保护隐私技术设计Hannes Federrath 著Anonymity and unobservability have become key issues in the context of securing privacy on the Internet and in other communication networks. Services that provide anonymous and unobservable access to the Internet are important for electronic commerce applications as well as for services where users want to remain anonymous.This book is devoted to the design and realization of anonymity services for the Internet and other communcation networks. The book offers topical sections on: attacks on systems, anonymous publishing, mix systems, identity management, pseudonyms and remailers. Besides nine technical papers, an introduction clarifying the terminology for this emerging area is presented as well as a survey article introducing the topic to a broader audience interested in security issues.
企业网络安全萧文龙编著随着Internet的兴起,企业网络安全越来越受到重视,尤其是电子商务的大力推动,使得电子交易安全的话题,成为人们讨论的焦点。微软主推的Microsoft.NET平台中包含了企业网络安全这一项,其主要的产品有Internet Security and Acceleration Server简称ISA Server,它集成了Proxy Server、Firewall、访问控制、高速缓存、安全认证、数据包过滤、NAT、流量控制及VPN等多种功能,足以应付一般企业所需的网络安全。Microsoft ISA Server 2000是目前唯一在Windows 2000Server平台上,同时具有防火墙与网站缓存的服务器软件。其设计是针对当今使用Internet的企业安全需求,提供多层次的企业级防火墙,并结合Microsoft ISA Server 2000专用的防毒软件,在企业Internet推出的第一道关卡,保护网络资源,以避免病毒、黑客及未获授权的访问行为。并同时具有加速公司内部对内与对外的访问速度,节省Internet网络带宽,提供用户更快的Web访问速度。本书由台湾松岗电脑图书资料股份有限公司提供版权,经中国铁道出版社计算机图书项目中心审选。李自运、梁秀玲、关超、史广顺、张瀚文、陈辑超、马超、杨小平、杨小军、段小明、杨军、裘伟力、陈贤淑及孟丽花等同志参与了本书的整稿及编排工作。中国铁道出版社2001年11月
安全协议Security protocolsBruce Christianson 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security Protocols held in Cambridge, UK in April 2000.The 21 papers presented with tran*ions of the discussion following the presentation have gone through two rounds of revision and selection; also included are a keynote address and a discussion summary and an afterword by the volume editors. Among the topics addressed are authentication, trust in cyberspace, identification protocols, administration and government issues, specification, access privileges, PKI certificates, trust-based billing systems, public-key cryptosystems, denial of service, anonymous auction protocols, and certification
密码术的选择区Douglas R. Stinson 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 7th Annual International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC 2000, held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in August 2000.The 24 revised full papers presented were selected from 41 submissions and have gone through two rounds of reviewing and revision. The papers are organized in topical sections on cryptanalysis, block ciphers: new designs, elliptic curves and efficient implementations, security protocols and applications, block ciphers and hash functions, Boolean functions and stream ciphers, and public key systems.
密码学进展—CT-RSA 2001David Naccache 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Cryptographers' Track at RSA Conference 2001, CT-RSA 2001, in San Francisco, CA, USA in April 2001.The 33 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 65 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on new cryptosystems; RSA; symmetric cryptography; gambling and lotteries; reductions, constructions, and security proofs; flaws and attacks; implementation; multivariate cryptography; number theoretic problems; passwords and credentials; and protocols.
信息安全Information securityGeorge I Davida,Yair Frankel 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS 2001, held in Malaga, Spain in October 2004.The 42 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 245 submissions. The papers address a broad range of topics in information and communication security including digital signatures, group signature schemes, e-commerce, digital payment systems, cryptographic attacks, mobile networking, authentication, channel analysis, power-analysis attacks, mobile agent security, broadcast encryption, AES, security analysis, XTR, access control, and intrusion detection.
快速软件加密Bruce Schneier 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption, FSE 2000, held in New York City, USA in April 2000.The 21 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 53 submissions. The volume presents topical sections on stream-cipher cryptanalysis, new ciphers, AES cryptanalysis, block-cipher cryptanalysis, and theoretical work.
IT安全与隐私Simone Fischer-Hübner 著Invasion of privacy and misuse of personal data are among the most obvious negative effects of today's information and communication technologies. Besides technical issues from a variety of fields, privacy legislation, depending on national activities and often lacking behind technical progress, plays an important role in designing, implementing, and using privacy-enhancing systems.Taking into account technical aspects from IT security, this book presents in detail a formal task-based privacy model which can be used to technically enforce legal privacy requirements. Furthermore, the author specifies how the privacy model policy has been implemented together with other security policies in accordance with the Generalized Framework for Access Control (GFAC).This book will appeal equally to R&D professionals and practitioners active in IT security and privacy, advanced students, and IT managers.