二噁英类污染物的人体暴露评估陈卫红,史廷明,汤乃军,张素坤,陈建华 等《二噁英类污染物的人体暴露评估/环保公益性行业科研专项经费项目系列丛书》基于我国二噁英污染的严重性,首先综述了二噁英的理化特性、污染来源和健康风险评价方法,通过筛选PCDD/Fs暴露标志物体系,比较PCDD/Fs的不同检测方法,构建和优化内暴露检测技术与方法,并在京津冀与长江流域中游地区选取4个典型行业及其典型区域、对照区域开展PCDD/Fs污染程度评价、暴露水平与健康风险的关联性研究,特别是进行人体暴露评价技术的研究,为实现PCDD/Fs的污染控制,切实保护高污染行业/高暴露地区特定人群的健康提供技术支撑。
铁路隧道盾构法技术规程中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Specification is prepared with a view to unifying the technical standards of survey, design,construction and acceptance of shield railway tunnels,and making the shield tunnel comply with the requirements of safety,reliability,advanced and proven technology,environmental protection, economical efficiency and reasonability.This Specification is applicable to the survey, design, construction and acceptance of new railway tunnel constructed by shield method.Priority should be given to shield method when urban railway tunnel or underwater railway tunnel is to be built.The technical plan for the design of shield railway tunnel and the selection of shield type shall be determined according to the geology and landform of the site,the ecological environment,the energy supply condition and the equipment transportation condition etc. and by means of techno-economic comparison.Risk assessment focusing on environmental influence and construction safety shall be carried out in the design and construction of shield railway tunnel.In the process of shield tunneling,the boring parameters shall be adjusted and the attitude of the shield shall be controlled according to the geological conditions and monitoring data so as to realize the dynamic management throughout the whole process.Technologies such as geology forecast and pre-reinforcement should be used in shield tunneling. When new technology,new techniques,new material and new equipment are used,relevant national and industry standards shall be complied with.During shield tunneling,the technical document of the project such as construction record, quality test report,inspection and acceptance record shall be filled out in time.In addition to this Specification, the survey, design, construction and acceptance of shield railway tunnel shall also comply with relevant current national and industry standards.
铁路线路设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared with the view to unifying the technical standards of railway alignment design, and making the design meet the requirements on safety, reliability, advanced. technology, economical efficiency and applicability.This Code is applicable to the alignment design of standard-gauge high-speed railway,intercity railway,Class I and Classllmixed traffic railway,as well as heavy-haul railway. The alignment design of heavy-haul railway which also serves passenger transport shall be conducted according to the same design standards as that of mixed traffic railway, The alignment design of Class III and ClasslV railway shall be conducted according to related design standards.
铁路桥梁钢结构设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared according to the requirements of National Railway Administration regarding establishing the railway engineering construction standard system,based on the previous edition of this Code,with the view to meeting the needs of construction and development of railway bridges,unifying the design standards,improving the design level, and ensuring the safety and quality of steel structures of railway bridges; this Code is prepared also by summarizing and absorbing the experience and scientific research results in recent years in the field of construction and operation of bridge steel structures used in China's high-speed railways,intercity railways,mixed passenger and freight railways and heavy-haul railways.In this Code, the principle of giving priority to safety is implemented, the requirements on quality safety,resources conservation and environmental protection are enhanced,the overall design is emphasized; the main design criteria of steel structures of railway bridges with different transport properties and different speed classes are rationally determined in consideration of the national situation,the economic and social development level and the environmental conditions in China,so that the scientificity and technical-economic rationality of this Code have been further improved.In recent years,a lot of new materials,new structures and new techniques in the field of railway steel bridge design have emerged in China, such as Q500q steel, all-welded panel joint,monolithic steel deck,and cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge more than 1 000 m long,etc,and these advanced achievements and proven experience are summarized and absorbed in this Code.The Code consists of ten chapters,namely General Provisions,Terms and Symbols,Materials and Basic Allowable Stresses,Calculation of Internal Force,Calculation Length,Slenderness Ratio and Cross Section of Members,Connection of Components,Deck System and Connecting System,Steel Plate Girder,Steel Truss Girder,and Bearing.Five appendixes are provided.
铁路车站及枢纽设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局This Code is prepared on the basis of comprehensively summarizing the practical experiences and scientific achievements on railway station and terminal design, construction and operation of China's high-speed railway,intercity railway,mixed traffic railway,and heavy-haul railway.This Code implements the national development concept of “innovation, coordination,green,openness and sharing”, and conforms to the policies and regulations on integrated traffic andtransportation development, on natural ecology and environment protection, on land and energysaving,etc.In this Code, safety priority principle is highly strengthened; the idea of systematic design for stations and terminals,and the idea of capacity coordination between lines and stations are highlighted.The design principles and design parameters for stations and terminals are reasonably determined based on national conditions, economic and social development level,transportation demands and environment conditions,which greatly improves the scientificity as well as the technical and economic reasonability of this Code.This Code consists of sixteen chapters: General Provisions; Terms; Basic Requirements;Terminal; Marshalling Station; District Station; Intermediate Station and Combination & Disassembly Station; Passing Station and Overtaking Station; Passenger Station, Passenger Facilities and Equipment and Passenger Car Depot (Shed); Railway Logistics Center; Hump;Industrial Station and Harbour Station; Border Station; Freight Collection Station and Freight Distribution Station; Earthworks and Drainage of Railway Station and Yard; Station Tracks.Also there are two Appendixes.
中国煤炭工业志 中国煤炭报社志纂委员会《中国煤炭报社志(1982-2014)》是全面、系统记述中国煤炭报社自1982年6月筹备、1983年1月5日正式出版第一张报纸至2014年年底创刊32年来在队伍建设、采编业务、新闻报道、党团建设、组织机构设置、广告经营、印刷发行、人事管理、制度建设等方面的资料性文献。其中,大事记坚
环境流(澳)Angela H.Arthington《环境流(新千年拯救河流的新手段)/全球水安全研究译丛》主要从全球水文、气候和冰川径流的变化规律、河流生态学基础理论知识、大坝的历史及生态环境影响、环境流的研究方法、模型及应用、环境流的实施、监测和立法等方面对环境流的相关研究进行了系统的归纳和总结,其中很多研究思路值得环境流研究者借鉴。限于英文原版专著的普及性,国内相关从业者难以获取该专著之精华,译者认为有必要对该专著进行翻译,希望本译著对国内环境流相关从业者具有一定帮助。
铁路轨道设计规范中华人民共和国国家铁路局The translation of this Code was made according to Railway Engineering and Construction Development Plan of the Year 2015 (Document GTKFH [2015] 62) issued by National Railway Administration for the' purpose of promoting railway technological exchange and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.This is the official English language version of TB 10082-2017.1n case of discrepancies between the original Chinese version and the English translation,the Chinese version shall prevail.Planning and Standard Research Institute of National Railway Administration is in charge of the management of the English translation of railway industry standard, and China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd. undertakes the translation work. Beijing Times Grand Languages International Translation and Interpretation Co., Ltd.and Beijing Jiaotong University provided great support during translation and review of this English version.Your comments are invited and should be addressed to China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co., Ltd., 29B, Beifengwo Road, Haidian District, Beijing,100038 and Planning and Standard Research Institute of National Railway Administration,Building B,No. 1 Guanglian Road,Xicheng District,Beijing,100055.