全球能源互联网研究与展望全球能源互联网发展合作组织本报告为《全球能源互联网系列研究报告》成果之一,是立足全球视野,基于对各洲能源互联网发展的深入分析,对全球能源互联网整体发展的系统谋划A。内容共分8章:第1章介绍全球经济社会和能源电力发展基本情况,分析全球可持续发展面临的挑战;第2章研究提出全球能源互联网发展理念;第3章在实现全球2摄氏度温控目标的指引下,展望全球能源和电力转型发展趋势,提出情景预测;第4章研究清洁能源资源分布和大型发电基地布局;第5章基于电力平衡分析,研究提出全球能源互联网骨干网架方案;第6章评估构建全球能源互联网所能带来的综合效益;第7章分析全球能源互联网发展的关键技术;第8 章展望实现全球1.5 摄氏度温控目标的能源电力发展路径与情景方案。
中南美洲能源互联网研究与展望Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation OrganizationThis report is one of the GEI research series. Based on the requirements of sustainable development in Central and South America, it systematically studies the Central and South American Energy Interconnection. It is divided into 7 chapters. In Chapter 1, the development status of the economy, society, resources, environment, energy and power in Central and South America are introduced. In Chapter 2, the challenges for sustainable development and energy transition in Central and South America are analyzed and the development ideas for Central and South American Energy Interconnection are proposed. In Chapter 3, guided by achieving the 2°C global temperature control target, the development trend for energy and power transition in Central and South America is envisioned, with corresponding scenarios proposed. In Chapter 4, the distribution of clean energy resources and layout of large power generation bases are studied. In Chapter 5, based on the analysis of the power balance, the overall layout and interconnection schemes for Central and South American Energy Interconnection are proposed. In Chapter 6, the comprehensive benefits brought by building Central and South American Energy Interconnection are assessed. In Chapter 7, the clean energy and power development path with its scenario in Central and South America to achieve a targeted 1.5°C temperature control is envisioned.
非洲能源互联网研究与展望Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation OrganizationThis report is one of the GEI research series. Based on the requirements of sustainable development in Africa, it systematically studies the African Energy Interconnection. It is divided into 7 chapters. In Chapter 1, the development status of the economy, society, resources, environment, energy and power in Africa is introduced. In Chapter 2, the challenges for sustainable development and energy transition in Africa are analyzed and the development concepts for African Energy Interconnection areproposed. In Chapter 3, guided by achieving the 2 ℃ global temperature control target, the development trend for energy and power transition in Africa is envisioned, with corresponding scenarios proposed. In Chapter 4, the distribution of clean energy resources and layout of major power generation bases are studied. In Chapter 5, based on the analysis of the power balance, the overall layout and interconnection schemes for African Energy Interconnection are proposed. In Chapter 6, the comprehensive benefits brought by building African Energy Interconnection are assessed. In Chapter 7, the clean energy and power development path with its scenario in Africa to achieve a targeted 1.5℃ temperature control is envisioned.
全球能源互联网研究与展望Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation OrganizationThis report is one of the GEI research series, which focuses on the global vision. Based on an in-depth analysis of the development of energy interconnection on each continent, this report proposes a systematic planning to build the GEI Backbone Grid. The research is divided into eight chapters. In Chapter 1, the overall situation of the global economy, society, resources, environment, energy and power development are introduced, and challenges for global sustainable development are analyzed. In Chapter 2, the development concepts of the GEI are analyzed. In Chapter 3, with the aim of achieving 2℃ temperature control target, the development trend of energy and power transition is envisioned, and a corresponding scenario is designed. In Chapter 4, the distribution of clean energy resources and layout of major power generation bases are studied. In Chapter 5, based on power balance analysis, the GEI backbone grid plan is proposed. In Chapter 6, the comprehensive benefits brought about by building GEI are assessed. In Chapter 7, the key technologies for the development of GEI are introduced. In Chapter 8, the clean energy and power development path with the global scenario to achieve the 1.5℃ temperature control target are proposed.
