医学图像计算与计算机辅助介入治疗 MICCAI 2002Takeyoshi Dohi 著Together with the companion volume LNCS 2488 this book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2002, held in Tokyo, Japan, in September 2002.The 184 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 321 submissions. The two-volume proceedings offers main topical sections on medical robotics and endoscopic devices; validation; brain tumor, cortex, vascular, and imaging and analysis; segmentation; cardiac applications; computer-assisted diagnosis; tubular structures; interventions; simulation; modelling; statistical shape modelling; image registration; visualization; and novel imaging techniques.
医学成像和扩张的现实Guang-Zhong Yang 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, MIAR 2006, held in Shanghai, China, in August 2006.The 45 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 87 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on shape modeling and morphometry, patient specific modeling and quantification, surgical simulation and skills assessment, surgical guidance and navigation, image registration, PET image reconstruction, and image segmentation.
数字 乳房X线照相术Susan M. Astley 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM 2006, held in Manchester, UK in June 2006.The 52 revised full papers and 34 revised poster papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on breast density, CAD, clinical practice, tomosynthesis, registration and multiple view mammmography, physics models, wavelet methods, full-field digital mammography, and segmentation.
功能磁共振成像彼得·A. 班德蒂尼《功能磁共振成像》对fMRI的发展历史、基本概念、存在的挑战和争议进行了全面而易于理解的阐述,涵盖了fMRI的基本知识。作者在书中分享了他近三年研究的见解和观点,也描述了其他脑成像和评估方法、fMRI对比的来源、从硬件到脉冲序列的基本方法、脑激活实验设计策略,以及数据和图像处理。此外,还有一个单独的章节解释了该领域的主要争议,概述了有助于发展fMRI研究的26个挑战。最后,作者列出了fMRI的四个基本要素:技术、方法、解释和应用。
医学图像计算与机助介入Wiro J. Niessen 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2001, held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in October 2001. The 122 revised papers and 136 posters presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 338 submissions. The book offers topical sections on image-guided surgery; shape analysis, segmentation, computer-aided diagnosis; registration; simulation, planning and modeling; visualization; quantitative image analysis; medical robotics and devices; visualization and augmented reality; and time series analysis.
内镜超声学Robert H. Hawes 等编Practical coverage on "how to perform EUS" with written text describing the technique. The book's two sections help you learn to manipulate the endoscope and interpret what you see, and offer clear diagnostic guidance on each condition you may come across.Offers exquisite full-color illustrations with precise representations of Doppler and correlative endoscopy, pathology, and anatomy, to mirror what you see in practice.Follows a consistent chapter structure for quick and easy reference.Summarizes and analyzes all the evidence for each procedure in an accompanying literature table to save you time in selecting techniques.Includes a bonus CD-ROM with video demonstrations of all EUS procedures to help you understand this dynamic modality.
生活急救常识聂虎、孟晓颜书稿围绕气道异物急救、过敏急救、狗咬伤急救、鼻出血处理、食物中毒处理、腹泻处理、心脏骤停的急救、创伤现场急救、蛇咬伤的急救、中风的早期识别与急救、有机磷农药中毒的急救、虫咬伤的急救、电击伤的急救、溺水的急救、食物中毒的急救、眼内异物的急救等三十二个方面的生活常识处理方案进行了简单的科普描述,图文并茂、文字浅显易懂,可做为生活、家庭的 全书。书稿是华西医学大系中的一本,作者是华西医科大学急救科的专业医生,医学功底扎实,专业技术过硬,可以说是一本医学性、专业性和趣味性并存的科普读物。,书稿围绕气道异物急救、过敏急救、狗咬伤急救、鼻出血处理、食物中毒处理、腹泻处理、心脏骤停的急救、创伤现场急救、蛇咬伤的急救、中风的早期识别与急救、有机磷农药中毒的急救、虫咬伤的急救、电击伤的急救、
菲律宾Philippines 9Chris Rowthorn,Greg Bloom,Michael Grosberg,Ryan Ver Berkmoes 著Escape to the Philippines! An archipelago of natural wonders, the Philippines boasts a string of coral-fringed islands, white-sand beaches and pristine strands of virgin rainforest. From connecting with the friendly locals to diving into clear, blue waters, Lonely Planet will help you unlock the adventures to be enjoyed in this island haven o BE INSPIRED by awe-inspiring natural beauty - the best coverage available, from the rice terraces in the north to the fertile volcanic plateaus in the south o ASK THE EXPERT - from getting started to finding the best dive sites, our special diving chapter shows you the ropes o REST EASY - accommodation options to suit all tastes and budgets, from back-to-nature nipa huts to luxury resorts o GET AROUND with the help of 100 maps to cities, islands, and everywhere in between o TALK THE TALK - make sure you get what you ordered with our handy food glossary and Language chapter作者简介:CHRIS ROWTHORN Chris is a Kyoto-based journalist who has spent the last 12 years in Asia. He travels several times each year in Southeast Asia and he considers Palawan to be one of his favourite places on earth. Chris is a keen diver, snorkeller and trekker, and is happiest when he's in the mountains or snorkelling on a tropical reef somewhere. In addition to being a writer and photographer,Chris is a published cartoonist whose work has appeared in King Features Syndicate's New Breed series in newspapers across the United States. When he's not writing for Lonely Planet, Chris runs tours of Kyoto, Tokyo, Manila and Palawan (www.philippinesprivatetours.com).
Top 3 肌骨影像学鉴别诊断〔美〕杰斯吉特-宾德拉,〔美〕罗伯特-D. 布汀本书分为10章内内容:创伤、骨肿瘤、上肢。下肢、关节病、感染、软组织肿瘤、代谢性肌骨系统疾病,脊柱、儿科或发育性肌骨系统疾病。共包括146个病例,首先列出每个病例的影像图像。临床病史和关键影像学表现,供读者思考和判断,然后列出3个最常见的鉴别诊断以及其他需要鉴别的疾病,最后给出诊断结果,并归纳出诊断要点。该书内容实用,论述简明扼要,可供放射科医师、骨科医师以及对肌骨系统病变感兴趣的医师参考阅读。
现代影像诊断基础周福庆、朱皖、张庆 主编本书包括三个部分:现代放射影像诊断基础、现代超声影像诊断基础、 现代核医学诊断基础,既包括放射影像、超声影像、核医学发展现状的概述,也包括放射诊断的X线、CT和MRI技术进展和临床应用,超声诊断的技术进展及其在腹部、浅表器官、心脏等的应用现状及进展,核医学技术进展、药物和仪器以及在各系统疾病诊断中的应用现状及进展等内容。本书可供医学影像相关专业研究生使用,也可为临床影像科医务工作者处理相关问题提供参考使用。