香港小吃掃街王蔡象文 著暂缺简介...
粵菜真味江獻珠 编著真正的美食应该属于大众,质朴的原汁原味才重要!江献珠「珠玑小馆」又一经典奉献──《粤菜真味》。本系列以粤菜食谱为主导,介绍食材的选择常识与烹饪技巧,凸显真味的特质,并以真味故事作为体现饮食文化的依托。面向对粤菜有兴趣者、饮食爱好者、饮食文化传承者、家居人士以及厨师等。《粤菜真味鱼鲜篇》推荐的是家常菜,鱼鲜豆腐蔬菜类。
特級校對陳家廚坊陳紀臨 ,方曉嵐 著本書是「特級校對陳家廚坊」叢書的第三冊,貫徹作者提倡“在家吃飯”的理念,讓讀者從食物中體驗家庭的溫馨和諧。本書集粵港台及東南亞各地客家菜的精華,選出可口易做的名菜,重新演繹,破解做法,使之適合普通家庭烹調;並以流麗的筆觸,細訴客家人的飲食文化。讀者透過細讀本書及親自下廚,將會對客家飲食文化有更深認識。
嶺南美食傳奇梁谋 编著暂缺简介...
Michelle Lo 私房越菜Authou 编著資深廚藝導師勞淑玲女士,是著名的越南菜名廚,也是經驗豐富的烹飪導師。做的菜既有濃厚的越南風味,也融和中式和法式烹飪精粹。本書中,作者把傳統味和創新互相結合,透過精湛的廚藝煮出一道一道誘人的菜式,包括前菜、主菜、湯羹、甜品,共五十多款越南美食。
消失的名菜广州博物馆“食在广州”是广州的城市名片。近年来,广州博物馆携手中国大酒店打造的“消失的名菜”项目,依托博物馆百年老菜谱藏品文物,以中国大酒店专业餐饮团队为基础,高度还原一批“消失的名菜”,成就了“文物活化 文化粤菜”文旅融合创新品牌。本书稿乃依托“消失的名菜”系列素材编写而成,通过“百年老菜单”微视角,探寻粤式饮食的流变,深入发掘名菜背后的历史文化,再现广州市民的生活与时代变迁,为城市留住美食的乡愁记忆。
苏州美食手册叶正亭 著苏州美食与时俱进,各酒店、菜馆、点心铺又不断地创新或复古许多苏州美食,这些又可以称为“新苏州美食”。基于此,《苏州美食手册》作者用两年时间深入大街小巷、田野乡镇,找寻并品尝这些苏州美食,同时写了四十余篇介绍这些美食的文章,内容包含三虾面、母油鸭面、全蟹宴、春季“五头”、鸡汤碗、慈姑片、六月黄、鱼羊宴等,配以精美图片。《苏州美食手册》既是对苏州美食文化的介绍,又可以作为新时代的苏州美食导览。
灌南味道成树华 等著本选题共分为十章,全面呈现了灌南县独有的饮食文化。章探寻历史,从厨祖伊尹、食基农耕、酒制祭礼等着手,让人感悟历史传承和发展的脉动。第二章着重描写灌南本土食材,从时令生鲜、河中美鲜、渔港海鲜到草里“虫”鲜,全方位展现了灌南特有的饮食习惯。第三章到第七章,传统宴席的变迁、新淮扬菜系的传承与发展、节日食俗的规范、特殊食俗的讲究勾画着古今的脉络。第八章“老酒”“新宠”,汤沟酒、食用菌、小龙虾等,展现饮食发展的魅力。第九章轶事趣闻,偷苜蓿草、挖野荠菜、打槐树花等生活画面,凝结着过去生活的艰辛。第十章艺食同根,描述了与美食相关的楹联、方言、随笔等,令人沉醉。咀嚼“味道灌南”,一种“尝尽海西珍馐方知味,饮完汤沟佳酿始觉香”的感觉油然而生。
地中海烹饪本社 编From the rustic mountain cuisine of the Pyrenees that lines the stomach and warms the cockles of the heart in winter, to the light, sun-soaked spring and summer dishes of the Mediterranean South, lovers of French cuisine can revel in the pleasures of good food.In this book, a total of 11 master chefs introduce recipes of varying degrees of difficulty,from elegant appetizers and soups, via typical regional dishes, to enticing desserts. These include oyster fritters, guinea fowl with garlic, and a creme brOlee with Muscatel wine.Readers can follow step-by-step instructions on how to prepare all these delicacies.Planning the perfect menu is child's play with detailed information on the degree ofdifficulty, cooking time, and method. Immerse yourself in the refinement of French cuisine and treat yourself and your guests to delicacies from the land of the gourmet.
地中海烹饪本社 编Mozzarella, pesto, Parma ham and balsamic vinegar: Italian products and recipes still enjoy top ranking in the world, equal to no other cuisine. This is for good reason, for la cucina italiana is very healthy, tasty, and easy to master by any cook -beginner or experienced.The 11 Italian master chefs of this book have brought together a very exciting selection of regional recipes and personal creations: a delicious lasagne enhanced with arugula,spaghetti with fresh langoustines, salmon trout with orange sauce, aromatic lamb Abruzzi style, or delicious truffle dishes from the Marche region. Here, every Italian region comes into its own, with the very best that the cuisine has to offer. The detailed step-by-step instructions enable trouble-free and successful preparation of even complicated recipes:the only thing that remains is to wish you and your guests "buon appetito"!