SQL面试宝典猴子本书以 SQL 的基础知识为出发点,从 SQL 的简单查询、汇总函数、分组,到多表查询、窗口函数等 SQL 高级功能,逐一进行介绍与讲解,基本涵盖了学习 SQL 过程中需要掌握的主要内容。 本书最大的特色是结合大量的面试题,让读者清楚地了解如何用所学的 SQL 知识解决工作中的实际问题。第 8 章提供了从不同行业、不同岗位的业务场景出发的实战项目训练,便于读者在实践中学习,巩固 SQL 知识和技能,理解与掌握相关内容,并能够将其快速应用于实际工作中。
AI绘画许建锋《AI绘画:Stable Diffusion从入门到精通》从艺术教育工作者和现代艺术设计师的视角,系统地介绍了人工智能绘画的相关知识与应用技能。全书内容涵盖了AI绘画的发展、原理、工具与应用,并重点围绕主流工具Stable Diffusion进行详细介绍。书中深入讲解了软件的操作、指令控制、图生图技巧、LoRA、ControlNet控制以及AI动画制作等相关知识,并通过插件的应用实现了图像生成的扩展和动画制作。《AI绘画:Stable Diffusion从入门到精通》旨在帮助读者系统地学习AI绘画的理论知识与技术,了解如何运用这些技术来提升绘画技能,包括如何使用AI改善画作的色彩和构图,以及如何运用AI进行风格转换、图像增强等操作。此外,《AI绘画:Stable Diffusion从入门到精通》还介绍了如何使用AI创建令人惊叹的数字艺术品。《AI绘画:Stable Diffusion从入门到精通》内容专业全面,案例生动翔实,是一本系统介绍AI绘画知识与应用技能的优秀教材,适合IT人士、设计师与动画制作人员学习与参考。
ANSYS Workbench项目应用案例视频精讲徐奇伟本书详细介绍了ANSYS公司的有限元分析平台Workbench 2022的应用。通过本书的学习,读者不仅能掌握软件的基本操作,还能提高解决实际问题的能力。 全书共13章,第1章以各个分析模块为基础,介绍ANSYS Workbench 2022的界面、启动菜单设置及与常见CAD软件集成等内容。第2章~第13章以项目案例为指导,主要讲解Workbench在静力学分析、模态分析、谐响应分析、响应谱分析、随机振动分析、瞬态动力学分析、热力学分析、线性屈曲分析、流体动力学分析、接触问题分析及多物理场耦合分析等内容。 全书结合视频教学以完全图表操作的方式讲解,结构严谨、条理清晰,非常适合ANSYS Workbench的初中级读者学习使用。本书既可作为高等院校理工科相关专业的教材,也可作为相关行业工程技术人员及相关培训机构教师和学员的自学用书。
视像博客 VideobloggingJay Dedman 著Amazing, isn't it? You're on equal footing with multibillion-dollar TVand movie producers. Videoblogging lets your audience see your cause, your story, and your personal creations : and can be distributed to anyone with Internet access. Since the videoblogging community is all about sharing, more than 20 experts have kicked in tips and ideas to make this book the ultimate videoblogging crash course. So head for the checkout, grab fresh batteries for your video camera, and let's get started!Think Big A few of the things you'll learn to do: Choose your video's style and message. Create great-looking videos inexpensively. Edit like an expert. Host your video online, for free. Secrets of distribution and syndication. Subscribe to other videoblogs. Showcase your art. Tagging, tracking, and making money. Get involved in the community.
AI摄影绘画与PS优化从入门到精通楚天《AI 摄影绘画与 PS 优化从入门到精通》介绍了 AI 摄影绘画的相关内容,从文案到图片生成,再到 PS 优化,是一本 AI 摄影绘画的入门指南与实战教程。书中包含 11 大专题,通过技能线和案例线展开:技能线,讲解了 ChatGPT 指令生成、Midjourney 绘画技巧、专业摄影指令、画面构图指令、光线色调指令、风格渲染指令、PS 修图优化、PS 智能优化等内容;案例线,介绍了人像、风光、花卉、动物、慢门、星空、航拍、全景等多种摄影题材作品的绘画,还通过一个完整的案例来帮助读者融会贯通所学知识。《AI 摄影绘画与 PS 优化从入门到精通》适合以下读者:专业摄影师和摄影爱好者;设计师、插画师、漫画家、艺术工作者;短视频博主、自媒体创作者、电商美工等;美术、艺术、设计等专业的学生。
图像和视频的恢复Michael S. Lew 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, CIVR 2002, held in London, UK, in July 2002.The 30 revised full papers presented together with an introduction by the volume editors were carefully reviewed and selected from 82 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on image retrieval, modeling, feature-based retrieval, semantics and learning, video retrieval, and evaluation and benchmarking.
图像分析与识别Aurelio Campilho,Moharnde Kamed 著The two-volume set LNCS 3211/3212 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2004, held in Porto, Portugal, in September/October 2004.The 210 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 316 full papers submitted. The papers are organized in topical sections on image segmentation, image processing and analysis, image analysis and synthesis, image and video coding, shape and matching, image de*ion and recognition, video processing and analysis, 3D imaging, image retrieval and indexing, morphology, biomedical applications, document processing, color analysis, texture analysis, motion analysis, surveillance and remote sensing, tracking, face detection and recognition, security systems, visual inspection.
图形识别Terry Caelli 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural and Syntctic Pattern Recognition, SSPR 2002 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, SPR 2002 held jointly in Windsor, Ontario, Canada in August 2002.The 45 revised full papers and 35 poster papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 116 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on graphs, grammars, and languages; graphs, strings, and grammars; documents and OCR; image shape analysis and application; density estimation and distribution models; multi classifiers and fusion; feature extraction and selection; general methodology; and image shape analysis and application.