数字摄影师Photoshop CS2须知Ken Milburn,Doug Sahlin 著When digital technology costs you time, it costs you money. The secret is a streamlined, logical workflow, and that's what fellow digital photographers Ken Milburn and Doug Sahlin are about to give you. By editing images without destroying the original, storing them for easy access, taking advantage of Camera Raw and the Adobe Bridge, and using the hundreds of other tips in this book, you'll be able to spend less time before the monitor and more behind the lens.Configure Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge and use them to expedite the editing process;Discover efficient ways to download and organize images after a shoot;Prepare images for client review using layer comps and present them as a PDF slideshow or in a Web gallery;Use the right tools to create selections for localized editing;Focus on the retouching techniques that work best for your subjects;Take advantage of Photoshop's tools for different methods of output;Create actions and *s to automate your workflow. 作者简介:Ken Milburn has been consulting on and writing about personal-computer-based graphics, design, and multimedia since 1981. He is also an on-line instructor at Sessions, Inc. where he teaches Digital Photography 2.0, Basic Retouching, and is currently writing the course on Photoshop CS2 Camera Raw.He has been a professional photographer and digital artist for decades and primarily uses Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, and numerous third-party Photoshop-compatible plug-ins as his software tools. You can see representative samples of Ken’s photography at www.kenmilburn.com.
Adobe Photoshop CS2 女性照相的艺术Kevin Ames 著"Very few books have the power to change the way you work, impact your career, and suddenly change everything. This is one of them.": From the Foreword by Scott Kelby, Editor, Photoshop User magazine Renowned photographer and digital magician Kevin Ames shared his secrets for making photographs of women look better than their best in the previous edition of this book. In this fully updated new edition, he: guides you through the latest CS2 tools, including Camera Raw 3, Adobe Bridge, RAW fi les in layers, and Smart Objects. shows you how to solve the greatest challenge of all : being your own photo lab. puts your skills into practice with specific projects. Whether you're shooting high fashion, portraits, lingerie, or swimsuits, in the studio or on location, your "secret assistant" is fully updated for Photoshop CS2 and illustrated with the Ames's own photographs. Order your copy today and master photographic and retouching techniques, learn efficient archiving and distribution workflows, and much more.
中文Flash MX案例教程沈大林 等主编Flash MX是Macromedia公司的又一个非常受欢迎的产品。它是一种用于制作、编辑动画和电影的软件,用它可以制作出一种扩展名为.swf的动画文件。这种动画可以带背景声音,具有较强的交互性能。用它制作的文件字节数很小,有利于网上传输。另外,Flash还应用于交互式多媒体软件的开发。它不但可以在专业级的多媒体制作软件Authorware和Director中导入使用,而且还可以独立地制作网页、多媒体演示和多媒体教学软件等。它代表着网页和多媒体技术发展的方向。本书共分7章,前6章均配有实例和上机练习题,第7章配有实例。本书较好地解决了教学规律、知识结构与实用技巧之间的矛盾,有机地将它们结合在一起,还注意了知识的相对完整性和系统性。?本书可作为中等职业学校计算机专业网页制作和多媒体程序设计类教材,也可供相关培训班使用。
电子服务的技术Fabio Casati 著This book constitutes the refereed preceedings of the Third International Workshop on Technologies for E-Servies, TES 2001, held in conjunction with VLDB 2002 in Hong Kong, China in August 2002.The 14 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected. Among the topics addressed are database issues for e-services, b2b integration, model transformation, process-based application development, information fusion, information integration, business relation management, mobil servies, trust-based web security models, etc.
