全国计算机等级考试试题全国计算机等级考试命题研究室本书根据最新考试大纲组只编写,内容包括了数据库系统概述、Visual Foxpro系统概述、Visual Foxpro数据库的基本操作、关系数据库的标准语言SQL、项目管理器、设计器和向导的使用、Visual Foxpro程序设计、上机题解,以及传统的面向过程的程序设计方法和先进的可视化的面向对象程序设计方法。 本书具有很高的实用价值,其内容紧凑、结构严谨、深入浅出,内容取舍合理、章节安排得当,各章均在阐述基本概念和要点的同时,都配有典型例题解析和同步强化练习题,进一步说明问题以加深读者对知识的理解。并在最后部分给出了包含各部分知识点的综合模拟试题,便于读者复习、练习和模拟考试,最后附上参考答案和解析,便于读者参考。
MCSE模拟试题70-028(美)Jill Spealman;健莲工作室译如果现在进行微软认证专家(MCP)考试,你能通过吗?CD-ROM上的MCP考试的模拟试题是检验自己备考情况的经济、安全的方式。本电子评估工具是根据自我测试软件,专门为Microsoft Press(微软出版社)开发的,它能随机产生一套包含60道函盖MCP目标的模拟试题。每次都能以不同的问题组进行测试和再测试,同时能自动存储,使你立即得到通过或失败的反馈。更生要的是,你会得到以下4个关键问题的答案:什么是MCP试题?对哪些题目和技术比较精通或存在不足?如何把握学习的重点?做好应试准备了吗?使用本模拟试题,评估对以下SQL Server 7.0的技术和知识的精通程序:计划、安装和配置、配置和管理安全性、管理和维护数据、监控和优化、故障排除。完成练习后,使用配套书来复习对所有答案—对或错—的有益解释,并且明确应进一步学习之处。使用模拟试题可以节约时间和金钱,建立对考试的信心,是备考的最佳选择。利用Microsoft Press的全套IT类书,获得利用和支持微软产品的能力:·Administrator’s Companions——全方位讲解产品利用和支持·Administrator’s Pocket Consultants——循序渐进地提供日常产品管理问题的答案·Microsoft Technical References——主要新技术或主要产品特性的深入、详细的信息·Notes from the Field——来自Micorosft Consulting Services的最好的实践知识·Readiness Reviews——MCP备考评估工具·Resource Kits——来自微软产品组的产品利用和维护的专家意见·Strategic Technology——重要技术和其商业本质的实践综述·Training Kits——专业的自我培训,更兼完全涵盖MCSE考试要点·Web Technology——重要Internet和Web技术的专业细节
MCSE 2000 网络考证圣经大众网络报社本书在第1章我们所介绍的是关于MCSE本身,目的让读者快速了解MCSE2000需要通过的认证科目;确立最佳的考证科目搭配;系统学习MCSE所列技能的书籍。如果你想知道一旦获得MCSE证书,将你的未来产生多大的影响,那么考试成功者的考证经过和感受定会极大地激励你的斗志。如果你正在进行MCSE考试的前期准备,第2章考试难重点分析一定要仔细阅读。在第2章里精辟分析了四门核心科目(必考科日)的难点和重点,直接关系到你打响考证第一枪的成功与否。第3章收集并精心整理了数位高分通过考试的前辈经验之谈,它们是考生梦寐以求的试题回忆,通俗一点说,这些试题回忆近似于真正考试的原题。更为难得的是,在这些试题回忆里还附有通过者的分析理解或者笔记。我们也在本章节专门附有学习笔记的空间,以供读者及时记录心得。最重要的部分在第4章,这是MCSE2000精华试题集,你能够借此测试自己对MCSE2000各门考试科目的掌握程度。
MCSE Windows 2000 Server 试题精解萧殷 仇伟红 马娟本书是《微软指定MCSE认证考试试题精解系列》丛书中的一本。它主要介绍了MCSE考试中Windows 2000 Server(70-215)部分考查的知识点。全文包括4部分内容:考点分析;3套模拟试题;术语表;考试大纲。文中考点分析透彻、独到;模拟试题部分采用中、英文对照进行讲解,便于英文基础薄弱的考生阅读;术语表涵盖了一些常用术语和MCSE(70-215)考试中的专用术语,便于读者查阅参考;考试大纲为考生复习提供了很好的指导和参考。本书附带配套光盘,提供仿真的模拟考试环境,便于读者进行自我测试。本书适合于MCSE(70-215)考生和对MCSE感兴趣的读者阅读。
MCSE Windows 2000 服务器部分(美)DAN NEWLAND&ROB SCRIMGERThis book is your passport to the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server exam(exam 70:215). Microsoft operating systems have become an industry standard, and the Microsoft Certified Professional program is one of the most respected certification tracks available to a computer engineer.Exam 70-215 focuses on Windows 2000 Server and on technologies related to planning, creating, and maintaining a Microsoft:based network.Topics covered on the exam include installation of the server, configuration of networking components and services, and the addition and support of network users. New technologies such as the Active Directory and various security enhancements will also be looked at.
MCSE Windows 2000 网络结构管理部分(美)RORY MCCAWThis book is your passport to the Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure exam (70-216), Which is one of the four core Windows 2000 MCSE exams required in your pursuit of the coveted Microsoft Windows 2000 MCSE certification. The Network Infrastructure exam tests your skills and knowledge of some of the most complex network infrastructure issues involved in the implementation and administration of a Windows 2000 Network. You'll learn about networking services like DHCP DNS, and WINS.Then we'll turn our attention to security components like certificate services, PKI,and IPSec. Lastly, we'll visit the remote-access infrastructure implemented through the Routing and Remote Access Server service, including IP routing and Internet sharing features like Internet Connection Sharing and Network Address Translation, just to name a few of the major points. The Implementing and Administering a Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure exam is generally said to be the toughest of the four Windows 2000 MCSE core exams, but with your passport, you'll be well prepared for this exam and can let it act as a stepping stone to your certification.
MCSE Windows 2000 专业版(美)BRIAN CULPIf a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, this is that step.Anough you don't have to take the Wndows 2000 MCSE exams in any particular order, it is generally accepted practice that this one will be your first. The Windows 2000 Professional exam is a good starting point for your journey, as the knowledge that you gain here will provide a good conceptual base upon which you will build for the rest of your MCSE certification. This test wilI measure your ability to implement, administer, and troubleshoot infOrmation systems that incorporate Microsoft Wndows 2000 Professional. You can expect to be tested on topics such as installing Wndows 2000 Professional, configuring hardWare such as network cards and disks, configuring the desktop environment for end users, implementing the networking protocols,establishing connectivity between computers, and troubIeshooting security settings. In addition, MCSE candidates are eXPected to have at least one year of exPerience implementing and administering network operating systems.