Java Web及其框架技术陈振兴Java是一个面向互联网的开源的计算机程序设计语言,拥有跨平台、面向对象、多线程的特点,经过20多年的发展,吸收了软件开发领域的最新技术,支持泛型编程、Lambda表达式、反射、注解等,形成了Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis、springBoot等框架技术,先后使用了Git,Maven,Docker等各种项目管理、构建和配置工具,广泛应用于企业级Web应用开发和移动应用开发。对于大多数学生来说,Java的学习周期长,学习难度大,学习效率低。在众多的Java知识内容当中,合理选择知识体系和教学内容,实现课堂教学的有效、实效和高效,是Java课程教学中面临的难题。为此,教材编写组制订Java初级、中级和中高级的三级教学体系。本书为中级教学体系,主要讲授Java Web方面的内容,并引入SSM框架内容。内容侧重于Web开发基础,也即JavaEE基础部分。在Web开发部分,除了JSP和Servlet以外,增加JSP标签、EL表达式和过滤器等和Web开发相关的内容。之后以基础应用为主介绍Spring、Spring MVC、MyBatis,最后实现SSM整合应用案例。
精通KotlinAleksei Sedunov本书的目的是引导读者了解Kotlin语言的能力,并给出使用它开发各种应用程序(桌面、移动或Web)的例子。虽然我们主要关注的是JVM和Android,但我们在这里分享的知识在不同程度上也适用于其他支持kotlin的平台,如JavaScript、本地甚至多平台应用程序。本书首先介绍了语言及其生态系统,它将让您了解Kotlin设计背后的关键思想,介绍Kotlin工具,并向您介绍基本的语言语法和构造。在下一章中,我们将了解Kotlin的多范式特性,它允许您通过结合函数式编程和面向对象编程的各个方面来创建强大的抽象应用。我们将讨论使用通用的Kotlin api,比如标准库、反射和基于协程的并发性,以及基于领域特定语言创建您自己的灵活api的方法。在最后几章中,我们将给出使用Kotlin完成更专门任务的例子,比如测试、构建Android应用程序、Web开发和创建微服务。
图解Java数据结构与算法陈锐 黄敏 张世征《图解Java数据结构与算法:微课视频版》系统、全面地介绍数据结构的基础理论与算法设计,精选数据结构考研习题和各类典型例题进行讲解,案例和课后习题丰富,突出对数据结构算法实践能力的培养。本书算法均采用Java语言实现,示例代码可直接上机运行。《图解Java数据结构与算法:微课视频版》配套资源丰富,包括示例源码、PPT课件、教学视频、教学大纲、习题与答案等。 《图解Java数据结构与算法:微课视频版》共分11章,内容包括数据结构与算法概述,线性表,栈和队列,串、数组和广义表,树,图,查找算法,排序算法,分治算法,贪心算法,回溯算法。 《图解Java数据结构与算法:微课视频版》适合Java数据结构初学者,可作为高等院校计算机、软件工程等相关专业数据结构课程的教材,也可作为计算机软件开发、准备计算机专业研究生考试、参加各类算法竞赛、准备计算机软件资格考试的人员的参考用书。
Java傻瓜书Barry Burd 著Start building powerful programs with Java 6—fast! Get an overview of Java 6 and begin building your own programs Even if you're new to Java programming—or to programming in general—you can get up and running on this wildly popular language in a hurry. This book makes it easy! From how to install and run Java to understanding classes and objects and juggling values with arrays and collections, you will get up to speed on the new features of Java 6 in no time. Discover how to Use object-oriented programming Work with the changes in Java 6 and JDK 6 Save time by reusing code Mix Java and Java* with the new *ing tools Troubleshoot code problems and fix bugs All on the bonus CD-ROM Custom build of JCreator and all the code files used in the book Bonus chapters not included in the book Trial version of Jindent, WinOne, and NetCaptor freeware System Requirements: For details and complete system requirements, see the CD-ROM appendix. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Java编程案例教程向传杰 主编本书将Java的主要知识点压缩到很短的章节中,用通俗易懂的文字讲解Java的编程思路和基本语法。本书的基本内容涉及Java语言的基本语法、Jbuilder 9的开发环境、Java图形用户界面编程、Java多线程编程、Java小程序编程、数组流和文件编程、Java图形开发实例和Java数据库编程。本书浅显易懂,实例生动丰富,实战性强,贴近真实的项目开发,可作为中等职业学校和高等职业学校计算机技术专业的教材,也可作为Java软件项目开发人员的参考书。
专业 Java 用户界面Mauro Marinilli 著This book covers the full development life cycle for professional GUI design in Java, from cost estimation and design to coding and testing. ·Focuses on building high quality industrial strength software in Java ·Ready-to-use source code is given throughout the text based on industrial-strength projects undertaken by the author.
Java软件开发Russel Winder 著This significantly updated new edition of Developing Java Software is a thorough presentation of object-oriented design and programming concepts using the Java 5 programming language. The book takes the reader from the basics of using Java 5 to the creation of complete, object-oriented programs. Following an ‘objects early’ approach, the core elements of the Java language are covered, including the use of recently added features such as generics. The encouragement of the proper creation and use of classes, and the demonstration of the strategies used to create good quality code are at the core of this book. You will learn how Java programs work and how they can be designed and implemented in an organized and systematic way. In addition, the book addresses how a Java programming project should be managed and introduces the Ant build tool and the Subversion version control system. Testing has always been an important part of Developing Java Software. This edition provides new chapters which give a detailed introduction to Test-driven Development (TDD). This approach to programming introduces more rigor to writing programs by placing emphasis on writing high quality testable and tested code from the outset. A series of examples and case studies shows how TDD works and highlights the strategies for testing code. Reflecting recent changes to the Java programming language and newly focused on first courses in programming, this excellent primer is ideal for classroom use or self-study. The many motivating examples and larger case studies show how core ideas can be applied when creating real applications, and show how to use object-oriented methods effectively to create robust, reliable, and fully-tested Java applications.