中国学术刘东主编本刊是由美国哈佛燕京学社资助、中外学者共同编辑、商务印书馆出版的系列文辑,设“论文”、“评论”、“书评”和“通讯”四个栏目,每季度出版一辑。其宗旨是提高我国人文及社科的研究水准,推展汉语世界的的学术成就;增强文化中国的内聚力,促进中外学术的深度交流;力争中文成为国际学术研究的工作语言,参与中国文化现代形态在全球范围内的重建。它力争以“人文与社会”为轴心,追求学科交叉和科际整合。本书是这部学术期刊的第十三辑。 论文一栏,孟悦聚焦于传播与纛动中的建筑文化,郭伟杰聚焦于民国的传教土建筑;另一级转从理论或知识面来思入文明间的问题。鉴于殖民主义和民族国家之类信语所要捕捉的全球关系正在急剧消失,德里克敏感地追问到了后殖民主义之后问题。胡成的文章回顾了早在1920年代就已形成的“半殖民地”历史叙述框架,认为其有待激发的活力曾受到“半封建”框架背后的单线历史观众的牵制。再一组涉及宋明理中的传承关系。吴震“以无善无恶”论为切入点,回了了阳明学到阳明后学的思想展开过程;郭晓东通过分析诠释《中庸》时朱熹对吕大临的继承和批评,来体会这位宋代思想家在解经方面的多义准则。等等。
忒勒马克斯法弗朗西斯·德·费内隆(Francois de Fenelon)原著;( )Patrick Riley编译Fenelon s Telemachus(1699)is,alongside Bossuet s Politics,the most important work of political theory of the grand siecle in France.It was also the most widely read work of the time,influencing Montesquieu and Rousseau in its attempt to combine monarchism with republican virtues.Fenelon tells of the moral and political education of Telemachus,young son of Ulysses,by his tutor Mentor (the goddess Minerva in disguise).Telemachus visits every corner of the Mediterranean world and learns patience,courage,modesty,and simplicity,being the qualities he will need when he succeeds Ulysses,as king of Ithaca,It is the story of the transfornation of an egoistic young man into a model ruler,and is meant(among other things)as a commentary on the bellicosity and luxuriousness of Louis XIV.Patrick Riley,is Oakeshott Professor of Political Philosophy,University of Wisconsin-Madison.He is the editor of Leibniz:Political Writings and Bossuet:Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.
利维坦英托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)原著;( )Richard Tuck编Thomas Hobbes s Leviathan is arguably the greatest piece of political philosophy written in the English language.Written in a time of great political turmoil(Hobbes s life spanned the reign of Charles l ,the Civil Wars,the Commonweaalth and the Protectorate,and the Restoratin),Leviathan is an argument for obedience to authority grounded in analysis of human nature.Since its fiist pust publication in 1991 Richard Tuck s edition of leviathn has been recognised as the single most accurate and authoritative text,and for this revised edition professor Tuck has provided a much-amplified and expanded introduction,which will provide students unfamiliar with Hobbes with a cogent an accessible introduction to this most challenging of texts.Other vital aids to study include an extensive guide to further reading ,a note on textual matters,a chronology of important events and brief biographies of important persons mentioned in Hobbes s text.Richard Tuck is Professor of Government at Harvard University.
神圣政体和世俗政体英乔治·劳尔森(George Lawson)原著;( )Conal Condren编《神圣政体和世俗政体》囊括了所有著名的经典原著,但与此同时,它又扩展了传统的评价尺度,以便能够纳入范围广泛、不那么出名的作品。每一本书都有一个评论性的导言,加上历史年表、生平梗概、进一步阅读指南,以及必要的词汇表和原文注解。
论秩序和基本尊严( )卢瓦瑟(Loyseau)原著;( )Howell A.Lloyd编译This is the first English edition of a treatise that influenced French thinkers from its publication in 1610 until the end of the ancien régime. In his Treatise of Orders and Plain Dignities, Charles Loyseau set out to harmonize with law his fellow citizens' values and behavior in the crucial sphere of possession and exercise of public power. The introduction to this edition sets this important text in the context of Loyseau's own political thesis and the intellectual milieu of those who administered early-modern France."This first-ever English-language edition of a once-celebrated work by a contemporary of Jean Bodin is a valuable contribution to the Skinnerian project of filling in the intellectual valleys separating the 'peaks' of Plato and Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas, Hobbes and Locke, Rousseau and Kant, and Hegel and Marx." Ethice.
乌托邦英托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)原著;( )George M.Logan,( )Robert A.Adams编First published(in Latin)in 1516,Thomas Mores Utopia is one of the most influenial books in the Wetem philosophical and literary tradition and one of the supreme achievements of Renaissance humanism.More coined the word ‘utopia’(from the Greek:‘no place’),and his complexly ironic account of an imaginary communist society not only has given rise to the genre of utopian fiction but has been an inspiration to generations of political reformers.After nearly five centuries Utopia continues to provoke intense interest and lively debate among students and scholars.For publication in the Cambridge Texts series the editors have inchuded all the ancillary materials that were inchuded,at Mores behest,in the early editions (encompassing letters and poems on Utopia by More and several of his humanist associates).The text of Utopia itself is a new version of the highly regarded translation by Robert M.Adams,and the introductory materials and annotations incorporate much important recent scholarship.This edition also inchudes a brief bibliography and chrronology,intended to assist the student encountering this celebrated text for the first time.
君主论( )马基雅维利(Machiavelli)原著;( )Quentin Skinner编This is a major new English-language edition of one of the central texts in the history of political thought, presenting students with the most accurate and accessible translation yet of Machiavelli’s famous treatise.In his introduction to Russell Price’s translation, Quentin Skinner presents a lucid analysis of The Prince, seeing the text both as a commentary upon the immediate world of Florentine politics, and as a response to the genre of advice-books for princes published by a number of Machiavelli’s contemporaries. Emphasising the specific message of warning beneath its surface generalities, Professor Skinner examines the intellectual context of The Prince, and highlights Machialvelli’s repudiation of Renaissance moralism and its classical antecedentsNumerous aids for the student reader are provided, including brief biographies of persons mentioned in the text and notes on Machiavelli’s sometimes problematic vocabulary, as well as a chronology of important events and a guide to further reading.
乌有乡消息( )William Morris原著;( )Krishan Kumar著News from Nowhere(1890)is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers,William Morris.It is a utopoian picture of a future communist society,drawing on the worh of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical visions of sovialism.In this work of his last years,Morris distilled many of his leading ideas on politics,art and society,imagining a world in which capitalism has been abolished by a works’revolution and nature and society have become beautiful habitations for hunmanity.In an era that has seen the collapse of state socialism,Morris's damning critique of this conception,and his positing of a powerful alternative,are compelling reasons for paying attention to this coassic of British socislism.