ASP.NET 2.0 速查手册Imar Spaanjaars 著ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results helps you quickly create dynamic Web pages with ASP.NET 2.0. The book is centered around a dozen ready-to-use projects with all the code for all the projects included on the books CD-ROM - that you can use immediately. ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results dives into working code so you can learn it rapidly. The book and projects are written for intermediate-level programmers with some .NET experience. The projects and book provide a quick start reference so you can use ASP.NET 2.0 immediately. Each of the 12 project features step-by-step set-up instructions with a de*ion of each project that enables you to understand and then modify it so you can reuse it in different situations. The 12 projects covered in the book with complete source-code on the CD are: Online diary and organizer File share Chat server Survey engine CMS Blog Photo album Customer support site WebShop Appointment booking system Greeting cards Bug base Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Visual C#.NET项目开发实战从入门到精通李继武《Visual C#.NET项目开发实战从入门到精通》是一本讲解如何通过Visual C#.NET开发应用软件的书籍,它以5个实际项目为依托,全面而系统地再现了项目开发的实际过程,具有很大的实用价值和参考意义。全书首先介绍SQL Server 2000基础知识、ADO.NET基础知识和ASP.NET 基础知识;然后讲解5个项目的开发实例,每个项目均遵循“需求分析→开发规划→数据库设计及实现→各模块界面设计及功能实现→打包部署”的开发思路做深入讲解,详尽剖析大量源代码,适时讲解开发技巧,从而增长读者的开发阅历,积累项目实践经验。《Visual C#.NET项目开发实战从入门到精通(附光盘)》内容详实,案例鲜活,编排合理,讲解透彻,是一本不可多得的讲解Visual C#.NET软件开发的项目实战类书籍。《Visual C#.NET项目开发实战从入门到精通(附光盘)》适用于有C#语言入门基础,并想进一步精通Visual C#.NET开发工具开发各类软件项目的读者。
ASP.NET程序设计崔永红《高职高专计算机教育规划教材:ASP.NET程序设计》以C#为编程语言,系统全面地讲授ASPNET程序设计。主要内容包括:ASP.NET概述,C#语言程序设计基础,ASP.NET应用程序开发,服务器端控件,ASP.NET内置对象,Web页面的数据库访问技术,ASP.NET数据控件,XML Web Service,性能优化、配置、部署与安全,综合实例等。《高职高专计算机教育规划教材:ASP.NET程序设计》的特色是:从入门开始,自成体系,不要求读者学过程序设计方面的先修课程。在编写体例上,按照总体要求、核心技能点、相关知识点、学习重点、授课内容、本章小结、实验、习题等精心组织内容,条理清楚,逻辑性强。《高职高专计算机教育规划教材:ASP.NET程序设计》内容全面,由浅入深,注重实用,书中提供了大量实例,讲练结合,突出实践环节。本书可作为高职高专计算机及相关专业程序设计课程的教材,也可供应用开发人员学习参考。
VISUAL BASIC.NET 2005数据库编程技术与实例刘珊 编著本书共分为3篇,首先从开发起航篇开始,详细介绍了Visual Studio 2005集成开发环境和创建客户端数据应用程序的方法;然后通过高效开发篇介绍了类的设计、控件功能的强化及组件封装、用户控件的设计和测试,以及如何复用这些设计的功能或组件等高效开发技术,书中对应的知识点都给出一个或多个示例;最后通过项目实践篇把这些实战技巧紧密地贯穿起来。 本书是一本拥有大量实例和详细开发步骤的书籍,亦是一本非常好的数据库编程开发实例技巧集锦。重点在于培养读者的工程实践和创新能力,目标是使没有开发经验或者仅有少量程序设计基础的读者迅速掌握使用Visual Basic.NET 2005开发数据库应用系统的能力。通过本书的学习,读者将体验到使用Visual Studio 2005集成开发环境、.NET 2.0框架的数据新特性和Visual Basic.NET 2005语言来开发项目是何等快捷和高效。 本书不仅适用于相关专业的软件开发人员,也适合于高等院校师生学习和参考使用,亦可作为广大计算机编程爱好者的自学参考用书。
ASP.NET 2.0 MVP 问答David Yack 著This unique book offers readers invaluable information from the cream of the crop-Microsoft MVPs-who are now sharing undocumented hacks for the first time Packed with superlative advice on ASP, Microsoft's popular technology for Web sites, this book will help readers become more productive developers, find solutions to problems they thought unsolvable, and develop better applications During their many years of working with ASP.NET, Microsoft MVPs have answered thousands of questions, putting them in the distinctive position of knowing exactly what readers need to know Many of the hacks will apply to multiple versions of ASP.NET, not just 2.0 but 1.0 and 1.1 as well This book is also available as part of the 5-book ASP.NET 2.0 Wrox Box (ISBN: 0-470-11757-5). This 5-book set includes: Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition (ISBN: 0-470-04178-1) ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (ISBN: 0764584642 ) Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Security, Membership, and Role Management (ISBN: 0764596985) Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development (ISBN: 0471793507) ASP.NET 2.0 MVP Hacks and Tips (ISBN: 0764597663) CD-ROM with more than 1000 pages of bonus chapters from 15 other .NET 2.0 and SQL Server(TM) 2005 Wrox books DVD with 180-day trial version of Microsoft(r) Visual Studio(r) 2005 Professional Edition
