人工智能基础与进阶周越人工智能是一门发展极其迅速且内容丰富的学科,其众多分支领域都值得大家去 探索和学习。 本书分为基础篇和进阶篇两个篇章。 其中,基础篇内容包括了人工智能 的基本概念、人工智能的发展历史、计算机与环境感知、简单几何形状的识别、人工智 能搜索算法;进阶篇则包括大数据的定义、知识与推理、回归与分类、深度学习网络、感 知信息处理。 此外还有配合知识学习的课程实践,包括图形匹配以及微缩车倒车入库 等实验。 本书与《人工智能基础与进阶(犘狔狋犺狅狀编程)》共同形成一套适合人工智能初 学者的教材,同时也适合广大对人工智能相关领域感兴趣的读者 \n
边界商汤科技人工智能是人类首次将生物学习、分析、决策等能力赋予机器而创造的一种智能化技术。数据、算法、算力三元素的结合,使机器能够在极短时间内处理人类需要很长时间才能总结、归纳和推导出结论的各类任务,更重要的是,其不需要完全依赖人类的先验知识和专家设计。这无疑将人类探索自然、理解世界的方式引入了一个全新的界面。 本书名为《边界》,一方面希望体现人工智能是突破人类现有认知边界的颠覆性力量;另一方面意在传达人工智能作为一门\
机器学习的算法观点[新西兰] 史蒂芬·马斯兰(Stephen Marsland) 著There have been some interesting developments in machine learning over the past four years,since the lst edition of this book came out. One is the rise of Deep Belief Networks as an area of real research interest(and business interest, as large internet-based companies look to snap up every small company working in the area), while another is the continuing work on statistical interpretations of machine learning algorithms. This second one is very good for the field as an area of research, but it does mean that computer science students, whose statistical background can be rather lacking, find it hard to get started in an area that they are sure should be of interest to them. The hope is that this book, focussing on the algorithms of machine learrung as it does, will help such students get a handle on the ideas,and that it will start them on a journey towards mastery of the relevant mathematics and statistics as well as the necessary programming and experimentation.In addition, the libraries available for the Python language have continued to develop,so that there are now many more facilities available for the programmer. This has enabled me to provide a simple implementation of the Support Vector Maclune that can be used for experiments, and to simplify the code in a few other places. All of the code that was used to create the examples in the book is available at http://stephenmonika.net/(in the &Book' tab), and use and experimentation with any of this code, as part of any study on machine learning, is strongly encouraged.
自己动手做聊天机器人刘杰飞 著《自己动手做聊天机器人》从零开始介绍了聊天机器人的发展历程及技术原理,并配合项目实 战案例,重点介绍了问答系统、对话系统、闲聊系统这三种主要聊天机器人的技术原理及实现细节。 让读者可以由浅入深、循序渐进地学习聊天机器人的相关知识,并对聊天机器人有深入的理解。 《自己动手做聊天机器人》分为 12 章,主要内容有聊天机器人概述;快速开发一个智能语音助手; 文本相似度计算方法;基于 BERT 模型的智能客服;基于知识库的问答系统;基于知识图谱的电影知 识问答系统;基于知识图谱的医疗诊断问答系统;基于任务导向的聊天机器人;基于 Rasa 的电影订票 助手;基于 UNIT 的智能出行助手;快速搭建一个“夸夸”闲聊机器人;聊天机器人的发展展望。 《自己动手做聊天机器人》内容通俗易懂,案例丰富,实用性强,特别适合对聊天机器人技术感 兴趣的入门读者和进阶读者阅读,也适合人工智能技术研究人员、自然语言处理技术研究人员等其 他编程爱好者阅读。另外,本书还可以作为高等院校或相关培训机构的教材使用。
法律与人工智能高级导论(美)伍德罗·巴菲尔德,(意大利)乌戈·帕加洛伍德罗?巴菲尔德和乌戈?帕加洛简要介绍了与人工智能 (AI) 的设计和使用相关的法律问题,探讨了人工智能应用与人权、宪法、数据保护、刑法、侵权法和知识产权法等相关的问题,同时比较研究了美国、欧盟、日本和中国在内的多个法域的法律法规和判例法。 重点内容包括: ? 对可能受人工智能影响的人权和宪法问题的批判性见解; ? 讨论法人的概念,以及随着人工智能在智能方面的发展,法律如何应对; ? 介绍适用于人工智能的现行法律法规,并确定未来可能对法律提出挑战的领域。 这本高级导论非常适合对法律如何应用于人工智能感兴趣的法律和社会科学学生。它还为寻求了解这一新兴领域的法律从业者提供了有用的切入点。
基于多模态数据的行为和手势识别张亮This book provides a series of gesture and behavior recognition methods based on multimodal data representation. The data modalities include image data and skeleton data, and the modeling methods include traditional codebook, topological graph, and LSTM architectures. The tasks include single gesture recognition classification, single action recognition classification, continuous gesture classification, complex behavior classification of human interaction and other tasks of different complexity. This book focuses on the data processing methods of each modality, and the modeling methods for different tasks. We hope the reader can learn basic gesture and action recognition methods from this book, and develop a model system that suits their needs on this basis. This book can be used as a textbook for graduate, postgraduate and PhD students majoring in computer science, automation, etc. It can also be used as a reference for the reader who is interested in gesture recognition, human action interaction, sequence data processing, and deep neural network design, and who hopes to contribute to the fields.