative theory of shape with two properties fundamental to intelligence: maximizing transfer of structure, and maximizing recoverability of generative operations. The theory is applied in considerable detail to CAD, perception, and robotics. A significant aspect of this book is the development of an object-oriented theory of geometry. This includes a group-theoretic formulation of object-oriented inheritance. In particular, a class of groups is developed called "unfolding groups", which define any complex shape as unfolded from a maximally collapsed version of itself called an "alignment kernel". The group is decomposed into levels corresponding to the inheritance hierarchy within the complex object. This achieves one of the main goals of the theory - the conversion of complexity into understandability. The advantages of the theory are demonstrated with lengthy studies of robot manipulators, perceptual organization, constructive solid geometry, assembly planning, architectural CAD, and mechanical CAD/CAM.
模式识别 Pattern recognitionBernd Rading,Stefan Florczyk 著This edition includes discussion of Bayesian classification, Bayesian networks, linear and nonlinear classifier design (including neural networks and support vector machines), dynamic programming and hidden Markov models for sequential data, feature generation (including wavelets, principal component analysis, independent component analysis and fractals), feature selection techniques, basic concepts from learning theory, and clustering concepts and algorithms. This book considers classical and current theory and practice, of both supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition, to build a complete background for professionals and students of engineering.
矩阵博士的魔法数(美)马丁·加德纳(Martin Gardner)著;谈祥柏译美国虽然是个高度现代化的国家,但社会上述信之风甚盛。总统选举,奥斯卡金像奖提名,好莱坞红星的预卜,甚至馈赠一件特异的生日礼品,也会去征求巫师的意见。占星术、骨相学、传心术、掌纹算命、圣经占卜法、瑜伽学、看水晶球……纷纷出现,真是洋洋大观,无奇不有。马丁·加德纳所写的矩阵博士长篇连载,之所以能在世界著名高级科普杂志《科学美国人》上连续刊载,长达20年之久,这充分说明了杂志主编的犀利眼光:在当今美国社会,破除现代迷信仍是一项应当长期坚持不懈的事业。另一方面,连载文章始终拥有大量读者,也充分证明文章的针对性很强,能够切中时弊,从而受到社会各阶层人士的普遍欢迎。本书的重点是反对与批判数字迷信的。数字迷信在世界各国都以不同的面貌出现,例如日本的“数秘术”,中国的“术数”等。本书是加德纳的另一部杰作。他写这本书是使出了浑身解数的,在写作风格上,也与他的其他许多作品有异。原则只有一个:站在迷信的对立面,始终不遗余力地抨击、揭露、批判和破除各式各样的诡计与花招,对伪科学也毫不留情。但是,加德纳先生用了一种非常独特的笔法,即欲擒故纵。欲抑先扬的办法。故意先把书中的主人公矩阵博士吹得天花乱坠,神乎其神,然后又翻开他的底牌,揭露其骗局,把他的戏法放在光天化日之下曝光。这种高明的创作技巧与富有幻想的情节,着实要比苍白无力的“批判”有力得多,也更切合美国的国情。就这点而论,它倒是很像鲁迅先生在《中国小说史》中所得到的晚清谴责小说,例如《官场现形记》与《二十年目睹之怪现状》等嬉笑怒骂皆成文章的作品。