甪直何兆兴 等编,王琴 译The Taihu Lake Basin adjacent to Shanghai has a diversified water system and clamp climate and is rich in produce. The original inhabitants planted rice and bred silkworms, and took advantage of the convenient water trans-portation there to develop trade relations both domestically and overseas.This part of the country is famous for its silk and herbal medicines. Since ancient times, it has witnessed rapid economic growth, and has earned thenicknames "Heaven on Earth" and "Land Flowing with Rice and Fish."Six ancient waterside towns in this area, namely, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi andTongli in Jiangsu Province, and Xitang, Wuzhen and Nanxun in ZhejiangProvince, are the most attractive representatives of age-old towns in south-east China.Waterways have shaped the ancient towns of southeast China, their streetsfollowing the contours of the waters and their houses built on riverbanks.Small bridges, smoothly flowing rivers and tranquil residential houses formthe typical natural landscape of these towns. Winding streets and lanes,ancient bridges and beautiful gardens contribute to a tranquil and simple atmosphere. These towns' rich historical and cultural legacies are embodied in the venerable shapes of bridges, streets, lanes, residential houses, ances-tral halls, temples and theaters, all with a distinctive local flavor. The philosophy of life in a waterside town emphasizes the harmonious unity of Nature and Man. The buildings appear simple, though inside they are usually splendidly decorated, and the luxury is not shown on the exterior. The main building material in these towns is wood, displaying fine carvings and other decorations. The scenery changes with the four seasons, yet the tranquility and harmony, the smartness and elegance remain unchanged. A stay in oneof these age-old towns brings tourists a strong sense of history, and enchants them with graceful landscapes and a relaxing lifestyle.
中国文化知识读本闫静静 编著灵隐寺是中国佛教的著名寺院,也是杭州最早的名刹。从建寺至今已有一千六百多年的历史,可谓阅岁月沧桑,览人间百态,几番风雨,几多变革;始终悠然独立于修竹茂林之间,其身上所承载的文化底蕴及其所折射的历史风貌更是无法估量的宝贵财富,现已成为人们观光、旅游、祈福的游览圣地。
瑞典语北京旅游赵清 编著瑞典虽然只有900多万人口,但瑞典人酷爱旅游,因此瑞典入境游人数众多,市场需求大。这本《瑞典语北京旅游口译》主要是面向瑞典语本科学生的旅游口译教材,同时也希望能够为瑞典语导游从业人员、外事接待人员提供参考。本书为了适应现在的旅游口译要求,不仅涉及北京经典的旅游景区故宫、天安门、颐和园、长城、雍和宫,还涉及较新的2008年夏季奥运会建筑群,此外本书还附有“北京概况和历史”以及“京剧和杂技”简短?绍。本书以故宫为侧重点,不仅涉及旅游团队经常选择的中路和西路,同时为了给大家提供参考,对东路景点也做了详尽描述。其他景区按照团队参观习惯编写,力求在教学和实践中都能够做到详细、实用。本书配有一些图片,主要面向对景点不熟悉的学生,方便大家参考。
走遍广州北京聿佳文科技信息中心,广东省地图出版社 编终年百花斗艳,四季树绿果香。这里就是广州,北负南岭,延续华夏祖山龙脉,南面大海,敞怀迎接南洋之风。这里就是广州,承袭千年的岭南古城,享誉中外的商贸之都,兼收并蓄的美食首府,异彩纷呈的潮流天堂。
中国文化知识读本李超 编著南京栖霞寺坐落在江苏省南京市东北的栖霞山中峰西麓,距城17公里,是我国著名佛教圣地之一。自古“深山藏古寺”“天下名山僧占多”,凡是到栖霞寺朝拜或游览参观的人,都会被这座古刹依山傍水、林木繁茂的旖旎风光所折服。有着“六朝胜地、千佛名蓝”之称的江南名刹栖霞寺,与山东临清灵岩寺、浙江天台山国清寺、湖北荆州玉泉寺并称为“天下四大丛林”。
同里何兆兴 等编,章挺权 译TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.
西塘何兆兴 等编,姜晓宁,周晓刚 译Xitang, a town of ancient residences, is renowned for many bridges, Lanes and covered corridors. Visitors may find shetter from the sun and rain under the many extended corridors with hanging red tanterns,and discover a sense of history winding through the cracks along the quiet Lengths of Shipi Lane and Ji Famity Lane. The town has numerous Ming and Qing dynasty buildings.You can still sense a profound schotady air in Zunwen and Zuijing haLts, and observe in West Garden a few bridge galledes, appealing as if suspended in the sky. In a smaU boat you can glide forward through drizzle and willows,rooking for the Divine Hatt atong the Incense-Burning Waterway while appreciating stone bddges and flowing waters - scenery typical of southeast China. At dusk on Yongning Bridge,you may capture another aspect of Xitang's beauty and tranquitity by enjoying the moonrise, viewing tanterns and Listening to the soft paddte-strokes through the water;while at dawn, breathe in strong whiffs of awakening tife from wafting chimney smoke or early morning haze, hanging over the river channets, old houses and streets, as welt as stone bridges, aLL comprising elements of a traditionat Chinese painting.
乌镇何兆兴 等编,郭辉 译Wuzhen is famous for its residences dating from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and the town keeps its ancient ambience, as if time has stood still. Wuzhen is also famous for its traditional craft of "bed-making," exquisite examples of which can be seen in the Museum of Antique Beds. Other attractions include the elaborate painting of 24 filial sons of old times in the Zhu Family House, and depictions of traditional ceremonies, such as those for babies when they were one month old, weddings and the birthdays of the elderly all illustrative of the culture of southeast China.
南浔何兆兴 等编,章挺权,徐汀汀 译Nanxun is known in China and abroad as the home of Jiti Silk. Its thriving silk trade helped Nanxun earn the accolade "town of afflu-ence." Its community of wealthy merchants gave rise to beautiful garden residences, such as the Xiaolian Villa, the former residences of Liu Ti and of the Zhangs-all built on a grand scale and delightful to the eye. Particularly unusual is the juxtaposition of Chinese and Western architectural styles of these garden residences: Baroque columns, European fireplaces and French etched glass are blended into traditional Chinese buildings with central halls, skyweUs, and carved brick gatetowers.