.NET 2.0面向对象编程揭秘金旭亮 著本书以面向对象技术为主线,从跨语言的角度介绍C# 2.0与Visual Basic 2005的语言特性,深入剖析了CLR的内部运行机理;同时,详细介绍Visual Studio 2005的新特性,并展示出这些特性是如何应用于开发实践的,从而帮助读者用好这一开发工具;本书还深入剖析了一些较复杂的.NET技术,比如委托、异步调用、事件驱动、多线程等,可以帮助读者提升编程技能。本书在写作上追求深入浅出,易于自学,理论联系实际,适合于拥有一定开发经验和计算机理论基础的程序员,或在校的计算机专业高年级学生及研究生阅读。本书以面向对象技术为主线,从跨语言的角度介绍C# 2.0与Visual Basic 2005的语言特性,深入剖析了CLR的内部运行机理;同时,详细介绍Visual Studio 2005的新特性,并展示出这些特性是如何应用于开发实践的,从而帮助读者用好这一开发工具;本书还深入剖析了一些较复杂的.NET技术,比如委托、异步调用、事件驱动、多线程等,可以帮助读者提升编程技能。本书在写作上追求深入浅出,易于自学,理论联系实际,适合于拥有一定开发经验和计算机理论基础的程序员,或在校的计算机专业高年级学生及研究生阅读。
.NET Framework 2.0高级编程(美)达夫 著,王海涛,陈宇寒 译《.NET Framework 2.0高级编程》是畅销书作家Joe Duffy精心打造的优秀图书,详细探讨了.NET Framework和CLR 2.0技术,以及如何在这个平台上编写优秀的代码。《.NET Framework 2.0高级编程》在介绍技术的同时还揭示了技术后面的基本原理,在解释重要概念的同时还说明了它们与其他技术的联系和相互间的对应关系。《.NET Framework 2.0高级编程》可帮助读者快速掌握使用.NET Framework和CLR编程。
ASP.NET Web程序设计蒋培,王笑梅 编著《ASP.NET Web程序设计》详细介绍了使用ASP.NET 2.0进行Web应用程序开发的基础知识,并且结合实例全面阐述了ASP.NET 2.0的各种编程技巧以及新版本带来的巨大变化,以帮助读者快速掌握在.NET平台下开发ASP.NET 2.0应用程序的方法。全书共13章,内容包括ASP.NET 2.0的新特性、Visual Web Developer2005的使用、C#编程基础、服务器控件、样式、母版页、外观和主题、站点导航、数据源控件和新的数据绑定方法、文件和流处理、验证和登录控件、身份验证和授权、成员和角色管理、ASP.NET 2.0中的XML编程、移动wcb设计以及ASP.NET 2.0应用程序的管理和配置等。《ASP.NET Web程序设计》既适合AsP.NET 2.0的初学者阅读,也适合了解ASP.NET 1.x的读者阅读,书巾包含的大量实例对ASP.NET 2.0应用程序的开发人员具有一定的参考价值。《ASP.NET Web程序设计》可作为各大中专院校相关专业的教材或参考用书,也可作为其他学习ASP.NET 2.0人员的自学材料。
Essential ASP.NET 2.0(美) Fritz Onion Keith BrownASP.NET 2.0新增了大量功能,开发人员使用它可以更快地开发出功能丰富的网站。本书旨在阐述这些新功能的工作原理,引导读者深入了解Web应用程序的各个部分是如何协同工作的,让开发水平更上一层楼。本书讨论了ASP.NET 2.0采用的网页开发架构、确保网站界面一致的技术、简化数据库访问的技术、确保网站安全和提供用户定制功能的技术以及诊断故障和提高性能的技术,涵盖了代码隐藏模型、网页生命周期、编译、母版页、主题与皮肤、导航控件、声明式数据绑定控件、跨页传递、Wizard与MultiView控件、成员资格与角色管理、Web部件、诊断与跟踪、缓存、客户端回调以及异步等主题。本书适合有ASP.NET 1.x开发经验,想迅速掌握ASP.NET 2.0新增功能的程序员阅读;也可供有一定ASP.NET 2.0使用经验,想进一步提高ASP.NET 2.0开发技能的人员参考。
Microsoft .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0应用开发基础(美)诺萨普,(美)维德姆斯,(美)莱恩 著Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-536:and on the job. Work at your own pace through a serie of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then reinforce what you've learned by applying your knowledge to re world case scenarios and labs. This official Microsoft study guide is designed to help you make the most of your study time.Maximize your performance on the exam by learning to:Use system types, collections, and generics to help manage dalValidate input, reformat text, and extract data with regular expressionsDevelop services, application domains, and multithreade applicationsEnhance your application by adding graphics and imagesImplement code access security, role-based security, and data encryptionWork with serialization and reflection techniquesInstrument your applications with logging and tracingInteract with legacy code using COM Interop and PInvokePRACTICE TESTSAssess your skills with practice tests with website. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs.You get detailed explanations for right ond wrong answers:including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.作者简介:Tony Northrup,In the mid 1980s, Tony Northrup, ClSSP, MCSE, and MVP,learned to program in BASIC on a ZX-81 personal computerbuilt from a kit. Later, he mastered the 68000 assembly and ANSI C on the Motorola VERSAdos operating system before beginning to write code for MS-DOS. After a brief time with the NEXTSTEP operating system, Tony returned to a Microsoft platform because he was impressed by the beta version of Microsoft Windows NT 3.1. Although he has dabbled in other operating systems, Tony has since focused on Windows development in Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, C#, and Perl (for automation projects) for the .NET Framework.Tony started writing in 1997 and has since published more than a dozen technology books on the topics of development and networking. In addition, Tony has written dozens of articles at http://www.microsoft.corn, covering topics ranging from securing ASP.NET applications, to designing ftrewalls to protect networks and computers.Tony spends his spare time hiking through the woods near his Phillipston, Massachu-setts home. He's rarely without his camera, and in the past six years has created what might be the largest and most popular publicly accessible database of nature and wildlife photographs on the Internet. Tony lives with his wife Erica and his cat (also his favorite photographic subject) Sammy.