植物保护技术陈彩贤 编《植物保护技术》主要针对我国华南地区大田农作物有害生物发生及无公害防治和绿色防控技术特点,以培养华南地区从事农作物植保员(三级)职业岗位要求的高等职业技术技能型人才为目标,以华南农作物有害生物无公害防控要求为指导,以植物保护基本理论和实践技能为重点,突出实践技能教学。教材力求反映华南地区有害生物综合防治的地域性、科学性、先进性和实用性。全书共分四个项目,介绍了识别农业有害生物、植物有害生物调查和预测预报、植物有害生物综合防治、农药(械)使用等基础知识,以及地下害虫、水稻、玉米、甘蔗、薯类、大豆、花生等病虫害、农田杂草、农田害鼠、害螨、软体动物等有害生物无公害防控技术。
世界直翅目害虫防治百科全书暂缺作者Acanthacris ruficornis (Fabricius, 1787) (Acrididae) Christiaan Kooyman Green Pest Control Services, Nanyuki, Kenya; cckooyman@gmail.com Acanthacris ruficornis citrina (photo by M. Lecoq) OTHER COMMON NAMES Garden grasshopper (En), Parare-bustani (Swahili). IDENTIFICATION AND DIAGNOSIS Large species with two subspecies: A. r. ruficornis female 5-6.5 cm long; 世界直翅目害虫百科全书2019-1_zw1.indd 3 2020/1/9 9:13:02 4 Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World male 3.5-5 cm; A. r. citrina Female 7.5–9 cm long; Male 5.5–6.8 cm. The colour of the former subspecies is light brown with very dark brown spots on pronotum and tegmina, while the latter is very light brown to yellowish with lighter dark brown spots or hardly any. There is a tendency for individuals to be lighter coloured in drier areas and darker coloured in wetter areas. Nymphs are characteristically mottled darker and lighter green with white spots and lines on pronotum, legs and abdomen. Larger nymphs may be mottled brown. Adults of this species can be distinguished from the other Acanthacris species by the combination of brown to yellow and the deeper trilobate subgenital plate. DISTRIBUTION A. r. ruficornis occurs throughout sub-Saharan Africa from the West African forest zone south to South Africa and east to Saudi Arabia and Yemen. It also occurs on Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands. A. r. citrina is restricted to the Sahelian and Sudanian vegetation belts from Senegal to Sudan and occurs in Morocco and Algeria as well. HOSTS Natural Hosts Feeds on a wide range of broad-leaved plants, often trees and bushes. Nothing is known about its preferences. Major Crop Hosts There are many reports of damage to crops, but in most cases, damage is minor, probably because the species is not usually known for high population densities. Where and when numbers are fairly high, damage to vegetables can be considerable. When high numbers coincide with the forming of new shoots by tree or vine crops, large numbers of shoots may be consumed, as has been reported, e.g., on grape vines in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Damage to coffee berries has also been reported. PLANT DAMAGE/ ECONOMIC IMPACT As mentioned above, damage can be significant when new shoots or berries are attacked. A considerable number of leaves can be damaged or even stripped, especially on fruit trees and vegetables. Though damage to crops can 世界直翅目害虫百科全书2019-1_zw1.indd 4 2020/1/9 9:13:02 5 GARDEN LOCUST occasionally be severe, the pest status of A. ruficornis is relatively low. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY In most places, A. ruficornis has only a single generation. Adults survive the dry season and lay eggs at the start of the rainy season, after which they die. Under unusual circumstances, e.g. in irrigation schemes, there may be several overlapping generations. Egg pods are 4–5 cm long and 1 cm wide, are often slightly curved and contain around 120 eggs that are each 6.5 mm × 1.5 mm. Every egg pod is covered with a froth plug of about 1.5 cm long that protects the eggs from drying out. However, the plug is not very strong in this species and is unlikely to provide much protection against predators. Each female lays up to three egg pods. Depending on the ambient temperatures, the egg stage may last 1–2 months, while hopper development takes from 2 to 4 months. Males go through 6 instars and females through 7 instars. MANAGEMENT Biological Control A product based on spores of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum (strain IMI 330189) is still available in several southern African countries and Madagascar, but not in the rest of Africa. However, a new product based on the strain EVCH077 is nearing registration in West Africa and will be rolled out across the rest of the continent. The spores are applied in an oil suspension. Since the product takes at least 10 days to kill large hoppers and adults (the most damaging stages), early intervention is required to minimise damage. Chemical Control Chemical insecticides are still used in most cases. Since most farmers do not closely monitor this pest species, “quick kill” is often required when infestations become manifest. The only other way to control these grasshoppers is manual removal of nymphs, which is feasible with small-scale infestations that are not too heavy. MAIN INFORMATION SOURCES COPR. 1982. The Locust and Grasshopper Agricultural Manual. Centre for 世界直翅目害虫百科全书2019-1_zw1.indd 5 2020/1/9 9:13:02 6 Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World Overseas Pest Research, London. Lecoq M., 1978. Biologie et dynamique d'un peuplement acridien de zone soudanienne en Afrique de l'Ouest (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.). 14: 603–681.
