形状生成理论Michael Leyton 著In this book, the author develops a generative theory of shape with two properties fundamental to intelligence: maximizing transfer of structure, and maximizing recoverability of generative operations. The theory is applied in considerable detail to CAD, perception, and robotics. A significant aspect of this book is the development of an object-oriented theory of geometry. This includes a group-theoretic formulation of object-oriented inheritance. In particular, a class of groups is developed called "unfolding groups", which define any complex shape as unfolded from a maximally collapsed version of itself called an "alignment kernel". The group is decomposed into levels corresponding to the inheritance hierarchy within the complex object. This achieves one of the main goals of the theory - the conversion of complexity into understandability. The advantages of the theory are demonstrated with lengthy studies of robot manipulators, perceptual organization, constructive solid geometry, assembly planning, architectural CAD, and mechanical CAD/CAM.
解图形题的钥匙郑审机,邱学华 著本书将向介绍10种解图形题的分析思考方法。它们像10把钥匙,好让你打开“几何王国”的大门。伟大的科学家富兰克林又说过:“懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。经常用的钥匙总是亮闪闪的。”有了钥匙,就要经常用。基于此,这本书里介绍的每一种分析思考方法后面,都附有思考性较强的例题和习题。请你先认真看懂例题,边看边想,掌握分析思考方法,然后再做练习,试试一你能不能用这把“钥匙”去“开门”。“几何王国”既是一个神奇的世界,也是一个创造者的乐园。通过思考、解题、探索,你一定会领略到数学大花园的千姿百态,体味到数学思想的灵巧和美妙!
微积分导教·导学·导考卢恩双 等主编全书共分8章,每章均设了6个板块,即按照内容提要,知识结构图,教学要求、重点、难点及考点,典型题解析,课后习题选解,学习效果测试及答案等6个部分来编写,旨在帮助读者掌握课程重点、难点,学会分析方法,提高解题能力,为考研的读者提供帮助,同时可为教师教学提供参考。本书可作为高等农林院校各专业本、专科生的课程辅导及应试参考书,也可作为报考硕士研究生的考生进行强化训练的指导书。
Б.П.吉米多维奇数学分析习题集题解费定晖 编本书拥有四千多道习题,数量多,内容丰富,由浅入深,部分题目难度大。涉及的内容有函数与极限,单变量函数的微分学,不定积分,定积分,级数,多变量函数的微分学,带参变量积分以及重积分与曲线积分、曲面积分等等,概括了数学分析的全部主题。当前,我国广大读者,特别是肯于刻苦自学的广大数学爱好者,在为四个现代化而勤奋学习的热潮中,迫切需要对一些疑难习题有一个较明确的回答。有鉴于此,我们特约作者,将全书4462题的所有解答汇辑成书,共分六册出版。本书可以作为高等院校的教学参考用书,同时也可作为广大读者在自学微积分过程中的参考用书。
序列及应用2006LNCS-4086Guang Gong,Tor Helleseth ,Hong-Yeop Song,Kyeongcheol Yang 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications, SETA 2006, held in Beijing in September 2006.The 32 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on linear complexity of sequences, correlation of sequences, stream ciphers and transforms, topics in complexities of sequences, linear/nonlinear feedback shift register sequences, multi-sequence synthesis, filtering sequences and pseudorandom sequence generators, sequences and combinatorics, FCSR sequences, aperiodic correlation and applications, and boolean functions.
B.H吉米多维奇数学分析习题集题解费定晖 周学圣 编暂缺简介...