钢结构工程计价指南中国建筑金属结构协会 上海建工集团股份有限公司 住房和城乡建设部标准定额研究所 主编暂缺简介...
地下结构设计原理胡志平 编本书以地下结构设计原理为主线,突出工程实践中设计的基本原则、内容和流程,详细阐述了几种常见地下结构的设计原理。全书共分9章,主要内容包括:绪论、地下结构的荷载、弹性地基梁理论、地下结构计算方法、浅埋式地下结构设计、盾构法隧道结构设计、地下连续墙结构设计、地下结构可靠性与耐久性设计、地下结构抗震设计等。本书重点突出,各章相互衔接,每章均附有思考题。 本书可作为城市地下空间工程、土木工程、交通土建工程、桥梁与隧道工程、地下工程、水利水电工程等专业的本科教学用书,也可供相关专业的工程技术人员参考。
建筑结构抗震设计李国强 李杰 陈素文 陈建兵暂缺简介...
Engineering Geology 工程地质闫长斌结合我国工程地质课程的教学特点,根据《高等学校土木工程本科指导性专业规范》要求编写,主要内容共分8章,包括绪论、矿物与岩石、地质构造及其对工程的影响、土的分类与工程地质性质、岩石与岩体的工程地质性质、地下水及其工程地质问题、不良工程地质现象及工程地质勘察等内容。基于课程教学目标,本书将教学内容凝聚成四个专题:基础知识专题、地质构造与地质图阅读专题、水与地质灾害专题和工程地质勘察专题,有利于开展专题化教学。在知识讲解过程中,本书注重引入工程案例,并配合详实的图片资料和适当的扩展资料让学习者更能直观地理解知识点。
人工分子巨型结构 Manmade Modular MegastructuresIan Abley 著There will be 8.3 billion human beings on Earth by 2030, and the more the better. We have the opportunity to create a world of expansive megacities - including one around old London. Doing so will advance the art, science and processes of manufacturing. But to deploy those abilities we must shrug off the dogma of sustainability that insists only small can be beautiful. Humanity has come a long way since the first modular mega-structure was built at Ur, on land that is now Iraq. There, four millennia ago, and by hand, the Sumerians built a mud-brick ziggurat to their Gods. Today, the green deities of Nature we have invented for ourselves are worshipped with humility. Eco-zealots argue against the mechanised megaforming of landscape and the modularised production of megastructures. The guest editors, Jonathan Schwinge and Ian Abley of the London based research organisation audacity, call for development on a bold scale. They argue that by rapidly super-sizing the built environment society is not made vulnerable to natural or man-made hazards, and that design innovation surpasses bio-mimicry. Designers can learn from materials scientists working at the smallest of scales, and from systems manufacturers with ambitions at the largest. This issue calls for creative thinking about typologies and topologies, and considers what that also means for Africa, China, and Russia. Megacities everywhere demand integration of global systems of transport, utilities and IT in gigantic structures, constantly upgraded, scraping both the sky and the ground, outward into the sea.