One of my former MA students,He Xuede,now an associate professor at Panzhihua University in Sichuan province,emailed me his recent book draft andinvited me to write a foreword for it.I am glad to see his book on English lexicology based on his research and teaching of it for many years and accept his invitation.English Lexicology is usually taken as a“required’’selective course for the English majors.The title of this course is somewhat rare for it is hard to find in the syllabus in the western universities.The lexicology course has been spilt into two areas for a long time,one is morphology and the other is semantics.The reason of this fragmentation is as the focus of linguistic investigation has been turned from the wordleveland sentence level to the textual or discoursal level.which iS the basic difference between structural linguistics and functional linguistics,the meaning of word can be best understood in a larger linguistic context,even together with the extra.1inguistic factors.