多媒体课件制作一例通 美术分册佟燕文 主编本套丛书以Flash软件为开发平台,针对不同科目,以典型的课以例子,详细讲述了课件的制作过程。技术分册中讲述了软件的应用、课件素材的收集与加工方法,以及Authorware、PowerPoint等常用软件制作课件的方法。本书图文并茂,内容详实,是广大中小学教师的好帮手。
MamboRic Shreves 著Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 220 key Mambo techniques, including:Installing and configuring Mambo;Changing time and language settings;Editing the CSS file for a template;Managing site users;Creating sections and categories;Linking a Content Item to a menu;Adding images and media to Mambo;Using Modules to embed content and links;Installing features manually or automatically;Working with Mambots."I've read a number of your programming books, and they've really helped me with the basics so that I can understand the course materials in my classes a lot better. I'm a strong visual learner. You really know how to get people addicted to learning!"——Helen Lee, (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task;Succinct explanations walk you through step by step;Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules;"Apply It" and "Extra" sidebars highlight useful tips.作者简介:Ric Shreves is a partner in Water & Stone (www.waterandstone.com), a Web development company that specialises in Open Source Content Management Systems. Since 1996, Ric has been building Web sites and has extensive experience with content management systems. Over the years he has worked on CMS-powered Web sites for BASF, Colgate-Palmolive, Tesco, FPDSavills, Sino Group, CBRichard Ellis, Mercy Corps, University of North Carolina, and many, many others. He is an active member of CM Professionals and of the Mambo Foundation.Ric currently resides in Bali where he is testing his theory that an IT professional should be able to make a living anywhere with a notebook computer and an Internet connection. He says so far all he has been able to prove is that is a beautiful theory...
计算机视觉系统Bernt Schiele,Gerhard Sagerer 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS '99, held in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, in January 1999.The 32 revised full papers presented were selected from a total of 65 submissions. The book is divided in sections on vision for navigation, computer vision systems, visual tracking, knowledge-based methods and systems, architectural aspects, active vision, 3D modelling, and object recognition.
Photoshop 2022图像处理基础教程路鹏Photoshop 2022是Adobe公司推出的**版本图形图像处理软件,其功能强大、操作方便,是使用广泛的平面图像处理软件之一。Photoshop以其良好的工作界面、强大的图像处理功能和完善的可扩充性,成为摄影师、专业美工人员、平面广告设计者、网页制作者、效果图制作者以及广大计算机爱好者的工具。 《Photoshop 2022图像处理基础教程(微课版)》共分15章,第1~14章为Photoshop的软件知识,在软件知识的讲解中配以大量实用的操作练习和实例,让读者在轻松的学习中快速掌握软件的技巧,同时能够对软件知识学以致用。第15章主要讲解Photoshop在平面设计领域的综合案例。《Photoshop 2022图像处理基础教程(微课版)》虽然以**版本Photoshop 2022进行讲解,但是其中的知识点和操作方法同样适用于Photoshop早期版本的软件。 《Photoshop 2022图像处理基础教程(微课版)》内容翔实、结构清晰、文字简洁流畅、实例丰富精美,适合Photoshop初、中级读者使用,也适合作为高等院校平面设计专业、Photoshop培训班的教材,还可供照片处理和平面设计爱好者参考。 《Photoshop 2022图像处理基础教程(微课版)》配套的电子课件、习题答案和实例源文件可以到http://www.tupwk.com.cn/edu网站下载,也可以扫描前言中的二维码获取。扫码前言中的视频二维码可以直接观看教学视频。
3DS MAX实用教程苗家鸿 主编本书是根据国家《中等职业学校计算机应用与软件技术专业领域技能型紧缺人才培养培训指导方案》,针对目前中职计算机教材“就知识讲知识”的不足现状,以“项目驱动”教学构建教材的体系编写的。编写时将知识点专业技能训练有机结合,从有利于学生学习的角度组织教材充分体现了“以学生为主体”的主导思想。本书根据任务驱动原则,力图从简单实用的基本实例任务入手,使学生掌握学习3DS MAX的基本方法和思路。全书主要介绍了3DS MAX的基本功能,并通过大量实例对命令面板中合成物体功能、二维图形建模功能、变动命令菜单的各项功能,以及粒子系统和各种命令面板的使用进行了深入介绍。并在每节课、每个教学单元之后,都配有思考题和作业。强调学生的每个作品要有自己的创意,为学生创造力的发展提供了有利的条件。为了方便学生和初学者的需求,每一个实例都有文件(.max)置于随书附送的光盘中。本书后一章还安排了技能训练,这些技能训练实例贴近学生生活和学习实践,有益于他们创造力的提高。本书既可以作为中专、技校、职高等职业技术学术多媒体应用技术专业教材,又可作为各类多媒体应用技术专业培训班及高职院校的实训课教材。