铁路线路设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared with the view to unifying the technical standards of railway alignment design, and making the design meet the requirements on safety, reliability, advanced. technology, economical efficiency and applicability.This Code is applicable to the alignment design of standard-gauge high-speed railway,intercity railway,Class I and Classllmixed traffic railway,as well as heavy-haul railway. The alignment design of heavy-haul railway which also serves passenger transport shall be conducted according to the same design standards as that of mixed traffic railway, The alignment design of Class III and ClasslV railway shall be conducted according to related design standards.
铁路桥梁钢结构设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared according to the requirements of National Railway Administration regarding establishing the railway engineering construction standard system,based on the previous edition of this Code,with the view to meeting the needs of construction and development of railway bridges,unifying the design standards,improving the design level, and ensuring the safety and quality of steel structures of railway bridges; this Code is prepared also by summarizing and absorbing the experience and scientific research results in recent years in the field of construction and operation of bridge steel structures used in China's high-speed railways,intercity railways,mixed passenger and freight railways and heavy-haul railways.In this Code, the principle of giving priority to safety is implemented, the requirements on quality safety,resources conservation and environmental protection are enhanced,the overall design is emphasized; the main design criteria of steel structures of railway bridges with different transport properties and different speed classes are rationally determined in consideration of the national situation,the economic and social development level and the environmental conditions in China,so that the scientificity and technical-economic rationality of this Code have been further improved.In recent years,a lot of new materials,new structures and new techniques in the field of railway steel bridge design have emerged in China, such as Q500q steel, all-welded panel joint,monolithic steel deck,and cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge more than 1 000 m long,etc,and these advanced achievements and proven experience are summarized and absorbed in this Code.The Code consists of ten chapters,namely General Provisions,Terms and Symbols,Materials and Basic Allowable Stresses,Calculation of Internal Force,Calculation Length,Slenderness Ratio and Cross Section of Members,Connection of Components,Deck System and Connecting System,Steel Plate Girder,Steel Truss Girder,and Bearing.Five appendixes are provided.
铁路车站及枢纽设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared on the basis of comprehensively summarizing the practical experiences and scientific achievements on railway station and terminal design, construction and operation of China's high-speed railway,intercity railway,mixed traffic railway,and heavy-haul railway.This Code implements the national development concept of “innovation, coordination,green,openness and sharing”, and conforms to the policies and regulations on integrated traffic andtransportation development, on natural ecology and environment protection, on land and energysaving,etc.In this Code, safety priority principle is highly strengthened; the idea of systematic design for stations and terminals,and the idea of capacity coordination between lines and stations are highlighted.The design principles and design parameters for stations and terminals are reasonably determined based on national conditions, economic and social development level,transportation demands and environment conditions,which greatly improves the scientificity as well as the technical and economic reasonability of this Code.This Code consists of sixteen chapters: General Provisions; Terms; Basic Requirements;Terminal; Marshalling Station; District Station; Intermediate Station and Combination & Disassembly Station; Passing Station and Overtaking Station; Passenger Station, Passenger Facilities and Equipment and Passenger Car Depot (Shed); Railway Logistics Center; Hump;Industrial Station and Harbour Station; Border Station; Freight Collection Station and Freight Distribution Station; Earthworks and Drainage of Railway Station and Yard; Station Tracks.Also there are two Appendixes.
公路工程施工企业安全生产管理人员实用手册马绪荣本书系统总结了山东泰山路桥工程公司工程二处近年来取得的安全管理经验。全书共六章,分别为:概论,安全生产法律法规、部门规章及相关文件,项目安全生产管理制度,工程施工现场安全管理,公路工程施工安全技术交底要点,事故案例;结尾附有施工单位基础管理考核评价表、施工单位施工现场考核评价表、班组安全管理百分考核表、班组安全点检表、施工现场安全检查表、企业安全生产标准化达标考评指标以及常见安全标示牌。 本书可供公路建设工程安全生产管理人员及一线工人阅读使用,还可供高等院校相关专业师生学习参考。
甘肃省公路建设项目房建工程施工安全防护标准化指南本书编委会本书依据国家、地方的相关法律法规、标准规范及国内房建工程典型的经验做法,结合公路建设项目房建工程的特点,分九个章节对各类安全防护、临建设施、文明施工标等准化做法进行编制并配以图片说明。 本书适合公路建设项目房建工程专职安全管理人员、施工技术人员、工程管理人员使用。