最新GMAT考试指南(美)杰菲,(美)希尔伯特 编著Barron's Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is designed to assist students planning to take the official Graduate Management Admission Test governed by the Graduate Manage-ment Admission Council, headquartered in Virginia, and administered by Pearson VIDE, an elec-tronic testing company operating more than 5,000 computer centers in over 145 countries. Since the results of the GMAT are used by many graduate schools of business as a means for measuring the qualifications of their applicants, it is important that the prospective student do as well as pos-sible on this exam. Admission to business school may well depend on it.A study guide, although not able to guarantee a perfect score, can provide a good deal of assis-tance in test preparation by enabling students 'to become familiar with the material they will encounter on the exam and supplying them with ample opportunity for practice and review. With this in mind, we have developed a study guide that goes further than the simple simulation of the official GMAT in its effort to offer a sound basis of test preparation. Besides containing three prac-tice tests with questions (and answers) similar to those students will encounter on the actual exam,it offers invaluable advice on how to prepare for the exam, ranging from a general discussion of the purpose and various formats of the GMAT to a step-by-step program of subject analysis and review designed to help students discover their weak points and take measures to correct them. A tactics section is included that covers every question type. These tactics give students practical instructions and hints on how to analyze and answer each question...
GRE阅读必备专业词汇包凡一 编著《GRE阅读必备专业词汇》优势:真题为准,重点难点专业词汇一网打尽;直击考点,有的放矢掌握高频易考单词;话题分类,按照学科全面罗列各科词汇;小巧轻便,方便随时随地复习与记忆。
GRE词汇金虹霞,初胜华 主编《英语词汇突破系列·GRE词汇》收录的词汇约3000词,均为高频、偏难词汇,经过搜集历年真题、《巴郎词表》以及国内外最新的GRE考试经验整理汇集而成。真题考点部分从历年真题中精选出的重点词汇、GRE考试中的最典型用法和高频考点,以方便考生记忆和使用词汇时有所侧重。典型例句部分主要精选自《巴郎词表》、《牛津高阶英汉双解辞典》和《朗文当代英语大辞典》,不但紧跟考试思路,而且可以帮助记忆单词。《英语词汇突破系列·GRE词汇》共分30个单元,将简单词与较难掌握的词平均分布在各个单元中,分散了学习的难度。由于《英语词汇突破系列·GRE词汇》具有以上这些科学的编排和详尽的知识点,可以说是一本最为实用的英语词汇手册。
攻克英语GRE常考词汇掌上通孙慧 等编著《攻克英语GRE常考词汇掌上通》对GRE考试词汇进行了筛选、整理、将常考词汇按照 不同的词性分类,分别纳入不同的单元,不但帮助考生由易到难地进行词汇复习,而且帮助考生通过词性的分类,有选择地进行词汇复习。《攻克英语GRE常考词汇掌上通》适合参加GRE考试的考生使用,也适合想扩大英语词汇量的、具有英语中级以上水平的读者使用。
GRE词汇飞龙GRE(Graduate Record Exam)是美国教育考试服务处(ETS)主办的一项研究生入学考试。它适用于除了法律(需参加LSAT考试)与商业(需参加GMAT考)以外的各种学科与专业的研究生考试。美国各大学的研究生部都把GRE考试成绩作为是否对入学申请者授予奖学金或其他财政资助的重要依据。目前,我国有越来越多的考生参加GRE考试,尤其是GRE的能力测试(General Test)。本书根据美国最新的GRE巴伦词汇表编写,并参考了历年的GRE考试统计得出的常考词汇,它适用于准备到美国攻读硕士学位的考生,也可供水平相当的英语爱好者使用。
征服GRE核心词汇张沛 主编面对种类繁多的GRE词汇复习书籍,如何选择一本能有效地进行复习,并在短时间内取得良好成绩的好参考书呢?事实上,要确实掌握好一门外语不是一年半载就能办到的事,但要取得一项良好的考试成绩却可在短期内实现,其中的奧秘与关键便是找到科学的复习方法。本书要向广大考生推出的便是这种科学的英语词汇记忆方法:瞬间记忆和循环记忆相结合的方法。这种方法经过多年教学实践证明非常有效,适用于考前20天突击记忆GRE英语全部词汇,效果赫然,它可以扫除英语阅读中的词汇障碍,使考试成绩大幅度提高。
GRE考前强化训练陈放,林力源 主编本书