Visual Basic 6.0案例教程于鹏 主编本书主要依据计算机应用与软件技术专业领域技能型紧缺人才培养培训方案编写。全书紧扣方案精神,体现项目案例式教学特点,以通俗浅显的语言诠释Visual Basic 6.0程序设计的各知识点要领,给读者以明确直观的认识。本书通过大量的实例,深入浅出地介绍了Visual Basic 6.0的有关知识。本书概念清晰、逻辑性强、层次分明、例题丰富,符合教师教学和学生学习的习惯。全书力求避免纯理论的讲解,而是尽可能地对操作实例进行剖析,将抽象的理论形象化,使读者能够迅速上手,不再是能够“学到点什么”,而是学过之后能够“做出点什么”。培养学生的程序设计能力,以加强学生的职业技能训练。木书突出操作实践,淡化理论阐述,针对性强,既有计算机语言教学的参考性、可操作性,又有实际开发应用的借鉴性、实用性;既可作为中等职业学校的教学用书,也适合初、中级读者自学使用。本书还配有电子教学参考资料包,包括教学指南、电子教案及习题答案,详见前方。
专家一对一Visual Basic 2005数据库编程Roger Jennings 著Are you hesitant to migrate to Visual Studio(r) 2005? Maybe you're ready to upgrade to Visual Basic 2005 but feel a bit overwhelmed by ADO.NET 2.0 and the Visual Data Tools of this new release. In this hands-on guide, I'll share with you the best practices, the latest features, and advanced data management techniques with Visual Basic 2005 and SQL Server or SQL Server Express 2005. Plus, I'll incorporate simple to moderately complex project examples that feature real-world, database front-end applications with Windows and Web forms. First, I'll begin with ADO.NET 2.0 basics, then I'll move on to designing and programming smart clients with typed DataSets as their data sources. Gradually, I'll walk you through using DataSource, GridView, and DetailsView Web controls. Finally, I'll demonstrate how to take advantage of the new T-SQL extensions, in-process Web services, and notifications. 作者简介:Roger Jennings is the author of more than 20 books about Microsoft database platforms and Windows operating systems. He is also a principal of OakLeaf Systems, a columnist for Fawcette Technical Publications' online newsletters, and a contributing editor for Visual Studio Magazine. His U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Web services won the 2001 Microsoft .NET Best Award for horizontal solutions.
Visual Basic.NET案例教程丁兆海,杜军 主编本书是职业教育与成人教育司教材。本书应用任务驱动方式,即通过制作一个完整的应用软件,达到掌握Visual Basic.NET基本知识和操作要领的目的;主要内容是用Visual Basic.NET制作一个完整的“学生成绩管理系统”,从录入数据、打印数据、维护数据直到后制作安装程序,一步一步地实现使用Visual Basic.NET来设计数据库管理软件。本书没有涉及很深奥的理论知识,也没有把Visual Basic.NET中的所有知识点面面俱到地告诉读者,而只是想做一个领路人,把对Visual Basic.NET感兴趣的初学者,逐步引向数据库编程之路。对于本书没有涉及到的知识点,读者可以查阅Visual Basic.NET的其他相关书籍和资料来学习和掌握。本书针对广大的计算机编程爱好者和计算机专业的初中级技术人员的工作需要而编写,操作过程简单明了,程序设计思路明确,知识描述通俗易懂,重点放在具体的界面设计和程序设计思路上。本书可作为中等职业学校教材,也可作为一般计算机技术人员的自学参考用书。本书还配有电子教学参考资料包(包括教学指南、电子教案、习题答案),详见前言。
VB 2005入门Thearon Willis 著After a brief introduction to Visual Studio 2005 and the .Net Framework, the expert authors introduce readers to the fundamentals of the Visual Basic 2005 language End-of-chapter exercises help readers to quickly learn to build rich and professional-looking applications for Microsoft Windows, intranets and the Internet, and mobile devices Offers thorough coverage of the new Visual Studio 2005 tools and features Covers object-oriented programming, creating custom controls, working with databases, creating menus, and working with graphics Addresses building class libraries, Web services and .NET remoting, and deploying applications
专家一对一Visual Basic 2005设计与开发Rod Stephens 著Are you ready to take your applications to the next level by harnessing all of Visual Basic 2005's unmatched tools for programming, debugging, and refactoring code? In this hands-on book, I'll share with you proven techniques for developing even the most complex Visual Basic applications. I include expert tips on modeling, user interface design, and testing so that you can master the advanced features of this language.I'll first take you through the design activities that are necessary before Visual Basic development can begin. Next I'll describe the various writing tools that you'll be able to use to make programming easier and less error-prone. I then focus on various ways to make writing code more effective and cover sophisticated techniques for handling particular tasks. This approach will help you quickly develop and maintain your own amazingly powerful applications.作者简介:Rod Stephens started out as a mathematician but, while studying at MIT, discovered the joys of programming, and has been programming professionally ever since. During his career, he has worked on an eclectic assortment of applications in such fields as telephone switching, billing, repair dispatching, tax processing, wastewater treatment, and training for professional football players.Stephens has written 15 books that have been translated into half a dozen different languages, and more than 200 magazine articles covering Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, Delphi, and Java. He writes three weekly newsletters (www.vb-helper.com/newsletter.html) that contain quick tips, tricks, and examples for Visual Basic developers.His popular VB Helper Web site (www.vb-helper.com) receives several million hits per month, and contains thousands of pages of tips, tricks, and example code for Visual Basic programmers, as well as example code for this book.
