AI摄影绘画与PS优化从入门到精通楚天《AI 摄影绘画与 PS 优化从入门到精通》介绍了 AI 摄影绘画的相关内容,从文案到图片生成,再到 PS 优化,是一本 AI 摄影绘画的入门指南与实战教程。书中包含 11 大专题,通过技能线和案例线展开:技能线,讲解了 ChatGPT 指令生成、Midjourney 绘画技巧、专业摄影指令、画面构图指令、光线色调指令、风格渲染指令、PS 修图优化、PS 智能优化等内容;案例线,介绍了人像、风光、花卉、动物、慢门、星空、航拍、全景等多种摄影题材作品的绘画,还通过一个完整的案例来帮助读者融会贯通所学知识。《AI 摄影绘画与 PS 优化从入门到精通》适合以下读者:专业摄影师和摄影爱好者;设计师、插画师、漫画家、艺术工作者;短视频博主、自媒体创作者、电商美工等;美术、艺术、设计等专业的学生。
图像和视频的恢复Michael S. Lew 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, CIVR 2002, held in London, UK, in July 2002.The 30 revised full papers presented together with an introduction by the volume editors were carefully reviewed and selected from 82 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image retrieval, modeling, feature-based retrieval, semantics and learning, video retrieval, and evaluation and benchmarking.
图像分析与识别Aurelio Campilho,Moharnde Kamed 著The two-volume set LNCS 3211/3212 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2004, held in Porto, Portugal, in September/October 2004.The 210 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 316 full papers submitted. The papers are organized in topical sections on image segmentation, image processing and analysis, image analysis and synthesis, image and video coding, shape and matching, image de*ion and recognition, video processing and analysis, 3D imaging, image retrieval and indexing, morphology, biomedical applications, document processing, color analysis, texture analysis, motion analysis, surveillance and remote sensing, tracking, face detection and recognition, security systems, visual inspection.
图形识别Terry Caelli 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural and Syntctic Pattern Recognition, SSPR 2002 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, SPR 2002 held jointly in Windsor, Ontario, Canada in August 2002.The 45 revised full papers and 35 poster papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 116 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on graphs, grammars, and languages; graphs, strings, and grammars; documents and OCR; image shape analysis and application; density estimation and distribution models; multi classifiers and fusion; feature extraction and selection; general methodology; and image shape analysis and application.
电脑动画设计与制作刘观武 主编本书系统地介绍了电脑动画的设计常识与制作的全过程。通过书中电脑动画制作实例,讲解了使用Animator Studio、3DS MAX 3.0、Flash 5.0、Authorware、几何画板等流行的工具软件及Java语言制作电脑动画的方法。电脑动画的题材生动、活泼,贴近中小学生的生活实际,富有启发性,是适合广大中小学生阅读的课外读物和电脑动画制作教材,也可以作为中小学教师制作课件的参考读物。 为了方便读者学习,本书赠送友立资讯(中国)有限公司的普及版软件:我行我速3.0、Cool3D 2.5、会声会影4.0
图像分析与识别Aurélio Campilho 著The two-volume set LNCS 3211/3212 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2004, held in Porto, Portugal, in September/October 2004.The 210 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 316 full papers submitted. The papers are organized in topical sections on image segmentation, image processing and analysis, image analysis and synthesis, image and video coding, shape and matching, image de*ion and recognition, video processing and analysis, 3D imaging, image retrieval and indexing, morphology, biomedical applications, document processing, color analysis, texture analysis, motion analysis, surveillance and remote sensing, tracking, face detection and recognition, security systems, visual inspection.
Photoshop神奇效果Al Ward 著Words have power. When you can create letters made of mercury, carve your words into stone, or duplicate the look of the one-of-a-kind type from a famous logo, the power is all yours. So let's jump right in and put your product name on that very familiar soup can . . . create a network news splash screen . . . personalize car tires . . . etch your message into a bar of soap. Wonderfully entertaining techniques, that will take your current Photoshop skills to the wild side! Launch your own cereal box with a logo, splashy image, and text Rock on — develop a band logo that can be stamped on a CD, or create a video game jewel case Design text and logos with popular sci-fi looks Create a tattoo that appears to be embedded under the skin Get the word out — advertise on a blimp or put your message into a movie-themed poster The bonus CD-ROM includes all the photos, starting images, and supplementary files needed for each tutorial.
Photoshop实用教程王朝蓬 主编PhotoshopCS是全世界图像制作者、网页设计者、摄像师、视频专家使用频率的业界标准软件之一。它的出现使Photoshop不仅是单纯的图像编辑工具,而是可以简单、迅速高品质的实现设计者想象力的工具,并且其强大而具有创造性的功能可以给设计者提供更新的灵感和创意。本书一方面采用“任务驱动”的编写方式,引入案例教学和启发式教学方法,便于激发学生的学习兴趣,另一方面,讲解与实例相结合也是本书的特色。章在介绍新操作时都会尽量结合实际中的典型实例来进行讲解,然后分析、解决问题,在讲述实例的过程中将本章知识点融入其中,本书系统地介绍了Photoshop CS的操作环境,可以随心所欲地编辑图像的工具条,用于修改照片颜色,照片形状的各种菜单命令,合成图像时所必须的层和通道。使工作变得更加轻松的各种面板,创造新图像的各种滤镜命令,可以方便工作的各种高级功能等。同时每一章的后面都配备了习题,书中出现的案例素材,案例样品、课后习题答案等收录到随书光盘中,便于读者自学。Photoshop CS的操作界面变化不大,因此本教材同样适用于Photoshop 7.0的用户。本书可作为中等职业学校、大中专院校相关专业的学习教材,也可作为初、中级平面设计人员和Photoshop爱好者进行自学的参考书。
Photoshop案例教程周燕霞、闫晓勇、王旺迪、郑丛、陈凌云本书共分为8章,前7章提供了40多个设计案例,第8章提供了 Logo设计、淘宝店铺首页设计、中餐厅促销易拉宝设计、公益海报设计、经典台历设计和产品包装设计6个综合案例,以便开拓阅读者的思路,增强理论与实际的联系,使读者更加清楚、明了地运用Photoshop软件进行图像的处理,形成独特的思维理念,深入挖掘工具背后隐藏的技巧。本书目标明确、语言精练、案例丰富、图文并茂且通俗易懂,具有很强的操作性和实用性。本书附有操作视频、素材及大量经典的设计作品、完整精美的教学课件供读者使用,为将来读者从事平面设计相关工作奠定基础。 本书既适合作为本科、高等职业院校及中职学校计算机应用、电子商务、艺术设计、数字媒体设计、视觉传达专业、装潢设计专业的教材,也可作为社会培训用书。
Photoshop应用基础陈鹏 主编Photoshop是用于彩色印刷、摄影、广告设计、装潢设计、动画设计等行业的一种强有力的工具软件。本书主要介绍Photoshop 6.0的特点、功能及使用方法与技巧。全书共分九章,、二章介绍Photoshop的基本知识和基本操作,第三、四章介绍图像编辑和调整的方法,第五章介绍Photoshop中图层、通道及蒙版的使用,第六、七章介绍在Photoshop中处理文字和矢量编辑的方法,第八、九章介绍一些使用Photoshop的技巧。?本书为全国职业高中电子类教材编审委员会计算机技术专业编审组推荐出版的教材,文字简明扼要,图文并茂,操作步骤清晰,使读者参照本书可以很快学会Photoshop的使用方法。本书不仅可以作为职业学校计算机应用、广告设计等专业的教学用书,也可以作为Photoshop的培训班教材或参考资料。