ASP.NET 2.0 速查手册Imar Spaanjaars 著ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results helps you quickly create dynamic Web pages with ASP.NET 2.0. The book is centered around a dozen ready-to-use projects with all the code for all the projects included on the books CD-ROM - that you can use immediately. ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results dives into working code so you can learn it rapidly. The book and projects are written for intermediate-level programmers with some .NET experience. The projects and book provide a quick start reference so you can use ASP.NET 2.0 immediately. Each of the 12 project features step-by-step set-up instructions with a de*ion of each project that enables you to understand and then modify it so you can reuse it in different situations. The 12 projects covered in the book with complete source-code on the CD are: Online diary and organizer File share Chat server Survey engine CMS Blog Photo album Customer support site WebShop Appointment booking system Greeting cards Bug base Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
ASP.NET 与 Ajax 开发基础教程Wallace B. McClure 著Ajax has the power to revolutionize the way web-based applications are designed. This book provides you with a thorough working knowledge of what Ajax has to offer and how to take full advantage of it in your application development.Following an exploration of how Ajax works with .NET, you'll get acquainted with DHTML, the role of JavaScript and the Document Object Model, and the XMLHttpRequest Object, which is the foundation of Ajax. Then you will examine the Ajax-type features built into ASP.NET and explore the Ajax.NET Professional Library in detail. Finally, you will explore client *ing as well as building and using controls with Microsoft's Atlas. With an entire chapter devoted to debugging, you will have all you need to use this cutting-edge technology.What you will learn from this book* What you can do with the open source Ajax.NET Professional Library* How to use the corresponding functionality, Asynchronous Client Script Callbacks, that comes with ASP.NET 2.0* Techniques for using the XMLHttpRequest Object to communicate between the client web browser and the server* An overview of XML, XSLT, and other ways to send data between client and server* How to integrate Microsoft's Atlas with many of the services available in ASP.NET 2.0 Who this book is for This book is for programmers who use ASP.NET and are just starting to use Ajax technologies to create more responsive, modern applications.Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.
ASP.NET 2.0 MVP 问答David Yack 著This unique book offers readers invaluable information from the cream of the crop-Microsoft MVPs-who are now sharing undocumented hacks for the first time Packed with superlative advice on ASP, Microsoft's popular technology for Web sites, this book will help readers become more productive developers, find solutions to problems they thought unsolvable, and develop better applications During their many years of working with ASP.NET, Microsoft MVPs have answered thousands of questions, putting them in the distinctive position of knowing exactly what readers need to know Many of the hacks will apply to multiple versions of ASP.NET, not just 2.0 but 1.0 and 1.1 as well This book is also available as part of the 5-book ASP.NET 2.0 Wrox Box (ISBN: 0-470-11757-5). This 5-book set includes: Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Special Edition (ISBN: 0-470-04178-1) ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (ISBN: 0764584642 ) Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Security, Membership, and Role Management (ISBN: 0764596985) Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development (ISBN: 0471793507) ASP.NET 2.0 MVP Hacks and Tips (ISBN: 0764597663) CD-ROM with more than 1000 pages of bonus chapters from 15 other .NET 2.0 and SQL Server(TM) 2005 Wrox books DVD with 180-day trial version of Microsoft(r) Visual Studio(r) 2005 Professional Edition
Professional DotNetNuke 4.0 for ASP.NET 2.0 指南Shaun Walker 著Shaun Walker, founder and president of Perpetual Motion Interactive Systems Inc., a solutions company specializing in Microsoft enterprise technologies. Shaun has 15 years professional experience in architecting and implementing large scale IT solutions for private and public organizations. Shaun is responsible for the creation and management of DotNetNuke, an open source content management system written for the Microsoft ASP.NET platform. Based on his significant community contributions he was recently recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in 2004. In addition, he was recently added as a featured speaker to the MSDN Canada Speakers Bureau which allows him to evangelize DotNetNuke to User Groups across Canada. Shaun resides in British Columbia, Canada, with his wife and two children.
