3D Studio MAX
3ds Max9宝典Kelly L. Murdock 著"An excellent book for beginners as well as advanced 3ds Max users. A valuable reference that covers everything you'd want to know.":Andre Surya, Award-winning Digital ArtistA favorite of 3ds Max artists from beginners to pros!Why is 3ds Max Bible a perennial bestselling favorite? Because whether you're a beginner looking for a tutorial to get you up to speed your first day or an expert needing a reference to Max's advanced features, it's all here. Loaded with advice, professional tips, and more than 150 step-by-step lessons, this is the most comprehensive reference-tutorial on 3ds Max on the market, and the one you'll turn to again and again.* Organize and blend sequences with the new Animation Layers feature* Explore Sun and Sky, Car Paint, and other new mental ray shaders* Combine and divide objects with ProBoolean and ProCutter* Create more accurate dynamic animations with updated reactor tools* Add greater realism with enhanced and integrated hair and fur tools* Reference objects, materials, and controllers with XRefAnimate a dancing cartoon mooseIsolate mapping surfaces with the Quick Planar map buttonAdd realistic motion to your model's hairstyleWhat's on the DVD?You'll find before-and-after example files for every tutorial in the book. The DVD also includes:* Models and textures to customize for your own designs* Rendered AVI files of animations used in the tutorials* All the Max files for every tutorial* Adobe tryout versions of After Effects(r), Photoshop(r) CS2, Illustrator(r) CS2, and Premiere ProSystem Requirements: See the DVD appendix for details and complete system requirements.
技高一筹 3ds max轻松课堂全程实录神龙工作室 编著本书全面介绍如何使用3ds max进行三维动画的设计与制作。全书共分9章,分别介绍3ds max的基础建模、修改建模、材质与真实材质、利用灯光表现空间、环境特效的应用,珠宝与包装设计以及动画制作等方面的内容。本书的配套光盘是一张精心开发的专业级多媒体教学光盘,它采用全程语音讲解、情景式教学、详细的图文对照和生动的真实情景演示等方式,引导读者由浅至深,一步一步地完成各个经典实例的学习。同时光盘中提供400个精彩的素材文件和5套价值较高的室内设计场景源文件,读者直接或稍加修改就能够应用到工作中去,极大地提高了工作效率。本书适用于从事建筑设计与室内设计的广大从业人员以及电脑美术设计爱好者,也可以作为大专院校三维设计相关专业师生的教学用书,同时也适合作为电脑三维设计培训班的培训教材。
三维动画制作向华 主编本书是为适应中等职业学校培养计算机技术领域技能型紧缺人才的需要而编写的。全书采用案例式结构,由30个应用案例和1个综合案例构成,介绍了3DS MAX 5在建模、材质、灯光、摄像机和动画等方面的基本使用方法和操作技巧。通过大量的案例操作和上机实战训练,突出了对实际操作技能的培养。本书附有一张配套光盘,为“三维动画”课程的教学提供了方便。其中的“案例”文件夹提供了各章的所有案例,“场景”文件夹提供了完成部分案例以及上机实战所需要的场景文件,“实战”文件夹则提供了上机实战的操作结果。本书既可作为中等职业学校有关专业的“三维动画”课程教材,也可作为相关培训教材和三维动画爱好者的自学参考书。本书还配有电子教学参考资料包,包括教学指南、电子教案及习题答案,详见前言。
3ds max 5上机指导与练习詹翔,王海英 编著本书是《3ds max 5三维动画基础教程》的配套教材,内容以实验操作和练习为主,重点培养学生的实际动手能力。 全书共分12章,包括建模、灯光、材质和动画制作等部分的上机操作实验。本书给出了每个实验的实验目的、实验内容、操作步骤和实验总结,使学生能够明确每个实验需要掌握的知识点和操作方法。 本书适合作中等职业学校“三维动画”课程的上机教材,也可作为3ds max初学者的自学参考书。
电脑三维艺术形象Peter Weishar 著The computer-generated image (CGI) is one of the most astounding developments in the rapidly evolving field of digital technology. It allows for the creation of make-believe worlds and characters that are so realistic they fool the eye and the mind. Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, and feature-length 3D animations like Toy Story and Ice Age-films that have left audiences speechless, forever altering our expectations of what a movie can represent-owe their distinctive details, or even their entire creation, to computer-generated imaging. This spectacularly illustrated volume is the first book to consider CGI, from big-screen effects to full-length animated films, from games to fine art, as the art form of the 21st century. Focusing on 3D art only, the most exciting area of the field, the book features CGI's leading creators in film, television, games, and fine art, showcasing approximately 250 examples of their astonishing work in glorious reproductions. Author Peter Weishar, a professor and computer artist who is at the forefront of the field, brings both technical and aesthetic viewpoints to bear in this groundbreaking celebration of a major new art form. AUTHOR BIO: Peter Weishar is professor and dean of the School of Film and Digital Media, Savannah College of Art and Design. He is also an accomplished computer artist and animator and author of Abrams' Blue Sky: The Art of Computer Animation. Phil Tippett is a movie director and a visual effects supervisor who specializes in creature design and character animation. He has earned two Oscars and two Emmys.
