使用B语言的形式说明与开发Jacques Julliand,Olga Kouchnarenko 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference of B Users, B 2007, held in Besançon, France in January 2007.The 30 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The topics of interest to the conference included: industrial applications and case studies using B, integration of model-based specification methods in the software development lifecycle, derivation of hardware-software architecture from model-based specifications, expressing and validating requirements through formal models, in particular verifying security policies, theoretical issues in formal development, model-based software testing, tools supporting the B method, development by composition of specifications, validation of assembly of COTS by model-based specification methods, B extensions and/or standardization.
约束研究最新进展 CSCLP 2005国际研讨会Brahim Hnich 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and extended post-proceedings of the Joint ERCIM/CoLogNet International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2005, held in Uppsala, Sweden in June 2005. Besides papers taken from the workshop, others are submitted in response to an open call for papers after the workshop. The 12 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on global constraints, search and heuristics, language and implementation issues, and modeling.
面向服务的计算 - Icsoc 2006 / 国际会议录Asit Dan,Winfried Lamersdorf 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2006, held in Chicago, IL, USA in December 2006.The 34 revised full papers and 16 short papers presented together with 12 industrial and demo papers were carefully reviewed and selected from over 200 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on service mediation, grid services and scheduling, mobile and P2P services, service composition, adaptive services, data intensive services, service management: registry, reliability, XML processing, service modeling, business services: transaction, licensing, and SLA assessment, service discovery and selection, quality of service (policy, transaction and monitoring), business service modeling, service assembly, vision papers, experience with deployed SOA, SOA architectures, early adoption of SOA technology.
视觉计算进展George Bebis 等著The two volume set LNCS 4291 and LNCS 4292 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2006, held in Lake Tahoe, NV, USA in November 2006.The 65 revised full papers and 56 poster papers presented together with 57 papers of ten special tracks were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 280 submissions. The papers cover the four main areas of visual computing: vision, graphics, visualization, and virtual reality. The following topical sections are addressed: segmentation, tracking, and recognition, virtual reality, rendering, visualization, biomedical image analysis, visual computing and biological vision, understanding and imitating nature: analysis, interpretation, rendering and inspiration of biological forms, multimodal data understanding and visualization for industrial applications, intelligent environments: algorithms and applications, calibration, stereo, and reconstruction, computer graphics, discrete and computational geometry and their applications in visual computing, illumination, color, and texture, energy minimization approaches in image processing and computer vision, soft computing in image processing and computer vision, 4D medical data modeling, visualization and measurement, pattern analysis and recognition applications in biometrics, computer vision and applications.
2006 ECOOP 面向对象编程Dave Thomas 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2006, held in Nantes, France in July 2006.The 20 revised full papers, presented together with 3 keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 162 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on program query and persistence, ownership and concurrency, languages, type theory, types for object-oriented languages, tools, and modularity. In addition there are 5 retrospective and prospective papers from a special 20th anniversary session for the ECOOP conference series.
程序员考试精讲与精练张淑平、沈林兴本书是根据《计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试大纲(程序员级)》编写的考试辅导书。全书共11章,主要内容包括:计算机系统基础知识,操作系统基础知识,数据库基础知识,多媒体基础知识,网络基础知识,程序语言基础知识,软件工程基础知识,数据结构与算法,标准化基础知识,visual Basic程序设计基础知识以及算法与C语言程序设计。每章均包括学习目标与要求、知识点概述、典型例题与分析、强化训练习题和参考答案。 本书浓缩了考试复习内容,知识精练,重点突出,例题丰富,解答详细,既可作为计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试的应试辅导教材,也可作为大专院校师生的教学参考书。
SWT程序高手秘笈(美)哈顿Eclipse平台受欢迎的程度如同Java IDE与Java平台两者之于应用程序设计一样地与日俱增。Eclipse的核心结构之一正是Standard Widget Toolkit——SWT。这一组组件可以用来在Java上开发图形用户界面,并提供了Java Swing与AWT组件的原生代码替代选项。SWT结合了所运行的平台上的外观与操作感受来提供快速构建GUI的方法,并让它们看起来确实就像是属于所运行的平台。.但你已经知道要做什么,所以深入讨论用户界面的基本设计、图形化组件与何为按钮只是在浪费时间而已。从阅读笔记摘要风格的《SWT程序高手秘笈》中你会学习到如何让SWT上手、指挥其运作、转换调整,而并没有丝毫的空间浪费或言之无物。此书中的每个章节都是特定问题的工作细节,你可以从头读到尾,也可以随意找寻有兴趣的部分,甚至随身携带以备忘记如何构建multi-tabbed view时可以马上拿出来参考。《SWT程序高手秘笈》涵盖下面的主题:设置方便的SWT开发环境构建包含有分隔线、快捷键与事件处理程序的交互menu ..在现有的menu系统中加入工具栏与SWT的coolbar 创建text字段、list与combo box 在应用程序中加入slider、对话框与progress bar 使用tree、table与tabbed folder来创建高级的界面...
