约束研究最新进展 CSCLP 2005国际研讨会Brahim Hnich 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and extended post-proceedings of the Joint ERCIM/CoLogNet International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2005, held in Uppsala, Sweden in June 2005. Besides papers taken from the workshop, others are submitted in response to an open call for papers after the workshop. The 12 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on global constraints, search and heuristics, language and implementation issues, and modeling.
视觉计算进展George Bebis 等著The two volume set LNCS 4291 and LNCS 4292 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2006, held in Lake Tahoe, NV, USA in November 2006.The 65 revised full papers and 56 poster papers presented together with 57 papers of ten special tracks were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 280 submissions. The papers cover the four main areas of visual computing: vision, graphics, visualization, and virtual reality. The following topical sections are addressed: segmentation, tracking, and recognition, virtual reality, rendering, visualization, biomedical image analysis, visual computing and biological vision, understanding and imitating nature: analysis, interpretation, rendering and inspiration of biological forms, multimodal data understanding and visualization for industrial applications, intelligent environments: algorithms and applications, calibration, stereo, and reconstruction, computer graphics, discrete and computational geometry and their applications in visual computing, illumination, color, and texture, energy minimization approaches in image processing and computer vision, soft computing in image processing and computer vision, 4D medical data modeling, visualization and measurement, pattern analysis and recognition applications in biometrics, computer vision and applications.
Altium Designer 22从零开始做工程之高速PCB设计李奇 等本书依据Altium Designer 22版本编写,同时兼容18/19/20/21版本,详细介绍了利用Altium Designer 22实现原理图与PCB设计的方法和技巧。本书结合设计实例,配合大量的示意图,以实用易懂的方式介绍印制电路板设计流程和电路综合设计的方法。 本书共23章,主要内容包括:Altium Designer软件概述及安装,系统参数设置及工程文件管理,元件集成库设计与管理,原理图设计,PCB封装库设计与管理,PCB编辑界面及快捷键运用,原理图验证及输出,PCB结构设计,布局设计,基于华秋DFM的叠层阻抗设计,电源及地平面设计,规则设置,高速PCB布线设计,PCB设计后处理,生产文件输出,华秋DFM设计,Altium Designer高级设计技巧应用,入门案例:单片机PCB设计、RTD271液晶驱动电路板设计,进阶案例:四层摄像头PCB设计,高级实例:六层HDTV主板设计,DDR4设计概述及PCB设计要点,AM335X核心板PCB实例。本书在编写过程中力求精益求精、浅显易懂,工程实用性强,通过实例细致地讲述了具体的应用技巧及操作方法。 书中实例的教学视频和部分源文件,读者可以登录华信教育资源网(http://wwwhxedu comcn)免费注册后再进行下载使用。
SAP ABAP 程序设计基础教程盛国军,黄川林 主编本教材共分两篇,即基础篇和开发篇。基础篇主要介绍了ERP的基本概念,SAP R/3系统的基础知识,ABAP与SAP R/3系统的关系,SAP R/3系统结构及其运行的原理等;开发篇主要介绍了ABAP的语言元素,ABAP数据字典对象,ABAP数据库操作,ABAP选择屏幕、列表屏幕、对话屏幕及控件、表单打印、图形化用户接口、面向对象开发等。本教材每章前面都有单元核心要点,每章后附有思考题和课后练习题。
恶意代码演化与检测方法韩伟杰 薛静锋 著本书针对恶意代码演化对抗检测现状,系统分析了恶意代码为对抗分析而主要采用的演化方式,研究了综合画像和定位机理、特征关联融合与解释方法、全局和局部特征结合分类、样本抽样与家族分类机制、攻击传播特性分析及同源检测,以及APT恶意代码和APT攻击行为检测技术,揭示了恶意代码多样性、多变性的复杂规律,构建了网络空间环境下恶意代码检测框架体系,在推进网络空间安全研究方面具有较强的理论和应用价值。本书可作为从事恶意代码分析与检测方向研究人员的学术参考书籍,也可作为网络安全相关专业本科生和研究生的教材,还适合作为信息安全爱好者的参考书及网络安全管理人员的培训教材。
Matilda 马蒂尔达Roald Dahl 著暂缺简介...
编程统一理论Steve Dunne,Bill Stoddart 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming, UTP 2006, held at Walworth Castle, County Durham, UK, in February 2006. The 14 revised full papers presented, including those by the six invited speakers, were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation at the symposium and went through a second round of improvement after the meeting. Based on the pioneering work on unifying theories of programming by Tony Haare and Jifeng He, UTP 2006 reaffirmed the relevance of the ongoing UTP project and advanced it by focusing on the most significant results and by raising awareness of the benefits of unifying theoretical frameworks among the wider computer science and software engineering communities.
Web框架技术教程张志锋、马军霞、谷培培本书旨在培养学生的Java Web框架技术实践创新和工程能力,为广大读者提供一本Java Web框架知识综合学习和积累项目开发经验的书。 全书理论联系实际,引进以项目为驱动的教学模式,详细系统地讲解Struts2、Hibernate5和Spring5框架技术,将项目开发贯穿整个知识体系。全书共分11章,内容包括Struts2框架技术入门、Struts2核心组件详解、Struts2的高级组件、基于Struts2的个人信息管理系统项目实训、Hibernate5框架技术入门、Hibernate5核心组件详解、Hibernate5的高级组件、基于Struts2 Hibernate5的教务管理系统项目实训、Spring5框架技术入门、Spring5的AOP框架、基于Struts2 Hibernate5 Spring5的校园论坛BBS项目实训。通过30多个小项目和3个大项目的开发实践,使读者能够掌握基本理论知识,并锻炼读者的科学思维能力和综合应用能力。 本书可作为普通高等院校的Java Web框架技术教材,也可作为Java工程师培训教材或作为Java工程师的参考书。
爱上无人机姚俊臣、颜安、肇晓兰中国航空学会组织开发了以人工智能、无人机和航空知识为核心的“爱上无人机系列教材。本书是其中之一。 本书是学习无人机编程知识的基础性教材,通过图形化编程的方式,给学生设计任务,由浅入深地引导学生掌握无人机编程能力。 本书结构清晰,内容丰富,设计精良,寓教于乐,是学校开展人工智能和无人机教育的优选教材,也可供青少年朋友自学。