汪老师的植物笔记汪劲武 著本书以一种植物为一个条目进行讲解,每个条目基本包括植物的彩色照片、科属位置、学名、中文名、英文名、分布范围、形态描述以及作者的观察随笔。部分条目还设有“近缘种”和“逸闻趣事”版块,供读者比较、辨识形态相似或亲缘关系密切的植物种,以及了解与植物相关的文化趣闻。
香蕉枯萎病与生物防治胡伟 著《香蕉枯萎病与生物防治》分为3部分。一部分为一章,详细介绍和分析了香蕉枯萎病的起源、发展、致病机理和防治方法,重点对现有的防治方法、原理及效果进行了阐述。第二部分为第二至第七章,重点介绍了香蕉枯萎病生物防治功能菌株的筛选、鉴定、产业化生产加工、田间施用效果及原理等相关知识,从植物病害生物防治角度出发,以筛选自健康大豆根部内生菌株AF11为研究材料,运用室内分析、盆栽试验、大田试验等多种方法研究其对香蕉枯萎病的防治效果,探讨其防治机理。在此基础上,选择适宜的微生物固定化工艺制备生物有机肥,终通过香蕉组培苗假植基质改良、套作模式配施生物有机肥等相关措施提高生物有机肥防治香蕉枯萎病的能力,寻找土传病害生物防治的田间应用新途径。第三部分为第八章,通过综合第二部分的研究结论,全局性地分析了以菌株AF11为代表的功能性拮抗菌在香蕉枯萎病防治过程中的效果、机理和生物安全性,为香蕉枯萎病的综合防治提供了崭新的方式和高效的手段,并进一步为植物病害防治提出了思路与对策。笔者通过室内分析、田间试验、产业化生产等技术手段探索抑制香蕉枯萎病传播、减少香蕉枯萎病对香蕉产业发展威胁的科学途径,同时集中展示了解淀粉芽孢杆菌在香蕉枯萎病生物防治方面的潜力,为我国香蕉产业防治香蕉枯萎病的研究提供了一份优秀的参考资料。
北方农药新品种实用手册王巍,洪晓燕,张万民 编随着2017年新修订的《农药管理条例》的颁布实施和“ ”三农战略、绿色发展理念的提出,人们对农产品质量安全意识不断增强,社会各界对农药科学安全合理使用、农药管理新政策及绿色无公害实用技术的关注度日益提高,客观上增强了农药科学使用技术推广工作的紧迫性。客观上亟需一本符合生产实际的农药科学使用工具书。《北方农药新品种实用手册》从农药几大类入手,分别给出了各个种类的正名、商品名、厂家、药效及使用规范,又紧密结合药物给出来绿色防控技术,对农业生产起到积极的指导意义。
甘孜州土居害虫刘旭,罗孝贵,石万成 等《甘孜州土居害虫》是一部甘孜州农科所、州植保站、州内各县植保农技部门和四川省农科院植保所等科研单位的科技工作者对全州土居害虫防治研究的历史性成果总结。《甘孜州土居害虫》内容分为四章:一章绪论,介绍土居害虫的发生特点、发生因子及防治措施;第二章甘孜藏族自治州自然概论,重点介绍干燥州地理位置与地形地貌、山脉、河流、气候、植被和农耕制度、土壤的基本情况;第三章甘孜藏族自治州土居害虫区系,介绍该区系的三大特点;第四章甘孜藏族自治州土居害虫的种类及防治,重点介绍了甘孜州4大目100多种土居害虫的重要种类及形态特征、生活习性。《甘孜州土居害虫》对土居害虫重要种类的防治具有实际的指导意义和参考应用价值。