基于.NET的Web前台开发技术洪洲 等主编《基于.NET的Web前台开发技术》的主要编写目的是使学生掌握Web前台开发的基本技术及操作规范,熟练运用.NET工具完成Web前台应用开发的需要。本教材以Web前台应用开发的工作流程为主线,以前台设计的方法和技术为基础,将项目作为引导理论和规范操作的方式方法。本教材按Web应用前端开发的步骤、方法、技巧分为Web前端开发基础、JavaScript & DOM编程、常用Web前端框架以及综合实训四大部分,主要包括HTML、XML、XHTML、CSS、JavaScript、DOM、jQuery、ExtJS等技术内容。本教材是作者总结多年教学经验并结合自身的实际项目工程经验编写而成,不但适合用作高职高专院校计算机类专业学习相关课程的教材,也适合于经验还不够丰富的前端工作者(前端设计师、前端开发工程师、前端架构师和用户体验设计师),希望教材能帮助大家从复杂、繁琐、无序的前台设计、开发和维护工作中解放出来,以良好的设计思维与架构方法为前台开发和设计保驾护航。
VC#.NET程序设计实训指导吴平贵 主编《VC#.NET程序设计实训指导》是新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会组编的计算机专业基础系列规划教材之一。本教材是由具有多年项目开发经验和教学实践经验的软件工程师和教学第一线的教师编写的,是重庆市市级精品课程“VC#.NET数据库应用程序设计”配套教材之一,也可作为VC#.NET教程单独使用。本教材通过大量精心设计的不同难易程度的实训案例、项目,图文并茂,形象地帮助读者进一步理解VC#.NET数据库应用程序设计中的重要概念,使读者能更好地掌握VC#.NET程序设计的基本操作,进一步理解教材中的重点难点内容,熟练掌握信息系统开发的一般步骤,熟悉系统开发中的常用算法,提高分析程序、设计系统和调试程序的能力。本教材按照由浅入深、循序渐进、螺旋上升的方式组织所有内容:按照基于典型工作任务的教学思想设计教学内容。全书的每个实训都通过典型的工作任务引出问题,通过典型的工作任务创立学习情境。每个典型工作任务都是经过精心挑选,且易于解决的。学生通过完成典型工作任务能够理解掌握所学的知识。
ASP.NET应用程序开发技术章忠宪 主编《ASP.NET应用程序开发技术/全国高等职业教育规划教材》是作者在多年教学实践基础上,结合国家示范性建设成果编写而成的。《ASP.NET应用程序开发技术/全国高等职业教育规划教材》使用C#作为程序设计语言,按照典型单体技术应用划分教学单元,每个学习单元精心设计若干涵盖本单元典型技术的案例,以学习任务为中心,按照任务场景描述、任务引导、相关知识与技术说明、任务的设计与实现说明、知识与技术拓展和课业任务及指导等学习环节组织教学内容。书中还提供了一个内容翔实的综合训练项目案例,以培养学生ASP.NET应用项目开发能力。书中教学案例设计典型,技术点选择实用,内容讲解详细,可作为高等职业院校计算机类各专业.NETWeb程序设计教材,也可以作为广大程序设计开发者、爱好者的自学参考书。
.NET最佳实践(美)Stephen Ritchie 著,黄灯桥,黄浩宇,李永 译《.NET最佳实践》是.NET领域的集大成之作和公认经典。书中总结了大量.NET开发人员公认的最佳实践,并有针对性地阐明了如何恰当地在个人、小组、组织和行业中应用这些最佳实践。书中的最佳实践涵盖.NET开发的方方面面,从基础技术到核心技术,从开发方法到开发流程,从开发工具到团队协作,等等。所有最佳实践都辅之以实际的项目案例,并对案例代码进行了深入分析,实践性和可操作性极强。《.NET最佳实践》可分为四个部分。第一部分(第1~5章)着重教授你如何选择和发现这些实践,如何提升团结度,如何量化这些实践等。第二部分(第6~9章)专注于开发人员个人的实践。第6章涵盖.NET规章制度标准和指南,识别并避免“代码异味”的技巧。第7章以非常规的方式来重新审视C#语言,带给你全新体验。第8章分享了多个符合高效开发原则的测试代码改进方法。第9章介绍生成自动化,以消除易错步骤,便于生成和部署。第三部分(第10~12章)重点介绍支持的工具、产品和技术。第10章介绍持续集成的流程和步骤,同时分析持续集成可利用的产品和工具。第11章推荐并分析诸多实用的代码分析(静态和动态)的工具、技术和方法。第12章综合介绍多种商业的及开源的测试框架和工具。第四部分(第13章)告诉你如何说服对采用最佳实践存在反感和偏见的组织和个人。本书还附有评估、跟踪最佳实践的记分卡。
NET程序设计实验50例陈明华,李正夫 主编书中实验围绕C#语言和基于.NET的Windows应用程序开发编写,全书共包含实验50个,分属4个篇章:基本语法篇、面向对象基础篇、面向对象进阶篇,以及Windows应用程序开发篇。前三部分的实验帮助读者循序渐进地掌握C#语言。基本语法篇包括实验20个,介绍了环境的安装、控制台应用程序的创建方法,以及C#语言中最基础的内容,如数据类型、表达式、常用的控制语句、常见的自定义数据类型(枚举、结构和数组等),以及函数等的语法和应用;面向对象基础篇和面向对象进阶篇介绍C#语言中与面向对象相关的语法知识及使用方法,具体包括:类及其成员的定义和访问,封装、继承和多态的概念与实现,接口和泛型等的定义及使用方法.以及调试和异常处理等相关知识。最后一部分介绍如何使用C#语言和VisualStudio2008进行Windows应用程序的开发,主要包括Windows应用程序中的控件、鼠标和键盘事件、GDI+,以及AD0.NET等知识点。
ASP.NET 4.5 入门经典(美)史潘加斯 著,刘楠,陈晓宇 译多年来,ImarSpaanjaars一直是ASP.NET相关图书的畅销书作者,他深知读者需要什么方面的知识,才能提高其ASP.NET技巧。在《ASP.NET4.5入门经典(第7版)》中,作者全面介绍了如何使用ASP.NET4.5这个Microsoft最新技术来动态构建Web页面,还提供了有益的示例来阐明每个主题。本书采用友好的、循序渐进的方式,讨论了如何自定义IDE、构建PlanetWrox网站示例、操作文件和Web窗体、设计Web页面、显示和更新数据、创建表等等。有了这些资源,读者就可以轻松地掌握ASP.NET4.5。主要内容◆突出强调了ASP.NET4.5和VisualStudio2012的最新功能◆详述了如何使用ASP.NET4.5控件◆解释了ASP.NET状态引擎及其重要性◆提出了创建外观统一的网站的建议◆说明了如何使用预先建立的服务器控件来添加功能◆给出了使用用户控件的实用提示◆提供了在Ajax网站中使用Web服务和页面方法的方式◆介绍了jQuery、LINQ和EntityFramework◆解释了达到最佳安全性应采取的措施