能源与电力分析年度报告系列 2019 国内外能源与电力价格分析报告国网能源研究院有限公司《国内外能源与电力价格分析报告》是能源与电力分析年度报告系列之一,主要对近五年的国际电力、煤炭、石油、天然气等能源价格进行分析,为制定我国能源价格政策、分析能源价格与经济发展的内在联系、制定我国能源长期发展战略提供重要参考。本报告对近五年国内外电力、煤炭、石油、天然气等能源价格水平及变动趋势进行了对比和分析,对我国2019年和2020年能源价格趋势进行了展望,并围绕核电上网电价机制、发电充裕度保障机制、用户侧储能激励政策和电网投资激励机制等热点问题进行了专题研究分析。
火电厂厂界环保岛技术百问百答系列丛书 烟气除尘分册华电电力科学研究院有限公司火电厂烟尘控制技术主要包括前端本体除尘技术和终端除尘技术,其中前端本体除尘技术包括电除尘技术和袋式除尘技术,终端除尘技术包括湿式电除尘技术和湿法脱硫装置协同除尘技术。 对火电厂烟尘控制技术而言,高温除尘技术主要是指采用高温除尘器,布置于省煤器和SCR之间,长期运行温度在300℃以上,能够承受烟气中高温、高腐蚀性气体,并且具备较高的除尘效率。按技术原理可划分为离心分离和过滤分离两大类。主要技术有高温旋风除尘技术、多孔材料过滤技术及颗粒层过滤技术等。
能源与电力分析年度报告系列 2019 国内外能源互联网发展分析报告国网能源研究院有限公司《国内外能源互联网发展分析报告》是能源与电力分析年度报告系列之一。本报告从发展基础、政策支持、项目实践等方面系统分析了国内外典型国家能源互联网发展情况,跟踪了能源互联网关键技术发展动态,并建立评价指标体系,对典型国家能源互联网发展进行了评估与对比分析。
电网继电保护技术与应用郑玉平 等本书系统阐述了近10 年来电网继电保护的新原理和新技术,内容侧重介绍变电和输电复杂大电网继电保护新原理以及配电网继电保护新技术。全书共分6 章,包括概论、复杂大电网继电保护新原理、配电网继电保护新技术、智能变电站保护技术、就地化保护技术和未来技术展望。本书可供从事输变电、配电网设计、安装调试、运行维护、研发、生产及技术管理等相关工程技术人员使用,也可供高等院校电气自动化专业师生参考使用。
能源与电力分析年度报告系列 2019 国内外电力市场化改革分析报告国网能源研究院有限公司《国内外电力市场化改革分析报告》是能源与电力分析年度报告系列之一,主要对每年国内外电力市场化改革的* 新进展和重大事件进行跟踪和分析,研究改革的发展趋势和规律,为进一步深化我国电力体制改革和电力市场建设提 供借鉴和参考。 本报告分别选取美国、加拿大、欧盟、英国、日本、澳大利亚、印度、俄罗斯,从政策法规、电力发展、市场概况、电力价格等方面对其改革的*进展和相关事件进行分析,同时对国外需求侧资源参与市场机制进行研究和分析。 此外,本报告对我国新一轮电力体制改革的*政策要求、实施情况、重点问题进行了深入分析和研究,并基于对国 外电力市场化改革相关经验的总结,得出对我国深化电力改革的启示,结合我国国情提出了进一步深化改革的相关建议。
能源与电力分析年度报告系列 2019 中国节能节电分析报告国网能源研究院有限公司《中国节能节电分析报告》是能源与电力分析年度报告系列之一。主要对国家出台的节能节电相关政策以及先进的节能节电技术措施进行系统梳理和分析,并测算重点行业和全社会节能节电成效,为准确把握我国节能节电形势、合理制定相关政策提供决策参考和依据。