3ds MaxTM8 宝典Kelly L. Murdock 著Spark your creativity with the world's most popular animation software and the detailed instruction in this power-packed book from an industry expert. If you're new to 3ds Max, jump right in with a Quick Start program that will have you modeling and rendering a complete image your first day. Experienced users, discover exciting new Max 8 features such as a new module for hair and fur, a new cloth system, and much more. This comprehensive book covers every feature, and it's loaded with professional techniques and full color examples to inspire you. 作者简介:Kelly L. Murdock has been authoring computer books for many years now and still gets immense enjoyment from the completed work. His book credits include various Web, graphics, and multimedia titles, including five previous editions of this book, 3ds Max 8 Bible. Other major accomplishments include Master VISUALLY HTML and XHTML, JavaScript Visual Blueprint, gmax Bible, Adobe Atmosphere Bible, Maya 6 and 7 Revealed, LightWave 3D 8 Revealed, Poser 6 Revealed, and co-authoring duties on two editions of the Illustrator Bible (for versions 9 and 10) and two editions of the Adobe Creative Suite Bible. With a background in engineering and computer graphics, Kelly has been all over the 3D industry and still finds it fascinating. He’s used high-level CAD workstations for product design and analysis, completed several large-scale visualization projects, created 3D models for feature films, worked as a freelance 3D artist, and even done some 3D programming. Kelly’s been using 3D Studio since version 3 for DOS. In his spare time, Kelly enjoys the outdoors while rock climbing, mountain biking, or skiing. He works at the design company he co-founded with his brother Chris: Logical Paradox Design.
3ds max 5三维动画基础教程詹翔,王海英 编著3ds max是功能强大的三维设计软件,它在三维动画制作、影视广告设计与制作、动态仿真等各个领域都有非常广泛的应用。 本书以三维动画制作为主线,全面介绍了3ds max 5的二维、三维建模过程及编辑修改方法、放样物体的制作及编辑修改方法、材质的制作和应用、灯光和相机特效的作用方法和粒子效果的应用、动画控制器的使用方法及视频后处理等内容。书中全部操作实例都有详尽的操作步骤,重点在于培养学生的实际操作能力。在每章的后均设有练习题,使学生能够巩固并检验本章所学知识。 本书适合作中等职业学校“三维动画”课程的教材,也可作为3ds max初学者的自学参考书。
3ds max 6.0实用教程卢正明,赵艳霞,霍建华 编本书通过大量的应用实例全面讲解利用3D STUDIO MAX进行立体设计与制作的创意、方法及技巧。全书共分为三个部分:部分讲解利用3D STUDIO MAX二维造型设计商标的应用实例,通过对这个实例的解析,讲解二维造型的制作方法和技巧;第二部分通过对一个综合实例“洗涤用品”系列包装设计的解析,讲解3D STUDIO MAX多种三维绘图方法的组合应用及材质、灯光和摄像机的使用方法;第三部分通过对三维动画实例“西部手机”广告动画的解析,讲解3D STUDIO MAX 在实际应用中的立体动画制作方法及创意思路。通过对本书的学习可以较快地提高读者对3D STUDIO MAX的综合应用能力和创作技巧水平。全书将基本功能和设计技巧结合在一起,通过丰富的实例进行讲解,提供一种很有针对性、易学易用的学习方法,其内容丰富翔实,有很强的实用性和可操作性,是一本适合初、中级用户入门和提高的教材,对高级用户也有一定的参考价值。本书可作为中等职业学校和各类大、中专院校电脑美术设计或电脑广告设计课程的教材,也可作为各种电脑美术设计短期培训的教学用书,以及供广大电脑美术设计爱好者自学或参考使用。
3ds Max三维建模案例大全史宇宏《3ds Max三维建模案例大全》从实际操作和应用的角度出发,通过182个精彩建模案例,全面、详细地讲解3ds Max三维建模的各种建模工具和建模命令的知识要点、使用方法以及创建各类三维模型的技巧与思路。《3ds Max三维建模案例大全》共18章,从3ds Max不同类型的三维建模工具和建模命令的基本操作,到使用这些建模工具和建模命令创建不同类型的三维模型进行了详细、全面的讲解。通过学习本书的内容,读者能够全面、系统地掌握3ds Max 三维建模的方法、思路和技巧。《3ds Max三维建模案例大全》语言通俗易懂,书中操作实例类型多样,具有很强的实用性、可操作性和代表性。《3ds Max三维建模案例大全》既是一本专业技术较强的案例类图书,也是一个不可多得的模型资料库。本书不仅可以作为高等院校和相关培训机构的教材,也可以作为三维建模工作人员的学习参考书。
中文版3ds Max 2022基础教程江奇志3ds Max是当前市面上流行的三维设计软件和动画制作软件,被广泛地应用于室内外装饰设计、建筑设计、影视 广告设计等相关领域。 《中文版3ds Max 2022基础教程》以案例为引导,系统全面地讲解了 3ds Max 2022 三维设计与动画制作的相关功能应用。内容包括 3ds Max 2022 基础知识与入门操作,基本体的建模方法,二维、三维、复合体的建模与修改编辑,摄影机、灯光与渲染技巧,材质与贴图应用,动画的设计与制作,粒子系统与空间扭曲应用。《中文版3ds Max 2022基础教程》第 12 章讲解了商业案例实训的内容,通过学习本章可以提升读者 3ds Max三维设计的综合实战技能水平。 全书内容安排由浅入深,语言通俗易懂,实例题材丰富多样,每个操作步骤的介绍都清晰准确,特别适合广大计算机培训学校、中高职院校作为相关专业的教材用书,同时也可以作为广大 3ds Max初学者、设计爱好者的学习参考书。