VBScript/ASP 网页设计语言教程于鹏 主编ASP(Active Server Pages)是当前流行的Web应用程序开发工具之一,它是一种功能强大、灵活易学的服务器端脚本编程环境。VBScript为ASP的脚本编程语言基础之一。本书主要依据中等职业学校旨在培养应用型、技术型人才这一培养目标而编写,语言通俗易懂。书中通过大量的实例,深入浅出地介绍了VBScript和ASP的有关知识。本书概念清晰、逻辑性强、层次分明、例题丰富,符合教师教学和学生学习的习惯。,书中每章后均附有典型习题,以加强学生的职业技能训练。本书突出操作实践,淡化理论阐述,针对性强,既有计算机语言教学的参考性、可操作性,又有实际开发应用的借鉴性、实用性。本书既可作为中等职业学校教学用书,也可作为初、中级读者的自学参考书。
ASP程序设计实用教程唐建平 等编本书从初学者的角度出发,结合实例介绍用ASP进行网络程序设计的应用技术,主要内容包括用HTML制作网页的基本元素、ASP基础知识、ASP的运行环境、VBSCRIPT基础知识、ASP的内置对象、ASP的组件及ASP与数据库的连接等。后给出了几个综合实例,包括创建留言板、聊天室及BBS论坛等。全书以基本概念为主线,以实例操作为主体,具有较强的可读性与可操作性。本书系统性强、条理清晰、内容完整、图文并茂、实例丰富,适于作为中等职业学校、高职高专及电脑培训学校的教材,也可作为计算机爱好者的自学教材,或供网络技术开发人员参阅。
ASP.NET 2.0 速查手册Imar Spaanjaars 著ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results helps you quickly create dynamic Web pages with ASP.NET 2.0. The book is centered around a dozen ready-to-use projects with all the code for all the projects included on the books CD-ROM - that you can use immediately. ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results dives into working code so you can learn it rapidly. The book and projects are written for intermediate-level programmers with some .NET experience. The projects and book provide a quick start reference so you can use ASP.NET 2.0 immediately. Each of the 12 project features step-by-step set-up instructions with a de*ion of each project that enables you to understand and then modify it so you can reuse it in different situations. The 12 projects covered in the book with complete source-code on the CD are: Online diary and organizer File share Chat server Survey engine CMS Blog Photo album Customer support site WebShop Appointment booking system Greeting cards Bug base Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
ASP.NET 与 Ajax 开发基础教程Wallace B. McClure 著Ajax has the power to revolutionize the way web-based applications are designed. This book provides you with a thorough working knowledge of what Ajax has to offer and how to take full advantage of it in your application development.Following an exploration of how Ajax works with .NET, you'll get acquainted with DHTML, the role of JavaScript and the Document Object Model, and the XMLHttpRequest Object, which is the foundation of Ajax. Then you will examine the Ajax-type features built into ASP.NET and explore the Ajax.NET Professional Library in detail. Finally, you will explore client *ing as well as building and using controls with Microsoft's Atlas. With an entire chapter devoted to debugging, you will have all you need to use this cutting-edge technology.What you will learn from this book* What you can do with the open source Ajax.NET Professional Library* How to use the corresponding functionality, Asynchronous Client Script Callbacks, that comes with ASP.NET 2.0* Techniques for using the XMLHttpRequest Object to communicate between the client web browser and the server* An overview of XML, XSLT, and other ways to send data between client and server* How to integrate Microsoft's Atlas with many of the services available in ASP.NET 2.0 Who this book is for This book is for programmers who use ASP.NET and are just starting to use Ajax technologies to create more responsive, modern applications.Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.