并行虚拟机与报文传送接口新进展Dieter Kranzlmüller 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European PVM/MPI Users'Group Meeting held in Linz, Austria in September/October 2002.The 50 revised full papers presented together with abstracts of 11 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on Corss Grid, Par Sim, application using MPI and PVM, parallel algorithms using message passing, programming tools for MPI and PVM, implementations of MPI and PVM, extensions of MPI and PVM, and performance analysis and optimization.
分布式系统的大规模管理Radu State 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems, Operations and Management, DSOM 2006, held in Dublin, Ireland in October 2006 in the course of the 2nd International Week on Management of Networks and Services, Manweek 2006.The 21 revised full papers and 4 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on performance of management protocols, complexity of service management, ontologies and network management, management of next generation network and services, business and service management, security and policy based management, short papers, and supporting approaches for network management.
分布式计算与互连网技术 / 国际会议LNCS-4317Sanjay K. Madria 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, ICDCIT 2006, held in Bhubaneswar, India in December 2006.The 24 revised full papers and 10 revised short papers presented together with 1 keynote address and 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 200 submissions. Covering the main areas distributed computing, internet technology, system security, data mining, and software engineering the papers are subdivided in topical sections on wireless sensor network - routing and power control, localization and coverage, mobile adhoc networks - security and reliability, quality of service, grid and distributed computing, Web services and e-commerce, Web databases, data mining, and spatio-temporal databases.
加密硬件与嵌入式系统CHES 2001Cetin K. Koc 著This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cryptoanalysis Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2001, held in Paris, France in Mai 2001. The 31 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on side channel attacks, Rijndael hardware implementation, random number generators, elliptic curve algorithms, arithmetic architectures, cryptanalysis, embedded implementations of ciphers, and side channel attacks on elliptic curve cryptosystems.
嵌入与普及计算的新方向Xiaobo Zhou 等著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the EUC 2006 workshops held in conjunction with the IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, EUC 2006, in Seoul, Korea in August 2006.The 102 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 375 submissions. Topics covered by the six workshops are network-centric ubiquitous systems (NCUS 2006), security in ubiquitous computing systems (SecUbiq 2006), RFID and ubiquitous sensor networks (USN 2006), trustworthiness, reliability and services in ubiquitous and sensor networks (TRUST 2006), embedded software optimization (ESO 2006), and multimedia solution and the assurance in the ubiquitous information systems (MSA 2006).
单片机原理接口及应用林志琦 等编著本书全面深入介绍了51系列单片机原理及应用的书。全书分为单片机基础,单片机C语言,单片机接口及单片机实验四大部分。本书由浅入深,内容丰富、全面,实例新颖、实用。为了方便读者使用,本书配有光盘,在光盘中提供了与本书内容配套的应用程序代码、实验板的实验程序和代码下载软件,以及教学幻灯片、练习题和模拟试题。本书可作为单片机学习者的教材,又可作为单片机开发者的参考工具书,还可作为课程设计、毕业设计及大学生电子设计竞赛的参考书。
电子商务系统分析与设计刘珊慧,鲁燕飞,陈洪 编本书系统地介绍了电子商务系统的结构化系统开发的方法和面向对象开发的方法,特别介绍了UML基础和电子商务网站的设计。全书内容包括电子商务系统从规划、分析到设计的思路和方法,还包括电子商务系统概述、系统开发技术与模式、系统实施、运行维护等内容。本书注重基本概念、基本理论、基本技术的详细介绍,并且根据作者在教学实践中发现的问题,分别采用结构化系统开发和面向对象开发两种方法进行系统分析与设计,并且增加了采用这两种方法进行系统分析设计的说明和规范。本书可作为高等院校电子商务、信息管理、计算机应用等专业本科生的教材,也可作为相关专业的研究生以及电子商务信息系统开发人员和研究人员的参考用书。
DAX设计模式阿尔贝托·法拉里(Alberto Ferrari),马尔科·鲁索(Marco Russo) 著,BI佐罗团队 译Power BI 自 2015 年 7 月发布后,极大地改变了商业智能市场的格局,连续多年被评为商业智能产品的领导者。本书集合了 20 多套运用 Power BI 的 DAX 引擎来处理、分析常见商业问题的即用型解决方案。DAX 设计模式是由 BI 领域专家——阿尔贝托·法拉里和马尔科·鲁索总结并提出的。本书同时使用 Power BI 和 Excel 作为工具进行编写,并对应用模式进行了大幅更新,内容涵盖了时间智能、分组、ABC 分类、客户分析、购物篮分析等常用模式。本书所包含的每一套设计模式都经过不断的实践,被提炼为易用的数据模型和优雅的 DAX 公式。本书适合 Excel 高级用户、商业智能分析人员、使用 DAX 和微软分析工具的专业人士阅读。
Flutter跨平台移动开发实战董运成 著本书主要介绍Flutter框架跨平台开发相关知识,常用学习网址的介绍、相关软件的安装、基本组件的使用、布局、跳转和路由、样式、动画、程序的交互和手势识别、数据存储与访问、状态管理、HTTP网络异步访问、与服务器端数据的交互等内容。 书中以实用为主,理论和实践相结合,结合第三方插件,组件中属性和方法使用的说明,从单个组件的使用到组件之间的组合,重点讲解了与服务器端数据的交互。通过大量代码的演示和讲解,从小项目到一个相对完整的课程项目。能综合运用各种组件,熟练掌握Flutter框架进行软件项目设计开发。为了便于读者理解,书中的每章都配发有操作和讲解演示视频。 另外,通过书中的心情驿站项目案例,详细阐述了如何使用Flutter框架进行跨平台移动开发,内容翔实、步骤清晰,为实际软件项目开发工作提供了现实的参考解决方案。 本书可作为Flutter初学者的入门书籍,也可作为从事跨平台移动开发的技术人员及培训机构的参考资料。
大学生创新创业实践赵玲 著本书共由十六个单元组成,各突出一个主要的语法项目。每个单元以单元要点概述开始。要点概述以若干个简单例句的形式呈现,涵盖了本单元所要讲解的主要语法点。之后是主要语法规则讲解,辅以例句、译文、相应的语法练习,最后是单元要点盘点,以简洁明了的语言重述本单元涉及的语法规则和要点,进一步加深读者的印象。同时本书还有两个附录,分别是不规则动词表和常用语fa术语表。 本书可供中、高级英语学习者学习参考,切实提高语法意识不强、基础薄弱者的英语语法能力,也可作为高等院校英语专业语法教材教学使用。