本和我 Ben and Me(美)罗伯特·劳森小老鼠阿莫斯住在本杰明?富兰克林的皮帽子里,与他朝夕相处,自认为是这位大人物生活中的重要角色。在这本书里,小老鼠讲述了这位政治家、科学家、外交家和哲学家生活中鲜为人知、令人惊讶的一些细节,故事滑稽有趣、又惊心动魄——信不信由你。
人性的弱点(美)戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie)There is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything. Did you ever stop to think of that? Yes, just one way. And that is by making the other person want to do it.Remember, there is no other way.Of course, you can make someone want to give you his watch by sticking a revolver in his ribs. You can make your employees give you cooperation-until your back is turned-by threatening to fire them. You can make a child do what you want it to do by a whip or a threat. But these crude methods have sharply undesirable repercussions.
美女与野兽美国迪士尼公司The Prince scowled. He faced a pair of heavy gilded doors that were shut to him. From beyond, he could hear music and laughter. The parry, his party, had already begun. Crystal dinked as guests toasted the night and wandered about the ornate ballroom, their eyes no doubt widening as they took in the hundreds of priceless objects that lined the walls. Beautiful vases, detailed portraits of faraway places, rich tapestries, and solid-gold serving plates were just a few of the many items. And they all paled in comparison to the beauty of the guests themselves. For the Prince did not invite just anyone to this parties. He invited only those he deemed beautiful enough to be in his presence. So they came from all over the world, each one as much on display as the inanimate objects in the room.迪士尼经典的浪漫公主故事之一。爱读书、爱做白日梦的小镇姑娘一不小心闯入了迷雾城堡里,暗花深丛中,让我们共同聆听一曲深情童话,见证一场爱的传说吧!
怪兽大学美国迪士尼公司One sunny morning, a bright yellow school bus rolled out of an elementary school parking lot. The fall leaves were turning brilliant colors against the blue sky, and children shouted noisily from the bus.. They were excited because they were going on a field trip!The children's laughter and singing sounded typically happy, but the words to their song were a little odd: "The neck bone's connected to the head bone. The head bone's connected to the horn bone. The horn bone's right above the wing bone..."动画故事不是只有一味的卖萌而已,皮克斯最天马行空的故事之一《怪兽电力公司》就是一部“吓人”的好故事。这部前传聚焦两位主角大学时期不打不相识的趣味历险。来看看到底是天资聪颖的“关系户”更厉害,还是勤勤恳恳的“学霸”笑到最后呢?
海底总动员美国迪士尼公司In the warm waters off the coast of Australia, two clownfish swam at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Here the ocean was a place of brightly colored anemones, towering corals, and twisting sea plants. But just beyond the reef was the wide open sea."Yes, dear. Its beautiful," a clownfish named Coral said nervously to her husband, Marlin. "When you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think you were gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Oh, yeah. A Fish can breathe out here," Marlin said proudly马林是一只胆小的小丑鱼。当他唯一的儿子尼莫被潜水员捉走后,他毅然踏上了寻找儿子的征途。一路上,马林经历了种种意想不到的困难和奇遇……。