网络英语刘人主编;莫宾江,鲍明东编著编辑推荐:本书是《英语派对丛书》之一,本书由上网前的准备、在因特网上冲浪、网海迷航有搜索、我要“伊妹儿”、有用的东西要下载和网上聊天动手不动口五部分组成。互联网上用户越来越多,信息量也越来越大,互联网正成为信息时代获取信息的主要手段,然而这些信息中95%以上都是英文信息,中文信息只占不到1%。英文信息使大部分中国人产生畏难情绪,即使是受过英文专业训练的人阅读整篇英语文章也感到吃力,更不用说普通读者了。为了能将一些较难懂的东西说得简单,作者请了两位朋友,一位是对网络闻所未闻的网盲小龙,另一位是对什么网络问题都说“a piece of cake(小菜一碟)”的网虫小易。向读者介绍如何上网、如何搜索信息、如何使用电子邮件、如何下载,到如何在网上聊天等等。
实用英语口语突破(澳)Pam Wadeson,刘雁滨编著全书充满话题式的、激发学习者兴趣的主题内容,具有全球性、多样性、实用性。话题的选择上力求丰富、新颖、充满时代气息,便于引发畅谈与交流。将语言学习与学习者的知识背景相结合,并为学习者提供尽可能的信息量,展现层出不穷的使用语言的情景。本书力求通过阅读、会话的实践活动来扩大学习者的词汇量,加强他们的“词汇能力”。这里所说的词汇能力指能在实际中应用所学词汇的能力,而不是孤立的强记硬背。新、难词汇与鼓励掌握的词语表在专门标出,意在强调词汇在上下文中理解与学习的重要性。例句的提供,也是出于同一目的。
朗文英语口语和笔语语法(英)Douglas Biber等著;陈国华导读The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English is an entirely new grammar of American and British English-from the language of conversation to the language of academic textbooks. There are no made-up examples in this groundbreaking new-gramar. The authors began. Not with preconceived notions of the grmmar of English. But with a huge bank of language data, the Longman Corpus Network.A six-year research project brought together the linguistic expertise of an intenational author team-all acknowledged experts in the field of corpus linguistics and grammar.The result of this research is the present volume. Many points of traditional grammar are confirmed. But now on the basis of much larger amounts of statistical data than ever before. Some aspects of traditional grammar are challenged by this book, and some new findings. Not even suspected before now, will surprise and interest the reader.What makes this book so special is that it turns English inside out. Professor Douglas Bibers research team tagged and parsed the structures in the Corpus. This analysis revealed the degree to which different grammatical features of language vary according to the type of language. The way language is used in conversation is quite different from the waylanguage is used in fiction, which in turn isoften very different from the grammatical characteristics of newspapers or academic books.Entirely corpus-based grammar of EnglishOver 350 tables and graphs showing the frequency of constructions across different registers, from conversation to fiction to academic prose6,000 authentic examples from the Longman Corpus NetworkBritish English and American English grammar comparedNew and challenging findingsReveals the differences between spoden and written English .
流行美语排行榜James Currington著;苏雅敏编译本书根据对美国高中生和大学生所作的调查,列出了他们所使用的最流行的语言。本书中的每一句英语,都是既流行又简单,每一句都可以现学现说,只要选你喜欢的流行英语就好了,不需要死背整本书。流行英语如果能够活学活用,你就算是与美国流行英语同步了。
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