Visual FoxPro程序设计龙文佳《Visual FoxPro程序设计》是根据全国计算机等级考试二级考试大纲的要求,以深入浅出、理论联系实际为原则编写的一本可视化程序设计语言的教材。本书以Visual FoxPro 6.0为背景,介绍了关系数据库管理系统的基础理论及开发技术。主要内容包括数据库及其相关知识,集成开发环境,Visual FoxPro语言基础,数据表的基本操作,数据库的基本操作,结构化程序设计,结构化查询语言SQL,视图与查询,表单设计,菜单设计,报表与标签设计等11个部分。本书既可作为大专院校各专业Visual FoxPro程序设计的教材,也可用做全国计算机等级考试二级Visual FoxPro程序设计的教材,还可供从事数据库开发的人员学习、参考。本书共十一章,分别介绍了Visual Foxpro6.0 的基本操作、高级操作、结构化程序设计与面向对象的程序设计、表单、菜单与报表、应用系统开发实例等内容。全书图文并茂、内容新颖、语言流畅、循序渐进。通过一些精选的范例,全面细致地阐述Visual Foxpro6.0 中文版的使用方法。
Lucene in Action 中文版(美)高斯帕那(Gospodnetic,O.),(美)哈特赫(Hatcher,E.) 著,谭鸿 等译本书深入浅出地介绍了Lucene——一个开源的使用Java语言编写的全文搜索引擎开发包。它通过浅显的语言、大量的图注、丰富的代码示例,以及清晰的结构为读者呈现出作为优秀开源项目的Lucene所体现的强大功能,且Lucene是从网上可以得到的最好的开源Java搜索引擎。全书共10章,分为两大部分。第1部分Lucene的核心,着重于Lucene的核心API介绍,并按照把Lucene集成到程序中的顺序来组织;第2部分Lucene的应用,通过对Lucene内置工具的介绍,展示了Lucene技术的高级应用和在各种程序语言的移植。本书既可作为学习材料,又可以作为参考手册。本书适合于已经熟悉基本Java编程的读者,以及希望能够把强大的搜索功能加入到自己的应用程序中的开发者。对于从事搜索引擎工作的工程技术人员,以及在Java平台下进行各类软件开发的人员和编程爱好者,本书也有很好的学习参考价值。
ActionScript 2.0编程入门经典(美)德克森(Derksen,N.),(美)伯格(Berg,J.) 著,张蕾 译Action Script 2.0是Macromedia Flash的脚本语言,可用于创建复杂、动态的应用程序,以及给静态Web页面增加趣味性。无论读者感兴趣的是开发动态Web应用程序、构建个人公文包、创建游戏,还是处理媒体,Action Script 2.0可用于广泛的任务,本书将帮助读者充分利用这种脚本语言提供的全部功能。在研究了本书中包含的大量示例之后,读者将发现本书内容遵循由易到难、循序渐进的过程,能够给读者提供一个顺畅的学习体验。每个示例都详细解释了特定代码所做的工作。无论读者具有什么背景,具备哪些技术和艺术技能,或者最终目标是什么,本书都是你的良好起点。本书主要内容:•多种简单的编码约定可以帮助读者创建易于阅读和更新的项目;•如何依据电影剪辑来更改变量和内容;•运行和调试代码的技术;•如何使用绘图API,应用滤镜和混合模式,以及使用新增的Bitmap类;•处理文本以及将可视化样式应用于文本的各种复杂情况;•将图像、声音、视频和实时照相机馈给集成进项目中的方式。本书读者对象:本书适合于有兴趣使用Action Script 2.0编写他们自己代码的读者。读者之前无需具有任何编程经验。