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深水气井天然气水合物防治理论与技术王志远,孙宝江,高永海 著This book mainly describes the theories and technologies for natural gas hydrate management in the deepwater gas well. There are 7 chapters in this book. Chapter 1 is an overview on hydrate risks in deepwater oil and gas development, which mainly introduces the hydrate formation and its hazards in deepwater oil and gas development; Chapter 2 is the formation and decomposition of natural gas hydrate, and the hydrate phase equilibrium model, the calculation method of hydrate formation and decomposition rates are given; Chapter 3 is the prediction for natural gas hydrate formation area in deepwater gas well, and puts forward related quantitative prediction method; Chapter 4 is the influence of hydrate phase transition on multi-phase flow in deepwater drilling well, which analyzes the change of multi-phase flow in the deepwater wellbore; Chapter 5 is the mechanism and prediction method for hydrate deposition and blockage in deepwater gas well, and establishes the related hydrate blockage model; Chapter 6 is the hydrate management technology in deepwater gas well, in which one new hydrate blockage management method based on HBFW is proposed. Chapter 7 is hydrate management software in deepwater gas well and case analysis, which analyzes the hydrate management schemes in deepwater gas well by case.
液压与气动系统应用与维修曹坚,罗洪波 著《21世纪全国高等教育应用型精品课规划教材:液压与气动系统应用与维修》是高等院校制造大类专业的教学用书,是我们经过多年的教学改革与研究,结合企业的生产实际,经过仔细认真地讨论,在广泛征求意见基础上编写而成的。《21世纪全国高等教育应用型精品课规划教材:液压与气动系统应用与维修》遵循以应用能力和综合素质培养为主线的指导思想,分“液压与气动元件的维修”、“液压与气动系统的构建”、“液压与气动系统的预防性维修,常见故障诊断与维修”和“液压与气动系统的改造”四大部分,共27个学习项目。
小型露天采石场开采安全技术熊远喜 著本书针对目前小型露天采石场(矿)的现状,系统介绍了矿山企业相关的安全生产法律法规、安全基础知识、小型露天采石场(矿)开采安全技术、职业卫生与 职业病的预防、矿山事故应急救援预案等内容。 本书可作为小型露天采石场企业负责人、安全管理人员及全体职工的培训用书。
采油工程手册万仁溥 编《采油工程手册(套装上下册)》重点介绍我国现有的、最新的、公认的采油工程基本原理、基本概念、基本公式、基本数据、基本技术、基本设备等方面的知识,同时也介绍了国外一些成型的最新技术和方法。