HSE警示录中国石油国际勘探开发有限公司(China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Developmcnt Company Ltd.)编Each and every accident/incident encompasses substantial information. If delving deeper into an accident/incident with approaches from various angles or layers, or in a holistic way, it is certain that we will be able to cognize the mechanisms behind it, hence making the best of it.Since 2009, China National Oil and Gas Exploration & Development Company Ltd. ( "the Company" ) has made a continual effort in sharing safety experience at all organizational levels within the Company by publicizing "HSE Alert" and "HSE Bulletin" on a weekly basis, and incorporating "Log, Investigate and Learn from Incidents" into the Company's"HSE Control Framework" that makes it a mandatory requirement that all accidents/incidents be widely collected, thoroughly analyzed with lessons well learned, and precautlonary and remediaJ measures put in place so as to prevent similar incidents from recurring. Lesson sharing can and will help us identify management loopholes, avoid repeated mistakes, make equipment, installation & process safer, promote employee' s HSE awareness, and ultimately put the Company in a better position to control risks.Following the initial publishing of "HSE Warning" in July 2010 and the second in March 2011, a third volume is now squared away. This volume is a compilation of incident management cases of the Company over the past 7 years (2011-2017), which is indexed by Accident Type (Caught between/in/under, Confined space, Cut/puncture/scrape, Explosion/burn, Electric shock/electrocution, Noise/pressure/chemical/biological/vibration, Fall from height, Overexertion/strain, Pressure release, Slip/trip, Struck by, Drowning, Road traffic accident, Dangerous occurrence, Near miss, Environmental pollution, and other) and Life-saving Rules (Override of safeguarding sbrstems, Confined space, Driving, Energy isolation, Hot work, Line of fire, Safety mechanical lifting, Permit to work, Working at height, inadequate information, and unclassified).Albeit the terse, simplified delineation, the accidents/incidents presented in this volume are all typical, and of significant leaning values. This volume can be used as a reference for HSE professionals in the causal analysis of incidents, or as an educating material for all employees.
建设工程勘察设计合同纠纷裁判指引常设中国建设工程法律论坛第十二工作组常设中国建设工程法律论坛第十二工作组完成的所著的《建设工程勘察设计合同纠纷裁判指引》一书,主要介绍了建设工程勘察、设计工作的内容、专业特点和管理要求,以裁判指引条文加释义的形式,系统梳理了建设工程勘察、设计合同纠纷中的常见问题,为司法和仲裁实践中的建设工程勘察、设计合同纠纷提供裁判思路和处理方法的建议,并激发广大建设工程法律从业者和设计管理人员的思考和讨论。 本书按照导论、合同效力、合同解除、费用、质量、工期、其他等七个主题归类列章。每一条文均包括 “条文题目”“条文内容”“条文主旨”“理解与适用”等四个部分。全书采取学理论证与实证分析相结合的方法,对条文的理解与适用进行研析,为司法和仲裁实务实务中可能出现的相关疑难问题提供解决路径。 业界对建设工程勘察、设计合同纠纷中的法律问题讨论较少,本书在这方面进行了一定的开拓性工作,以期对建设工程勘察、设计合同纠纷的争议解决有所裨益。
有趣的药食同源耿晓娟,刘佳“酷·中医”是一套以中英对照的形式向外国读者介绍中医文化知识的丛书。该丛书以中医小李在美国与房东夫妇之间发生的故事为主线,介绍了中医的治疗理念和文化内涵,是外国读者了解中医文化、提高中文水平的有益读物。 “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Stories” is a Chinese-English series tailored for international readers to learn about traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM. The series features interesting, day-to-day encounters between visiting ChineseTCM scholar Mr. Li and his US host family Steve and Jessica who learn about TCM and its deep connection with Chinese culture. These stories can help readers gain a better understanding of TCM culture and also help improve their Chinese language level.
独特的治疗手法耿晓娟,刘佳“酷·中医”是一套以中英对照的形式向外国读者介绍中医文化知识的丛书。该丛书以中医小李在美国与房东夫妇之间发生的故事为主线,介绍了中医的治疗理念和文化内涵,是外国读者了解中医文化、提高中文水平的有益读物。 “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Stories” is a Chinese-English series tailored for international readers to learn about traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM. The series features interesting, day-to-day encounters between visiting ChineseTCM scholar Mr. Li and his US host family Steve and Jessica who learn about TCM and its deep connection with Chinese culture. These stories can help readers gain a better understanding of TCM culture and also help improve their Chinese language level.
李伶伶作品精选李伶伶本书精选了李伶伶的111篇小小说。作品文笔朴实而充满睿智,故事荒诞不经却又极度真实,散发着浓厚的中国北方地域色彩。小说充分描绘了爱情、人性,以及生活中的种种因果循环和阴差阳错,深刻洞照世态人心,让人在阅读中体验人生百味,也愈加热爱各自不完满的人生。 This book selects 111 short stories by Li Lingling. The stories fully depict love, humanity, and all kinds of causal connections and errors in life, which deeply reflect the world and the human mind, offering the reader experiences of various kinds of life.